Saturday, July 31, 2010

The PUSH Continues


"Therefore, confess your sin to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The intense pray of the righteous is very powerful." James 5:16

We are on our third week of PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens. I am very encouraged to have people joining me each morning. How many -- well it really doesn't matter if it is just one or too. I purposed not to get into a numbers game with this initiative. But I have been surprised and pleased that others have been willing to sacrifice this 30 minute block of time Monday - Thursday at 7:30 AM.

I am learning much about prayer (and they say you can't teach and old dog ...). And it seems that right now my spiritual eyes and ears are seeing and hearing things that I hadn't learned before. It's cool.

Jesus had much to say about prayer. The late Dr. Ron Dunn, a Southern Baptist preacher, shared four truths that Jesus taught on prayer:

1. When Jesus encourages us to pray He always uses LIMITLESS language. ("Whatever you ask," "Ask, seek, knock,"). So don't pray as if God has declared bankruptcy!

2. Jesus reminds us to ask in HIS name. ("Whatever you ask in My name" -- according to HIS character, to honor HIS name.)

3. Jesus reminds us HE HIMSELF is the answer. (He didn't say, "I'll give you advice," or "I will help you." He said, "I will do it!" Many of our prayers are limited because we limit in our MINDS what WE think God can do.

4. Jesus assures us HE will answer. ("That the Father may be glorified in the Son" -- the motive behind our asking is the glory of God.)

So brothers, are you willing to pray the way Jesus instructed? Will you join me in the journey and PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens? If you can't meet with physically at America's KESWICK, you can join us at the throne of grace wherever you are! Let me know if you are joining me! It would be a huge encouragement. And share your prayer requests with me. We want to pray with and for you too! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 31; Psalm 54-56; Romans 3

Dig This Quote: I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. May I be happy and contented whether in the homeland or on the foreign field; whether married or alone, in happiness or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or adversity - I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. I want it; oh, I want it. Oswald J. Smith

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Determined Praying: Lack of prayer does not handicap us; it paralyzes us! -- Dr. Warren Wiersbe

Friday, July 30, 2010

Peter Put in His Place


“Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
(Mark 8:33b)

Peter was my favorite of the disciples because I think God made me a lot like him. You know, the sanguine personality who can’t stand quiet so we do the thing at which we are the best, we talk. It has been said of this personality that we talk 15 minutes trying to think of something to say. We are fun to be around, sometimes, for a while, occasionally.

That was Peter; leading with his ready-aim-talk approach to life. It can get you to the head of the class and it can just as easily create embarrassing and awkward moments. This is turn can produce a life of emotional ups and downs.

In the story from Mark 8 we see evidence of those ups and downs. First Peter gallantly answered Jesus’ question about who He is, which resulted in a high five from the Savior. Immediately after that Jesus predicted His looming death only to be rebuked by the same man who just confessed that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Do you see this personality I have described?

Jesus’ response was interesting and thought provoking. He said Peter was thinking like man thinks, not like God thinks. He was accusing Peter of seeing things from a human point of view, not from God’s point of view.

I’m sure it’s not true of you but I have to confess that I make a regular habit of doing the same thing. My first reaction to situations is usually and unfortunately from a human perspective.

The big picture of what Jesus was saying was exactly God’s plan for the ages but Peter saw it from a human point of view. That will always get us in trouble.

We need to work at divorcing ourselves what our culture says, what our society thinks, what they are saying on television and writing in the newspapers and concentrate on seeing things as God sees them.

What is going on right now in your life that you are trying to get a grip on? Are you working at seeing it through the eyes of the one who loved you enough to die for you, cares for you and wants the best for you? Walt Wiley is a dear friend of the ministry of America's KESWICK and the President of Winning With Encouragement

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 30; Psalms 51-53; Romans 2

Dig This Quote: The cross is the model for our unanswered prayer. Somehow, our sense of being forsaken by God in our hour of greatest need can be united by God with Christ's sufferings on the cross - suffering that resulted in the conquest of death and the sending of the Holy Spirit. Can we have the courage to offer our sense of being forsaken up with that of Christ? Can our suffering, united with that of Christ, also lead to the salvation of many? Glen Argan

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Today's devotional is from our KESWICK devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy, please respond to this email.

Determined Praying: Faith's finest work is when believers are effective in prayer.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Perfect Peace


“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” (Isaiah 26: 3-4)

This morning's Freedom Fighter devotional was written by my friend and mentor, the late Dr. Stephen F. Olford. This was one of the last things he penned before he went home to be with the Lord:

THOUGHT: There is a close connection between the opening verses of Isaiah 26 and the words of our text. In his song of victory Isaiah describes a strong city with salvation for its walls and bulwarks and open gates for those whose lives are characterized by righteousness and truth. The prophet then goes on to speak of the security and serenity of those who live within this city of God. So we have:

I. The Source of Perfect Peace. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You…for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” (v.3-4). The source of this wonderful peace is the Lord Jehovah. He is spoken of in these matchless verses as the “everlasting strength” or literally, the “rock of ages.” How comforting to know that in a world where everything seems to be shaking and shifting the Christian can stay his mind upon the Rock of Ages.

II. The Scope of Perfect Peace. “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.” (v.3). The scholars tell us that this should more accurately read, “You will keep him in ‘peace, peace’ whose mind is stayed on You.” The peace which God offers His own people is not intermittent or occasional, but rather like a glorious river ever flowing in its unbroken fullness to the believing heart. (See Phil. 4:7).

III. The Secret of Perfect Peace. “ You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You… Trust in the Lord forever.” (v.3-4). The word for “mind” here is “thought or imagination.” It is within the area of our thoughts and imaginations that unrest, turmoil, and fear begin; but to stay our minds, in simple trust, upon Jehovah is to know perfect peace.

Stayed upon Jehovah,
Hearts are fully blest;
Finding, as he promised,
Perfect peace and rest.
Francis R. Havergal

Determined Digging: Proverbs 29; Psalms 54-56; Romans 3

Dig This Quote: It is of not value to God to give Him your life for death. He wants you to be a “living sacrifice” – to let Him have all your strengths that have been saved and sanctified through Jesus (Romans 12:1). This is what is acceptable to God.

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Join us this morning at 9:30 AM as Dr. Robertson McQuilken shares God's Word. Dr. Bill Jones will be speaking at 7:00 PM. You can watch live at

Determined Praying: A powerful prayer is one that does not let go. It does not quit. -- Michael Catt

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Money Reveals Our Need For Jesus

Money Reveals Our Need for Jesus

Recently we have been talking about how God uses money in the Believers life.

In the last post we discussed how he demonstrates His faithfulness. I really appreciated hearing stories from some of you about how God has been faithful in your lives as you followed His economy. Yes, God is faithful and He will use money to demonstrate His faithfulness.

In addition to demonstrating His faithfulness, I believe that God will use money to reveal areas that we need Jesus.

Galatians 5:19-22 is a rather interesting passage when we read it in the context of how we handle money. If you recall this passage starts out with the phrase in the NAS "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are". The NIV starts the passage out with: "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious". Either translation makes it clear that what follows is going to be a bunch of character traits that God calls sin.

Here are some of the sins that are listed in this passage: idolatry, strife, jealousy, disputes, and envying. Think for a minute how these sins become evident in the way that we handle our money.

Can money be an idol in our lives? Absolutely. Are our lives characterized by hoarding and living for the things that money buys instead of living for Christ? This can be a type of idol worship that separates us from God. Sometimes, in a very subtle way we worship money and the worldly pleasures that come along with it.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? We don't spend time with our families, at church or even in our quiet time with the Lord because we are over committed to our jobs and making money. 1Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5 and Luke 9:25 all caution us against letting money become an idol in our lives.

How about strife and disputes? How many arguments have we participated in about money? Many surveys reveal that the number one cause of divorce in America today is money issues. Even if it does not lead to divorce, I am sure that most of us can identify arguments that were caused by money. 2 Timothy 2:23-24 and 1 Peter 3:8 and many verses in Proverbs call us to live in harmony and avoid strife and arguments.

Have you ever looked at someone else's car or house or clothing (or in my case technology toy) and want one just like it? Isn't that a case of jealousy and envy? Aren't we commanded in Philippians 4:11-13 to be content with whatever we have and in whatever circumstance God has placed us?

In discussing finances and money over the years, I have seen arguing about money, idolizing money and a lack of contentment with the amount of money God has supplied. Is the answer to these problems more money?

No, the answer is Jesus. If we continue to read in Galatians 5 we see that a Spirit filled life which is a result of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ leads to contentment, peace and the proper priorities.

Yes, I believe that God uses money in our lives to reveal our need for Jesus. -- George Hutchison is an instructor at Crown Financial and serves on the Board of America's KESWICK
Digging Deeper: Proverbs 28; Psalms 46-48; Acts 28
Dig This Quote: Maturity is learning to get along with other people, to be a help, not a hindrance, to contribute to the solution and not to be always a part of the problem. John R. Stott
Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10
Join us this morning at 9:30 AM as Dr. Robertson McQuilken shares God's Word. Dr. Bill Jones will be speaking at 7:00 PM. You can watch live at

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lessons Learned from the First Chapter in the Bible

Lessons Learned from the First Chapter in the Bible

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
In the beginning God (Genesis 1:1), In the beginning the word (Jesus) was (John 1:1)and the Holy Spirit also was (Genesis 1:2). Since the trinity worked in unison to create the creation it is proper to assume that all of God is at work in His new creation--you and me.

Today let us see how God worked in His first creation. He took the chaos and turned it into cosmos. He can take the chaotic life and re-create a new life in each one of us. Notice that the first act of creation was both light and darkness. Do not assume that darkness is just the absence of light. Much darkness (shadows) is caused by the light. Perhaps we will struggle with light and darkness until we move into the “land of endless day”

in John 1:4, he wrote “the light could not be stopped by darkness. In his epistle 1John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. We need to always look for the light and walk in the light and seek fellowship with others who walk in the light.

It is easy to stumble when walking in darkness and when avoiding Christian fellowship. While in the support groups like the Colony of Mercy, we have light all around us and fellowship with Christians. When we are away from such an environment, however, it is easy to stray.

Straying sheep are not wayward sheep. They are not rebellious sheep or even sheep that are comfortable walking in darkness. They are not where they want to be. They look up and find that they cannot see the Shepherd. They stray by following other sheep instead of their Shepherd. A stray sheep cannot find its way home.

A stray begins to bleat or we would say cry out for help. The cry could attract a wolf, or even other shepherds, but Jesus assures us that His sheep will hear His voice and they will not follow any other shepherd. Stay in the word until you can hear His voice and follow him until you are no longer a stray. -- Pastor Van is a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter and is serving this summer as Campus Pastor at America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 27; Psalms 43-45; Acts 27:27-44

Dig This Quote: What a blessing it is when in the midst of our discouragements and sometimes our self-aversion because of failures or littleness of spirit we are able to look away to this glorious fact of our relationship to God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Nighness is brought about by Christ dwelling in us....Christ brings God to us and brings us to God. Nighness or nearness results in blessing. He who is near to God has access to the divine resources of blessing and help.-- Harold Ockenga

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Join us this morning at 9:30 AM as Dr. Robertson McQuilken shares God's Word. Dr. Bill Jones will be speaking at 7:00 PM. You can watch live at

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Warning in the Garden

The Warning in the Garden

“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.' Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.” Gen 3:1-6 (NKJV)

Man was it hot and boy did I get sunburned but there was something to glean out of it. I went to Ocean Grove, NJ and attended an event called “Bridgefest”. A local Christian radio station has put on this event for the past five years and they seem to get better as they go along. This year my family and I went for the whole two days of “Bridgefest and I had heard some and had seen some pretty cool God moments. One of these moments happened in the Tabernacle when Pastor Rodney Finch took the Pulpit. This brother didn’t shout to the heavens but I heard him loud and clear. Good Preaching!!

Pastor Rodney asked us to take a look at 1 John 2:15 and he pretty much was laying down a foundation for the thing that came out hotter than the afternoon sun. It happens right at verse 16 where we read, “For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world.” He tells us about these three points, what the lust of the flesh is about, what the eyes can tend to lust for and what the pride of life really means in the and to the Greek but then he asks us to go back into Genesis, right at the moment when Eve was tempted.

There is a great parallel in this and I will borrow it from Pastor Rodney’s message, so let’s run the first parallel…the lust of the flesh/tree was good for food. This is where out crafty adversary begins his deception with all of us and John is reinforcing it to a post-Jesus world. John tells us quite clear what Paul has made quite clear when Paul said all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. The tree was good for food but instruction was quite clear. The second parallel…the lust of the eyes/that it was pleasant to the eyes. That must have been one attractive piece of fruit. I had a dialog with a reader from Brazil recently and we have both agreed that this ain’t no apple either. The Bible doesn’t tell us what kind of fruit but it must have been the “Bling-Bling” of its time. None the matter however the instruction was quite clear.

The third parallel… the pride of life/and a tree desirable to make one wise. Here is the shot between the eyes. Here is where the Devil has the audacity to say we will be like God. The instruction was quite clear. Even he knew better than that but Satan doesn’t want us to get home does he? No he doesn’t, not at all. He just wants to see us separated from his and our Creator. And John wanted us to see that in the worst way. By telling us all that the world around us is passing away and that, “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” Even if this isn’t the exact last hour let us all be mindful of this parallel. It is at the beginning of the book and John reminds us towards the end. The instruction is quite clear.

Why do I keep saying “the instruction was quite clear”? Because God, at one time or another, has spoken or done something in our lives where it was better to simply obey than to waste time pondering why. I have walked into those moments myself and I can tell you honestly that I changed my name to Jonah and went hiding in the boat waiting for the storm to pass. Did it work for me? Well…did it work for Jonah? Right now I believe that God has me studying His word in a parallel way so that Jesus Christ can be revealed to me in a way I have not experienced before. I have been going N.T only to go back into the O.T. and I can tell you that the time I spent in the blazing sun this past “Bridgefest” was worth going the distance. I just hope the sunburn doesn’t hurt too much as time goes by. So Brother, are you spending time in the blazing Son? If you are you’ll understand that the Son-screen does not work. -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 26; Psalm 40-42; Acts 27:1-26

Dig This Quote: “If the devil were wise enough and would stand by in silence and let the Gospel be preached, he would suffer less harm. For when there is no battle for the Gospel it rusts and it finds no cause and no occasion to show its vigor and power. Therefore, nothing better can befall the Gospel than that the world should fight it with force and cunning.” Martin Luther

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Determined Praying: Brokennes is the "woe is me" before we can say, "God, use me." -- Michael Catts

Join us this morning at 9:30 AM as Dr. Robertson McQuilken shares God's Word. Dr. Bill Jones will be speaking at 7:00 PM. You can watch live at

Sunday, July 25, 2010

TE DEUM -- A Declaration of Praise

TE DEUM -- A Declaration of Praise

Here is a great creed to think through as we celebrate this Lord's Day ...

We praise Thee, O God;
We acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship Thee, the Father everlasting.
To Thee all angels cry aloud; the heavens and all powers therein.
To Thee cherubim and seraphim continually do cry;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabbaoth,
Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory,
The glorious company of the apostles praise Thee.
The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise Thee.
The noble army of martyrs praise Thee.
The holy Church, throughout all the world, doth acknowledge Thee.
The Father of an infinite majesty;
Thine adorable, true and holy Son;
Also the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
Thou art the King of glory, O Christ.
Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.
When Thou lookest upon Thee to deliver man,
Thou didst humble Thyself to be born of a virgin.
When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death,
Thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge.
We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants,
Who, Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious blood.
Make them to be numbered with Thy saints in glory everlasting.
O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thy heritage.
Govern them, and lift them up forever.
Day by day we magnify Thee;
And we worship Thy name ever, world without end.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep this day without sin.
O Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us.
O Lord, let Thy mercy be upon us, as our trust is in Thee.
O Lord, in Thee I have trusted;
Let me never be confounded.

Great creed of praise for this Lord's Day. Join us starting this evening for VICTORY WEEK #1. Drs. Bill Jones and Robertson McQuilken will be sharing the WORD at America's KESWICK. You can watch tonight's service right from our website: beginning at 6:30 PM -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 25; Psalms 37-39; Acts 26

Dig This Quote: Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work with the situation more effectively. David McArthur

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Determined Praying: When was the last time you asked God for something that was beyond your ability? When did you last approach the throne of grace with confidence for something that you couldn't figure out or take credit for? Have you stopped trusting Him to save people? Have you given up on impossible situations? -- Michael Catt

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Have To Need To Want To

Have to Need to Want to

Psalm 24:3,4 Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.

Any time I come across a verse of scripture that asks a question it always gets my attention. As I consider the answer that is given I can think of how to apply it to my walk with the Lord.

First thing is to clean my hands, this was always the case when I was a kid that had to happen before dinner. It‘s what I call the “have to”. Before we can come before the Lord I believe there are some things that have to be cleaned up. To me it’s the confession and repentance part, The “have to”. It’s a good place to be but we don’t want to stay there. No relationship will last if we are in it because we have to be.

Next is the “pure heart”, this to me is only possible when we make room for the Holy Spirit to use conviction in our lives. It’s what I call the “need to”. You know that feeling of God pressing in on you to move in a certain direction, that uncomfortable tug that won’t let us rest until we do something. “I really need to…..” A good place, but we need to move on. Again nobody wants to be with somebody because they “need to”.

And finally “who has not lifted his soul to an idol”. This is where freedom is, the choosing to make the Lord “The Lord”. We all have our idols that become the thing that excites us. But when we “want to” be with the Lord, now that’s a different story. I love when I wake up and “want to” be with my wife or “want to” go to work. It’s an attitude that when we follow this example can become a reality. But like my friend Carl says “Don’t get it Twisted”. It always starts with turning away from that thing that has taken residence over God.

When we have reached the gratitude stage we realize we “get to”. I “get to” be with the Lord, be with my wife or have a job. Thank you Lord for your goodness towards me. -- Rob Russomano is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and serves on the full-time ministry team at America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 24; Psalm 35-36; Acts 25

Dig This Quote: God is waiting anxiously to lead each of us in the dance of praise." God is on a mission - a quest. He is looking for worshipers. As he constantly draws each of us into a deeper and more intimate friendship with himself, he is creating within us hearts that will praise him. Claire Cloninger

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: I believe we are to pray and seek and ask and knock and trust God with the results. God may, in fact, be more willing to work than we are willing to pray. -- Michael Catt

Friday, July 23, 2010

MACO 103

MACO 103!!

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself” Ephesians 5:25-28 (ESV)

So my wife and I are sitting in front of the television one night to watch a DVD about building a healthy marriage while encouraging and strengthening others when “Sweet Holy Moly” (recited in the tone of the guys in that Metro PC commercial) it’s Ed Hindson of that show called “The King is Coming” on one of those Christian channels we got on the cable box.

Well we both thought this would get interesting since we watch him regularly and we both think he is sorta on the ball with what he goes over on his television show. I was just hoping that he would give me enough time to continue working on my marriage before Jesus comes back and reclaims the earth for the Father. To my surprise he never went there. But I will share where I went with what I got from the DVD.

In the Book of Matthew the Pharisees approached Jesus and asked Him, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” Now the one thing about the Pharisees that I have noticed is that they always went after our Lord and Savior with His Father’s own words but with a twist. Sound familiar? The Garden, the serpent and we never really know that the serpent is the Devil until we read it in the Book of Revelation but it was still the Devil. (There is my Hindson twist by the way.) Anyway, Jesus answers them by saying, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Well let’s look at the beginning. In Genesis 2:18-23 God realizes that man cannot be alone in His creation. So He forms Eve from Adam’s rib and its love at first sight for Adam. Adam realizes that Eve has been created from him. Both have been created in the image of God uniquely and this marriage is an invention of God Himself. And as we look at the invention of marriage in both the Old and the New Testament we see three important things. Marriage was created and instituted by God Himself. Marriage was meant to last and marriage is a covenant relationship between man, woman and God. And I will stretch it out to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

So as the Pharisees continue with their test of Jesus they ask, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” Then Jesus tells them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.” When I look at Deuteronomy 24, where the Pharisees get their argument from, I can see why Jesus takes His stand on marriage. “When a man takes a wife and marries her, if then she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her.” What would happen to us if Jesus found no favor with all of us? After all, haven’t we’ve been “indecent” in the eyes of our Heavenly Father from time to time. Would Jesus just simply write us off?

In Ephesians Paul explains to us the importance of marriage. It is the illustration we need to see so we all can see how Jesus wants His church to be. So Husbands…love your wife as Christ loves the church. He wants to be reconciled with us and the sooner some of us get it through our thick skulls that if God is willing to reconcile with the fallen world through His own Son, who are we to find any “indecencies” with our own spouses that are unforgivable. When it’s all been said and done, I do not want to face the Savior only to have Him hand me a certificate of divorce and send me on my way. Do you? -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 23; Psalm 33-34; Acts 24

Dig This Quote: “Marriage was designed from the beginning to display the new covenant between Christ and the church. We have seen this in Ephesians 5:31-32. The very essence of this new covenant is that Christ passes over the sins of his bride. His bride is free from shame not because she is perfect, but because she has no fear that her lover will condemn her or shame her because of her sin. This is why the doctrine of justification by grace through faith is at the very heart of what makes marriage work the way God designed it. Justification creates peace with God vertically, in spite of our sin. And when experienced horizontally, it creates shame-free peace between an imperfect man and an imperfect woman.” John Piper

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: Powerful praying demands discipline and patience. God is not a bellhop who comes running at the snap of our fingers. God wants us to stretch ourselves in the realm of prayer. When was the last time you asked God for something YOU couldn't figure out? -- Michael Catt

Thursday, July 22, 2010


P. U. S. H

With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. -- Ephesians 6:18

Several years ago my good friend, Dr. E. Glenn Wagner, sent me a card with the word PUSH written on one side. The back of the card said this:
Push Until Something Happens.

Well the Lord has been hammering me about digging deeper in my prayer life, but personally and corporately. The phone at America's KESWICK is ringing off the hook with people sharing burdens, needs and heartaches.

There are families in crisis. People are going through unusual trials. Financial issues. Health crisis es. Last night we received word that one of our recent Colony of Mercy residents was found dead. And the list goes on.

This week we begin seven weeks of intense ministry at America's KESWICK. Hundreds of people will be on campus to DIG DEEPER INTO GOD'S WORD. Our desire is that God will speak to hearts and transform lives.

Beginning this morning, we will be meeting together for prayer from 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM to PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens. If you are local, you are welcome to join us. If you can't join us in person, you can meet us at the throne of grace in spirit.

Come for as long as you can, and leave when you must (well, I borrowed that slogan from the Boardwalk Chapel ... borrowed sounds better than stolen!). There is no agenda other than PRAYER. You can come and pray standing, kneeling, sitting. You can pray silently, or cry out to God.

I shared with you a DIG THIS Quote last week. You might have missed it:

"Whoever wants the next generation most will get them. I want to see the church militant, aggressive, passionate, and revived. It will not happen apart from prayer and unity. -- Michael Catts

If you have a pressing need, I have some folks who have made a commitment to PUSH with you at the throne of grace. Email me your prayer requests and we will PUSH with you.

This special prayer meeting will be held Monday through Thursday in Seminar Room B which is located in the Raws Auditorium building. I trust you will join me as together we Dig Deeper into prayer -- PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 22; Psalm 31-32; Acts 23:16-35

Dig This Quote: God is determined to have His child as pure, clean, and white as snow driven snow, and as long as there is disobedience in any point of His teaching, He will allow His Spirit to use whatever process it may take to bring us to obedience. – Oswald Chambers

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: When God's people face tough times, that's when they need to turn up the heat in prayer. Tough times are no time for God's people to sit by, cold and indifferent. -- Michael Catts

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Law, A Lesson, and a Legacy

A Law, a Lesson, and a Legacy

The Word of God continually amazes me with its practicality. We try to make life so complicated and confusing. God teaches us how to remove the complications and confusion and live life in practical ways that help us become more like Jesus.

The Galatian church was a mess! If you read the whole letter, you will see that the believers there struggled with life, doctrine, and people who were trying to lead them away from their freedom in Christ. Paul gave them some practical advice in the last chapter of his letter—advice that came in the form of instruction and example.

First, he spoke of a law they should have already known. It is the “law of Christ,” and it is a law for relationships. Read vss. 1-6 of the chapter and discover that this law teaches us how to manage relationships, even with those who struggle with sin or carry heavy burdens. That brings me to my second thought.

Paul also teaches the Galatians and us a lesson in responsibility. Most of us are familiar with Galatians 6:7: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Most of us don’t like taking responsibility for our actions; that is what gets many of us in trouble. Every problem comes because of something other than our conduct, attitude, or speech. Nothing is ever our fault!

The Apostle says “not so!” What comes our way is most often a direct result of how we have lived our lives. The lesson Paul teaches us reminds us that choosing to live responsibly will bring blessing in this life and in eternity.

Finally, Paul speaks of his desired legacy. In Galatians 6:14, Paul says But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .. Paul, with all his personal accomplishments wanted nothing more than to leave a legacy of glory in the cross of Jesus! That desire reflected humility of heart and a rule for his life.

From where I sit, this is practical instruction every Freedom Fighter needs. Even more, it is instruction we can live out in the power of God’s Spirit. May God help us choose the simple practicality of His Word over the complications and confusions that so often plague us! -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 21; Psalms 29-30; Acts 23:1-15

Dig This Quote: Why are we content to live like paupers rather than live like sons and daughters of the King? We need to live like King’s kids! – Bill Welte

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:8; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: When God's children face godless times, that's when they need to turn up the heat in prayer. Tough times are no time for God's people to sit by, cold and indifferent. -- Michael Catt

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Good Unless Endorsed


“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God –
and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” (1 Corinthians 1:30

In the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Proverbs, the term wisdom is often used to refer to the character of God. In the New Testament, there is further clarification of it in terms of its being invested in the person of Jesus Christ. “For it pleased the Father that in Him (Christ) all the fulness should dwell.” (Colossians 2:3). Our theme verse indicates that this wisdom invested in Jesus Christ is for us.

It is possible to paraphrase the verse to say in effect that Christ Jesus was made over to us and for our benefit. This One in whom the very wisdom of God is deposited is now delivered over to us who are in Him. In terms of a banking transaction, this would be a divine deposit made payable to us in the person of Christ (“In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”).

From the divine standpoint the deposit has already been made and the benefit is available to all who are in Christ. However, before the benefit of this can be realized, we must endorse it by faith. A check may be donated based on a sound deposit, but if it is not endorsed by the recipient, it is of no benefit.

How can the benefits of the wisdom of God be described? There are three elements listed: righteousness – the status of being right with God, sanctification – the status of being set apart to God, and redemption – the ultimate release and deliverance awaiting us on the basis of the price paid at Calvary.

Have you endorsed by faith the deposited riches that God made payable to you in Christ? -- Pastor Bill Raws is the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK and served at Keswick for over 50 years ...

Today marks the anniversary of the home-going of Pastor Bill Raws. Even though it has been two years, Tuesday’s are still very hard for me personally. Pastor Bill and I met every Tuesday to pray and share. I still wait for the sound of his jogging suit rustling as he walked down the hall, and then he would always snap the rubber band around his Daytimer, which was my signal that he was outside of my office! We praise the Lord for the life and legacy of this giant of the faith. Pastor Bill, we love and miss you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 20; Psalms 26-28; Acts 22

Dig This Quote: "One of the most fascinating things about leadership is that sometimes a person you least expect will step up and emerge as a leader. It can happen at any time, but it has been my experience that any emerging leader possesses two key traits...attitude and heart." ~Mac Anderson

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Joy of His Presence

Our Spiritual Enrichment week begins tonight at 7:00 PM and runs through Thursday evening. Morning sessions are at 9:30 AM. Come and join us as we DIG DEEPER INTO God's WORD -- Exploring the Book of Psalms. The sessions will be held at the Colony of Mercy Chapel. Call for information: 732-350-1187

The Joy of His Presence

Here is a powerful reading from HYMNS FOR THE FAMILY OF GOD. The reading was compiled by Gloria Gaither. It is a great reading for this Lord's Day:

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.

Calm my spirit, Lord. Stop the churning inside of me caused by the rush of getting everyone fed and here on time. Quiet my confusion, Lord. In all the tension of getting here, I know I made the effort because I really do need You. Lord, speak to me in the quietness.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise; be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good.

I am thankful, Lord, for what we have. But this week has been so hectic, and it seems that no matter how hard I work and how well I plan, there is always something I didn't plan on, and there isn't enough time to go around. Forgive me, Lord, for letting worry get in the way of my gratitude. You are good to us, Lord. We do have so much to praise you for.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.

It's hard to sing so early in the morning. And it's hard to come here with gladness too sometimes. It was not so easy serving You this week at school -- and especially hard to keep the joy. This world is not very fair and it seems like I can't do much to change things. But I know that it's just hard because the problems are so close to me that I can't seem to see the answers. But I do know that You're the answer -- and for that I will sing to You with my whole heart.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He restores my soul.

Restore my soul, O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which You have broken may rejoice. Cast me not away from Your presence; and take not Your Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with Your free spirit.

Good reading to set your heart in the right direction as you worship Him today -- your audience of ONE! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 18; Psalm 20-22; Acts 21:1-17

Dig This Quote: Give Him time to do great things. The greater the work He plans, the greater the prayer preparation that may be necessary, including prayer for guidance. God often waits so that He can be even more gracious (Isa. 30:18). Wesley L. Duewel

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: Our churches [and ministries] are powerless because they are prayerless. We generally do a lot WORRYING on our knees than praying, then, we get up and continue to worry. -- Michael Catts

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Concept of Divine Control

The Concept of Divine Control

" ... how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" —Matthew 7:11

This is a classic devotional written by Oswald Chambers. I first shared this with our Freedom Fighter family in 2008!

Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct in this passage for those people who have His Spirit. He urges us to keep our minds filled with the concept of God’s control over everything, which means that a disciple must maintain an attitude of perfect trust and an eagerness to ask and to seek.

Fill your mind with the thought that God is there. And once your mind is truly filled with that thought, when you experience difficulties it will be as easy as breathing for you to remember, “My heavenly Father knows all about this!” This will be no effort at all, but will be a natural thing for you when difficulties and uncertainties arise.

Before you formed this concept of divine control so powerfully in your mind, you used to go from person to person seeking help, but now you go to God about it. Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct for those people who have His Spirit, and it works on the following principle: God is my Father, He loves me, and I will never think of anything that He will forget, so why should I worry?

Jesus said there are times when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but you should trust Him. At times God will appear like an unkind friend, but He is not; He will appear like an unnatural father, but He is not; He will appear like an unjust judge, but He is not.

Keep the thought that the mind of God is behind all things strong and growing. Not even the smallest detail of life happens unless God’s will is behind it. Therefore, you can rest in perfect confidence in Him. Prayer is not only asking, but is an attitude of the mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural. “Ask, and it will be given to you . . .” (Matthew 7:7 ).

Good reminder for all of us today. Have a great Saturday, brothers. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 17; Psalm 18-19; Acts 20:17-38

Everywhere and always God is with us, near to us and in us. But we are not always with Him, since we do not remember Him; and because we do not remember Him we allow ourselves many things which we would not permit if we did remember. Take upon yourself this task - to make a habit of such recollection. Make yourself a rule always to be with the Lord, keeping your mind in your heart, and do not let your thoughts wander; as often as they stray, turn them back again and keep them at home in the closet of your heart, and delight in converse with the Lord. Theophan

Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: Prayer honors God, acknowledges his being, exalts His power, adores His providence, secures His aid. -- E. M. Bounds

Friday, July 16, 2010

No Alternative


“But Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’” (John 6:68)

Some years ago a man blamed God for the death of his wife. Consequently, he renounced his faith in Christ. He tried several other religions and for a while became convinced that the universe contained two opposing powers, one good and the other evil, neither of which is all-powerful. To him this explained why evil could be so prevalent. Then he decided that God had to be good but co-existing with other impersonal forces over which He does not have absolute power.

Sometime later he met a Buddhist and was drawn to the idea that all evil is illusion and he could escape this world through meditation. But when things continued to go wrong he sensed he was just kidding himself. Eventually the man came back to the Christian faith. When asked what brought him back, he said, “It’s simple. I came back to the Bible and rediscovered it’s power, simply allowing myself to trust God.” He searched in vain for answers and finally he decided simply to trust God because he could not identify an acceptable alternative.

Have you had difficulty explaining God, or even understanding Him? Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, There just has to be another explanation for why things are the way the are. Maybe God doesn’t even exist. Perhaps you’ve searched for an alternative to the God of the Bible but, like this man, have come up empty.

Often Jesus’ disciples didn’t understand either. Frequently they were riddled with doubts about the Savior. When some of Jesus’ followers deserted the Savior He turned to the Twelve and asked, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” In a moment of singular insight Peter responded, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

When you find it difficult to comprehend the way of Christ, consider the alternative. God doesn’t ask us to understand everything the Savior taught, but He expects us to obey what we do understand. Don’t worry about what you cannot explain. Just obey what you can explain. There is no alternative to Jesus. Only He has the words of eternal life. Dr. Woodrow Kroll is the President of Back to the Bible, and will be speaking at America's KESWICK Labor Day Weekend.

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 16; Psalm 16-17; Acts 20:1-16

Dig This Quote: Prayer is not incidental to the work of God -- it is the work!

Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: The strength of the church has never been in programs, numbers, or events, but in prayer and obedience. God is not interested in our innovative methods. He is not impressed with our twenty-first century technology. God is still moved by the prayers of the simple saints who learn in the quiet place to lay hold of the throne of grace. -- Michael Catt

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How Does God Use Money in My Life

How Does God Use Money in My Life

In the last post I made the statement that part of true Financial Freedom includes allowing God to use money in our lives. What exactly does that mean and how does God use money in our lives? That is what I would like to discuss over the next few weeks. I would really appreciate hearing from you how God has used money in your life.

Let me begin by saying that I believe that one of the main ways that God will use money in our lives is to demonstrate His faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 says "The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail, They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness."

I am sure that I was not alone this week as I was reminded of this truth along with other "first wave baby boomers". It was a shock when I opened my retirement portfolio statement and saw the personalized affect of an 11% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial average during May and June. I quickly need to reacquaint myself with Deuteronomy 8:17-18 where Moses reminded Israel that it was God who would give them the power to make wealth. Not my financial adviser or the stock market or anything else other than God. Our security rests in God and not in a bank account or a retirement portfolio.

Over the last 20 years, I have had the privilege of looking at many families and individuals personal finances. I must say that many times from a human perspective, I have come to the conclusion that there was no way that some of these folks could make financial ends meet. But time and time again, I have seen God prove Himself faithful and meet these needs through means that could only be explained only as God's faithfulness.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that God will ignore the consequences of violating His financial principles that He clearly outlines in the Bible. We have discussed many of these principles such as the stern warning of careless debt. I have seen many Christians (and non-Christians) continue to struggle with the consequences of too much debt as well as the consequences of violating other biblical principles. But what I am saying is that if we commit ourselves to following Christ and living by His principles He will be faithful. And many times He will use money to demonstrate His faithfulness.

I have seen families and individuals committed to the Lord see financial needs met in ways that can only be explained by God's faithfulness. I would love to give you some of the names
of these people that are a living testimony to God's faithfulness in meeting their financial needs.
One of the most precious examples of God's faithfulness was my father in law.
The more I got to know my father in law, the more I realized that his one desire in life was to share the Gospel. I am ashamed to say that sometimes I would be embarrassed to be with him as he would witness to every person that would come across his path. When my father in law retired, I remember thinking that my in-laws did not have near enough money to last through their retirement years.

Pop-Pop went home to be with the Lord (and reunited with many brothers and sister in Christ) in 2001. My mother in law is still alive and in relatively good health. They both enjoyed a retirement that exceeded their expectations and also the standard of living they enjoyed while working. The details of how God provided for this can only be explained as God's faithfulness.
Yes, God is faithful and He will use money to demonstrate His faithfulness. -- George Hutchison serves on the Board of America's KESWICK and is an instructor with Crown Financial. You can sign up to receive his blog, STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT from our website:
Dig This Quote: Following the Lord's commands is more than dutiful doing. Through actively walking with God, we are conformed to His will; and as we walk, our faith to follow Him increases. by freely responding to the grace of obedience with our whole hearts, we enter a realm of trust in God. Debra Evans
Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5
Determined Praying: When we pray, we partner with the supernatural. We change the ordinary to the extraordinary and the mundane to the miraculous. -- Michael Catt

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does Your Mind Wander When You Pray?

Does Your Mind Wander When You Pray?

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. Psalm 5:3

I find myself so easily distracted -- especially when I am praying. If I am not careful, I am thinking about other things rather than concentrating on my conversation with the Father.

I recently read a teaching on how to discipline the mind from wandering. It's from the pen of Puritan preacher, Thomas Manton, who wrote these words in the late 1600's. They are as practical today as they were back then:

1. We must wait on HIM for the power of His grace.

2. Meditate on the greatness of God. He writes: "When you pray ... imagine yourself in heaven in the midst of the blessed angels standing before all -- seeing God. O with what reverence, with what fear, should a poor worm creep into His presence! Wow!

3. Seek to put to death the lust that are apt to draw away our minds.

4. Prepare for prayer. Resolve to shut your heart against God's enemy and direct it only to God.

5. Focus on your purpose. The devil's policy is to cheat us of the present duty by casting a thought of blasphemy; that should make us quake and shake!

6. Develop spiritual affections and you will find it more delightful to converse with God. Is there any better company than God's when we seek our soul's good?

7. Consider the weight of responsibility. Are we not dealing with life and death issues?

8. Promote solemn meditation in the things of God. As a man entertains truth in his heart, he will be ready in word and affection to avoid so frequent distractions. -- adapted from Voices from the Past ... Puritan Devotional Readings -- Banner of Truth -- This book is available from the Keswick Online Store

I trust that these eight principles will help you if you struggle with wandering thoughts when you pray. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 14; Psalms 7-9; Acts 18

Dig This Quote: His presence is known when we meditate on the fact that the sands of the sea are numbered by Him, that He keeps a count of the waves. Astounded, we reflect that every drop of rain, every day and every hour of all the centuries, everything past and everything to come are all facts of which He is aware. John Cassian

Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: Who ever wants the next generation most, gets them. -- Michael Catt. So who do you want to capture the hearts of your kids and grandkids? Pray for them!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pray for Your Kids -- It's a Matter of Life and Death (Part 2)

Pray for Your Kids -- It's A Matter of Life and Death (Part 2)
Yesterday I shared with you some insight on how to pray for your kids. Dads -- it's time we stepped up to the plate and prayed for our kids and grandkids. Don't just let your wife be the one praying. WE NEED TO PRAY TOO!
Michael Catt, Senior Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church, shares several additional ways that we can pray for our kids and grandkids:
1. Pray that they will know Christ early in life (Psalm 63:1; Isaiah 45:8; 2 Timothy 3:15).
2. Pray they will have a hatred for sin (Psalm 97:10; Romans 16:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:6).
3. Pray they will get caught whenever they sin (Psalm 119:71).
4. Pray they will be protected from evil influences in their lives (Proverbs 3:3; John 17:15)
5. Pray they will have a responsible attitude in all their personal relationships (Proverbs 1:10-11; 1 Corinthians 15:33)
6. Pray that your children will be kind (1 Thessalonians 5:15) and generous (1 Timothy 6:18-19).
7. Pray they maintain humility (Philippians 2:1-5; Titus 3:2) and a servant's heart (Ephesians 6:7).
8. Pray they are pure in heart (Psalm 51:10; Matthew 5:8).
9. Pray for your kids to have courage to do the right things (Deuteronomy 31:6) with self-discipline (Proverbs 1:3).
10. Pray they will persevere and finish well (Hebrews 12:1).
11. Pray they will respect those in authority over them (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:17).
12. Pray they will be kept from the wrong mate and save themselves for the right one
13. Pray that your home will be a spiritual haven; a fortress, and a beacon of truth and abundant life (Psalm 19:10; 63:8; 96:3; 2 Peter 3:18).
These are very practical ways to pray for your kids and grandkids. Pray the Scriptures that are attached to each point. And here is the cool thing -- my guess is as you pray for them, God will be doing something in our hearts as well!
Pray for your kids and grandkids -- it is a matter of life and death! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Digging Deeper: Proverbs 13; Psalm 7-9; Acts 18
Dig This Quote: You must stay upon the Lord; and come what may - winds, waves, cross-seas, thunder, lightning, frowning rocks, roaring breakers - no matter what, you must lash yourself to the helm, and hold fast your confidence in God's faithfulness, His covenant engagement, His everlasting love in Christ Jesus. Richard Fuller
Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5
Determined Praying: When we work, we work. When we pray, God works. -- Michael Catts

Monday, July 12, 2010

Praying for Your Kids and Grandkids -- It's A Matter of Life and Death

Praying for Your Kids and Grandkids -- It's A Matter of Life and Death
I had a wake-up call this weekend. Emma Grace almost drowned in our kid's pool. She decided to climb in the pool without her "swimmies" while Jan, and our two pregnant daughters were on the deck.
Our grandson, Tanner was in the pool, and he screamed for help. Thankfully, the wife of a Colony grad who was visiting Julie and Garrett literally took a flying leap, clothes and all, and jumped into the pool. Granny and two "preggies" felt helpless. God saved Emma's life.
A week ago I was riding with Emma and Ethan on the golf cart and we witnessed the most incredible sunset. I made the comment that we were looking at the sunset from our perspective, but how was Lindsay (or CE CE as Emma calls her) seeing it from heaven's perspective.

Emma said, "Pop, let's go see Jesus and CeCe now. We can all go together." I decided to share the gospel with her, but felt like I wanted Julie and Garrett to have the joy of leading her to Christ. I told Julie, and she said, "You should have gone for it!"

Thankfully, there is still time. I was stupid for not sharing the gospel with her little heart being so ripe for salvation.

On Sunday I finished reading a very powerful book on prayer. It is written by the Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church, the producers of Facing the Giant and Fireproof. Pastor Michael Catt shares 5 practical tips when praying for our kids, and I add grandkids:
1. Pray according to the Word of God (1 John 5:14-15).
2. Pray as matter of lifestyle. (Luke 18:1) Catt says, "Don't pray only when your kids are in trouble. Pray while they're in the womb and throughout the rest of their lives." Wow, we've got two in the oven!
3. Approach the throne of grace boldly. (Hebrews 4:16) -- "Pray as a matter of faith and claim the victory. Some people pray like they're scared of God. Other's pray as if they're approaching a vengeful judge. You are talking to your HEAVENLY FATHER who gave the best He had -- His Son. So go before the throne -- the veil has been torn -- cast all your anxieties upon Him because He cares for you.
4. Pray believing that God hears your prayer. (1 Peter 3:12)
5. Recognize that standing in the gap for your children [and grandchildren] puts you on the front lines of spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 6:12)

Thanks, Pastor Catt's for this reminder. And thanks, Lord, for giving me another opportunity to share the gospel with Emma Grace. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Dig This Quote: The Bible stands apart from all other books, and has survived and will survive all the attacks of its enemies. It is like the electric torch that shines over the water of New York Bay, struck by the wing of many a seabird that dashes against it in its reckless flight, but still shining on unmoved while the foolish and reckless assailant falls bleeding and wounded at its feet. It is an anvil which has worn out many a hammer of hostile criticism, while the anvil still remains unshaken amid the wreck of all that have assailed it. A. B. Simpson
Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How God is God


"For the Lord is good, and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations." Psalm 100:4-5

This morning we gather to worship our great God. Psalm 100:4 reminds us that when we enter HIS gates and HIS courts to worship, we do so because HE IS GOOD.

Several years ago, a popular women's speaker rebuked the ladies for responding improperly when asked the question, "How are you doing?" Most times we respond, "I am good." While her rebuke was irritating to me at the time, she is right. There is no one good but God! We answer, "I am doing well." I think about every time some asks me how I am doing! God is good! Good in the good times. Good in the bad times. Good all the time!

I recently read this paraphrase of Psalm 73: 1-3; 21-28:

How good is God for Israel,
for the pure of heart!

As for me, my feet had almost stumbled;
my steps had well-nigh slipped.
I was jealous of the arrogant
and envied the prosperity of the wicked.

My mind is embittered:
my thoughts, irritating.
I am so stupid, so ignorant!
I am but a dumb brute before You.

And yet I am ALWAYS before You:
You keep me in YOUR hand.
With counsel YOU lead me;
YOU take me by the hand behind YOU!

I have but YOU in the heavens
and nothing more on earth.
My flesh and my brain may fail

but my ROCK, the desire of my mind, is God evermore.

Those who avoid YOU will perish;
You exterminate all those who stray.
God's presence is good for me;
I make the Lord my refuge

and I will witness to His deeds.

Powerful words for us as we gather together to worship HIM today -- our audience of ONE! Worship HIM today -- for HE IS GOOD -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 11; Psalm 1-3; Acts 17:1-15

Dig This Quote: He is a physician good to all diseases, especially at the binding up of a broken heart. He died that He might heal our soul with the plaster of His own blood, and by that death save us. Shall our sins discourage us when He appears only for sinners? Richard Sibbs 1630 Puritan Pastor

Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Six Bypasses That Were God Given

Six Bypasses That Were God Given

“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep His covenant and remember to do His commandments.” Psalms 103:13-18 (ESV)

Have any of you ever been to Ashville, North Carolina? How many of you would think to just suddenly pack up your stuff to include your medical records and go vacation in Ashville, North Carolina? Well I am not one of those who would think to bring along my medical records but I might go to Ashville, North Carolina to vacation. I do know of someone who did bring his medical records along with him during his vacation in Ashville, North Carolina and he wound up with congestive heart failure and it just happens that one of the best hospitals to deal with this was fifteen minutes away. And my former employer and family member got himself six…yes that’s right, six bypasses in one operation. And those of us who cry out, “ABBA Father” in our family know this was God’s doing.

Just the night before my sister and brother-in-law were having dinner with us and my sister-in-law’s father had been on the phone. (Just as a sidebar my former employer just happens to be my sister-in-laws father and the only guy who believed in me enough to give me a job when my time at the Colony came to an end.) Everything seemed to be okay but something went wrong during the night and Desi with her husband Ray (another sidebar Ray is my wife’s brother) drove to Ashville, North Carolina. When they arrived it seemed as if Hubert’s open heart surgery was immediate. Desi sent texts for prayer requests as soon as she hit the ground (Desi hates to text, she says they are cold and impersonal but my sidebar within this sidebar…they came in quite handy).

Desi recently gave her testimony on the experience at our sister church, Christ’s Wesleyan Church in Egg Harbor City, NJ. She used the aforementioned verses in Psalms and it has struck a chord. She asked her congregation if they had a healthy fear of the Lord. After what she went through even our house had this fear reinforced. My wife and committed to prayer more anxiously than normal. Desi also asked if we really understand that God knows we are but dust. Desi got her understanding elevated by knowing that she had to place her father in the hands of El Elyon. And then she had to put her hands around a qwerty board and text all of her prayer warriors to join her as she surrendered her dad to Jehovah-rapha.

She knew that her father was helpless before the Lord she serves but he was helpless in front of a merciful and loving God. The doctors said there were three options for her father. Not get this operation and die, die on the table during this operation or have the operation and live. I can relate with Desi at this point because my father had been given options but God had other plans. There was nothing I could do for my dad except place him in the hands of El Elyon. Our family praises that our loving and merciful God saw fit to use Hubert as an example of what His mighty hand can do when His people stop in their tracks to pray to Him and humbly yet boldly ask for Him to do a mighty work. SANTO!!

It was no coincidence that Desi’s dad was sent to Ashville. That’s right Hubert you were sent there by God (I know you read my Freedom Fighters, Brother). Mission Hospital is one of the top ten cardiac hospitals in the nation and for what seemed to be the most off the wall idea he ever had recently, God’s plan for him was not. Mission Hospital is located around Ashville, North Carolina. This story doesn’t end here. There is still the aftermath stuff from the surgery that is going on, but I ask all of the Freedom Fighter brethren to take a moment and pray for Desi, Ray, Daniel, Joan and Hubert. El Elyon is listening. AMEN!! -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 10; Job 41-42; Acts 16:22-40

Dig This Quote: “One of the reasons we don’t know God deeply is that we don’t venture much on His pledge to carry things for us. Knowing God with a sense of authentic personal reality is not merely a matter of study. It is a matter of walking with Him through fire and not being burned. It is a matter of not being crushed under a load because He carries it for you at your side.” Pierced By The Word John Piper

Determined Digging: Level 1: Psalm 30:5 Level 2: Psalm 101:1-5

Friday, July 09, 2010

Thought Control

Thought control

2 Corinthians 10:5 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

Have you ever wondered why God blessed/cursed us with our imagination? I have. When I read Hebrews 2:9 I thought that it was a hyperbole but I now realize that it is a proper use of a saint’s imagination.

When you pray do you ever take the time to imagine where Christ is and what He is doing that He should stop to listen and to do what you desire? He does you know. The passage sees Jesus enthroned with his “servants” who are ready to do His bidding so:

“Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there”, Wrote the hymnist.
When we struggle with temptation we need to “bring every thought into captivity”.
Temptation only exists as long as our thoughts feed it. Use the thoughts that Paul mentions in Philippians 4:8 . You cannot not think! You can, however, use good thoughts to replace the evil ones, 2 Corinthians 10:5

To stop unwanted negative thought you must ignore the negative by concentrating on the positive. The feelings that we have that come from our thoughts will change almost immediately.
I remember my first boot leave in San Diego. I was alone in front of a night club. There was no one there to report my actions but Jesus was very real to me. I said to Him. “You can wait here and I will run in and come right back out. I just want to see what it is like.”

I felt that the Lord said, “No, that’s alright I will just go with you.” At that point I said, “No forget about it. I just won’t go.” When Christ is that real, temptation looses it power. -- Pastor George Van Sandt will be our campus Pastor this summer at America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 9; Job 38-40; Acts 16:1-21

Dig This Quote: All during the day, in the chinks of time between the things we find ourselves obliged to do, there are the moments when our minds ask: 'What next?' In these chinks of time, ask Him: 'Lord, think Thy thoughts in my mind. What is on Thy mind for me to do now?' When we ask Christ, 'What next?' we tune in and give Him a chance to pour His ideas through our enkindled imagination. If we persist, it becomes a habit. Frank Laubach

Determined Digging: Level 1: Psalm 30:5 Level 2: Psalm 101:1-5

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Control Your Thoughts Before They Control You

Control Your Thoughts Before They Control You

There are Christians who suffer Panic attacks or Anxiety attacks. These are often caused by irrational fears. In back of all irrational fears are rational fears.

We must get back to the rational fear in order to cope with the other symptoms. There are three categories of rational fear: death, pain and the opinions of others.

We begin life with a natural fear of death and pain. When the doctor spanks the new born it is pain that teaches us to breath. If we did not fear death we would soon do something stupid that would cause death.

While my mother was trying to teach me not to be controlled by my peers she would still often say, “It is a shame for the neighbors when you come in late!” Thus I was taught to fear the opinions of others, even people we do not like.

As we move away from these primary fears toward obsessions we generalize them and they gain more control over our lives. What can we do about these forces?

Even our Savior faced the rational fears when approaching His own death. First, He found that the will of His father was in conflict with His own. He prayed for His cup be changed. Now, we need never fear a cup but the things in the cup. You can see how we begin to move from the rational to the irrational whether it be death, pain or opinions of others by calling it a cup.

You may never want to go through any of these problems. But in allowing God to have His way we can go through. When confronted with irrational fear know that it is only the rational fears that we need to fear. Yet even those fears we can endure when we recall, “Since Jesus goes with me I’ll go--anywhere!”

You can then relax until the “storm passes by” Learn to think other thoughts.
Luke 22:42 “.. yet not my will, but yours be done." -- Pastor Van is a friend of America's KESWICK and will be serving as our Campus Pastor during the summer conference weeks

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 8; Job 36-37; Acts 15:22-41

Dig This Quote: Do not look down, brooding over your weakness! Do not look back upon your past, strewn with failure! Look up to the living Christ! All the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus, 2 Cor. 1:20 -- F. B. Meyer

Determined Digging: Level 1: Psalm 30:5 Level 2: Psalm 101:1-5