Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does Your Mind Wander When You Pray?

Does Your Mind Wander When You Pray?

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. Psalm 5:3

I find myself so easily distracted -- especially when I am praying. If I am not careful, I am thinking about other things rather than concentrating on my conversation with the Father.

I recently read a teaching on how to discipline the mind from wandering. It's from the pen of Puritan preacher, Thomas Manton, who wrote these words in the late 1600's. They are as practical today as they were back then:

1. We must wait on HIM for the power of His grace.

2. Meditate on the greatness of God. He writes: "When you pray ... imagine yourself in heaven in the midst of the blessed angels standing before all -- seeing God. O with what reverence, with what fear, should a poor worm creep into His presence! Wow!

3. Seek to put to death the lust that are apt to draw away our minds.

4. Prepare for prayer. Resolve to shut your heart against God's enemy and direct it only to God.

5. Focus on your purpose. The devil's policy is to cheat us of the present duty by casting a thought of blasphemy; that should make us quake and shake!

6. Develop spiritual affections and you will find it more delightful to converse with God. Is there any better company than God's when we seek our soul's good?

7. Consider the weight of responsibility. Are we not dealing with life and death issues?

8. Promote solemn meditation in the things of God. As a man entertains truth in his heart, he will be ready in word and affection to avoid so frequent distractions. -- adapted from Voices from the Past ... Puritan Devotional Readings -- Banner of Truth -- This book is available from the Keswick Online Store

I trust that these eight principles will help you if you struggle with wandering thoughts when you pray. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 14; Psalms 7-9; Acts 18

Dig This Quote: His presence is known when we meditate on the fact that the sands of the sea are numbered by Him, that He keeps a count of the waves. Astounded, we reflect that every drop of rain, every day and every hour of all the centuries, everything past and everything to come are all facts of which He is aware. John Cassian

Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: Who ever wants the next generation most, gets them. -- Michael Catt. So who do you want to capture the hearts of your kids and grandkids? Pray for them!

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