Thursday, July 15, 2010

How Does God Use Money in My Life

How Does God Use Money in My Life

In the last post I made the statement that part of true Financial Freedom includes allowing God to use money in our lives. What exactly does that mean and how does God use money in our lives? That is what I would like to discuss over the next few weeks. I would really appreciate hearing from you how God has used money in your life.

Let me begin by saying that I believe that one of the main ways that God will use money in our lives is to demonstrate His faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 says "The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail, They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness."

I am sure that I was not alone this week as I was reminded of this truth along with other "first wave baby boomers". It was a shock when I opened my retirement portfolio statement and saw the personalized affect of an 11% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial average during May and June. I quickly need to reacquaint myself with Deuteronomy 8:17-18 where Moses reminded Israel that it was God who would give them the power to make wealth. Not my financial adviser or the stock market or anything else other than God. Our security rests in God and not in a bank account or a retirement portfolio.

Over the last 20 years, I have had the privilege of looking at many families and individuals personal finances. I must say that many times from a human perspective, I have come to the conclusion that there was no way that some of these folks could make financial ends meet. But time and time again, I have seen God prove Himself faithful and meet these needs through means that could only be explained only as God's faithfulness.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that God will ignore the consequences of violating His financial principles that He clearly outlines in the Bible. We have discussed many of these principles such as the stern warning of careless debt. I have seen many Christians (and non-Christians) continue to struggle with the consequences of too much debt as well as the consequences of violating other biblical principles. But what I am saying is that if we commit ourselves to following Christ and living by His principles He will be faithful. And many times He will use money to demonstrate His faithfulness.

I have seen families and individuals committed to the Lord see financial needs met in ways that can only be explained by God's faithfulness. I would love to give you some of the names
of these people that are a living testimony to God's faithfulness in meeting their financial needs.
One of the most precious examples of God's faithfulness was my father in law.
The more I got to know my father in law, the more I realized that his one desire in life was to share the Gospel. I am ashamed to say that sometimes I would be embarrassed to be with him as he would witness to every person that would come across his path. When my father in law retired, I remember thinking that my in-laws did not have near enough money to last through their retirement years.

Pop-Pop went home to be with the Lord (and reunited with many brothers and sister in Christ) in 2001. My mother in law is still alive and in relatively good health. They both enjoyed a retirement that exceeded their expectations and also the standard of living they enjoyed while working. The details of how God provided for this can only be explained as God's faithfulness.
Yes, God is faithful and He will use money to demonstrate His faithfulness. -- George Hutchison serves on the Board of America's KESWICK and is an instructor with Crown Financial. You can sign up to receive his blog, STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT from our website:
Dig This Quote: Following the Lord's commands is more than dutiful doing. Through actively walking with God, we are conformed to His will; and as we walk, our faith to follow Him increases. by freely responding to the grace of obedience with our whole hearts, we enter a realm of trust in God. Debra Evans
Determined Digging: Level 1: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 103:1-5
Determined Praying: When we pray, we partner with the supernatural. We change the ordinary to the extraordinary and the mundane to the miraculous. -- Michael Catt

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