Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lessons Learned from the First Chapter in the Bible

Lessons Learned from the First Chapter in the Bible

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
In the beginning God (Genesis 1:1), In the beginning the word (Jesus) was (John 1:1)and the Holy Spirit also was (Genesis 1:2). Since the trinity worked in unison to create the creation it is proper to assume that all of God is at work in His new creation--you and me.

Today let us see how God worked in His first creation. He took the chaos and turned it into cosmos. He can take the chaotic life and re-create a new life in each one of us. Notice that the first act of creation was both light and darkness. Do not assume that darkness is just the absence of light. Much darkness (shadows) is caused by the light. Perhaps we will struggle with light and darkness until we move into the “land of endless day”

in John 1:4, he wrote “the light could not be stopped by darkness. In his epistle 1John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. We need to always look for the light and walk in the light and seek fellowship with others who walk in the light.

It is easy to stumble when walking in darkness and when avoiding Christian fellowship. While in the support groups like the Colony of Mercy, we have light all around us and fellowship with Christians. When we are away from such an environment, however, it is easy to stray.

Straying sheep are not wayward sheep. They are not rebellious sheep or even sheep that are comfortable walking in darkness. They are not where they want to be. They look up and find that they cannot see the Shepherd. They stray by following other sheep instead of their Shepherd. A stray sheep cannot find its way home.

A stray begins to bleat or we would say cry out for help. The cry could attract a wolf, or even other shepherds, but Jesus assures us that His sheep will hear His voice and they will not follow any other shepherd. Stay in the word until you can hear His voice and follow him until you are no longer a stray. -- Pastor Van is a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter and is serving this summer as Campus Pastor at America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 27; Psalms 43-45; Acts 27:27-44

Dig This Quote: What a blessing it is when in the midst of our discouragements and sometimes our self-aversion because of failures or littleness of spirit we are able to look away to this glorious fact of our relationship to God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Nighness is brought about by Christ dwelling in us....Christ brings God to us and brings us to God. Nighness or nearness results in blessing. He who is near to God has access to the divine resources of blessing and help.-- Harold Ockenga

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 40:31; Level 2: Psalm 103:6-10

Join us this morning at 9:30 AM as Dr. Robertson McQuilken shares God's Word. Dr. Bill Jones will be speaking at 7:00 PM. You can watch live at www.americaskeswick.org

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