Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Law, A Lesson, and a Legacy

A Law, a Lesson, and a Legacy

The Word of God continually amazes me with its practicality. We try to make life so complicated and confusing. God teaches us how to remove the complications and confusion and live life in practical ways that help us become more like Jesus.

The Galatian church was a mess! If you read the whole letter, you will see that the believers there struggled with life, doctrine, and people who were trying to lead them away from their freedom in Christ. Paul gave them some practical advice in the last chapter of his letter—advice that came in the form of instruction and example.

First, he spoke of a law they should have already known. It is the “law of Christ,” and it is a law for relationships. Read vss. 1-6 of the chapter and discover that this law teaches us how to manage relationships, even with those who struggle with sin or carry heavy burdens. That brings me to my second thought.

Paul also teaches the Galatians and us a lesson in responsibility. Most of us are familiar with Galatians 6:7: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Most of us don’t like taking responsibility for our actions; that is what gets many of us in trouble. Every problem comes because of something other than our conduct, attitude, or speech. Nothing is ever our fault!

The Apostle says “not so!” What comes our way is most often a direct result of how we have lived our lives. The lesson Paul teaches us reminds us that choosing to live responsibly will bring blessing in this life and in eternity.

Finally, Paul speaks of his desired legacy. In Galatians 6:14, Paul says But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .. Paul, with all his personal accomplishments wanted nothing more than to leave a legacy of glory in the cross of Jesus! That desire reflected humility of heart and a rule for his life.

From where I sit, this is practical instruction every Freedom Fighter needs. Even more, it is instruction we can live out in the power of God’s Spirit. May God help us choose the simple practicality of His Word over the complications and confusions that so often plague us! -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 21; Psalms 29-30; Acts 23:1-15

Dig This Quote: Why are we content to live like paupers rather than live like sons and daughters of the King? We need to live like King’s kids! – Bill Welte

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:8; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

Determined Praying: When God's children face godless times, that's when they need to turn up the heat in prayer. Tough times are no time for God's people to sit by, cold and indifferent. -- Michael Catt

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