Thursday, November 30, 2006



Growing up I hated tests. How about you? Now looking back, I realize
that they were not so bad. Tests are a gauge of how we are grasping the
subject we are studying. Dr. Charles Stanley shares 13 ways that you can
determine if you are maturing in your relationship with Jesus Christ:

1. You are becoming increasingly aware of your sinfulness and
2. Your response to sin is quick and followed by genuine
3. Your spiritual battles are becoming more fierce, and yet you
still rejoice.
4. You begin to see trials and temptations as opportunities for
growth: 'Lord, what are you trying to teach me?'
5. You view your service to Him as an honor not a burden.
6. You view everything as coming from God. He is sovereign, so He
either brought it or allowed it.
7. You sense your faith growing stronger. It takes more to ruffle
8. You desire to spend more time in praise and worship. You are in
love with the Lord and want to show it.
9. Your desire to obey Him becomes more intense, and sin becomes
less attractive.
10.You are eager to share with others what Christ is doing in
your life.
11.You experience more awareness of His presence at all times,
not just in places like church on Sundays.
12. You jealously guard your quiet times of prayer and Bible
13. You prefer to spend time with Him above all others. The more
time you spend with Him, the more you become like Him.

Adapted from PATHWAY TO HIS PRESENCE by Dr. Charles F. Stanley

So how are you doing? Good things to ponder on this 30th day of

Join us for a wonderful evening of great food, fellowship and worship -
Christmas Dinner Concert with violinist, Jamie Jorge. Thursday, December
7th. Reservations required. Call today or visit our website for

Great Quote: "There is only one relationship that really matters, and
that is your personal relationship to your personal Redeemer and Lord.
If you maintain that at all costs, letting everything else go, God will
fulfill His purpose through your life. One individual life may be of
priceless value to God's purposes, and yours may be that life!" Oswald

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What's Weighing You Down

What's Weighing You Down

"Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so EASILY entangles
us." (Hebrews 12:1)

"The call to 'lay aside every weight, and the sin which so EASILY
entangles us' is indeed a call to the present-day saint. It comes
immediately following Hebrews 11's long list of men and women in the
Hall of Faith.

We are told of the faith and the sufferings of the faithful, and then,
because we are surrounded as it were by these examples of faithful men
and women, we are exhorted to lay aside something.

First, let us lay aside every weight, not just some, every burden, every
impediment, every stumbling block. Whatever it may be, if it interferes
with our service to Christ, or cramps our prayer life, or is harmful to
our bodies, it is a weight. It should be dropped.

Second, let us lay aside the SIN that so EASILY ensnares us. Here the
writer to the Hebrews is primarily concerned with apostasy. He addresses
Jews who professed Christianity, but some of them gave up and returned
to their previous Jewish customs and manner of worship and beliefs.

The principle is applicable to this: We are to lay aside the sin the
CLINGS to us. It is as if each of us has a specific monkey on our backs
to shake loose. There is some particular sin that is bothering you with
the devil's help. Its weight slows us up in the spiritual race of life.

God is saying, 'Lay aside, put off,' using the same word used for taking
off clothing. Life is a footrace, and we must strip down for it if we
are to run successfully. Through faith in the shed blood of Christ, we
are on God's team. May it be that we will be able to say to our captain,
'I have finished the race!' (2 Timothy 4:7) from DAILY MANNA by Dr.
William Banks, published by CLC

Good words for today. Why not pass it on to a friend and encourage them
to sign up today for FREEDOM FIGHTERS!

Great quote: "The effort to repay God in the ordinary way we pay
creditors would nullify grace and turn it into a business transaction.
If we see acts of obedience as installment payments, we make grace into
a mortgage. Let us not say that grace creates debt; let us say that
grace pays debts. John Piper, Future Grace

Monday, November 27, 2006



"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God
IS faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are
able, but with the temptation WILL provide a way of escape also, so that
you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

"Let's talk about the wrongs that you allow yourself to fall into. I am
not talking about major sins - deliberate disobedience to God on major
issues is not usually a problem a committed Christian deals with on a
daily basis. I am talking about not stopping a sharp word, or being
deliberately quarrelsome. These things you have some control over, but
you let yourself do what you want.

The closer you get to God, the more miserable things you will find in
your heart. This is not a negative thing - God allows it to let you lose
confidence in yourself. You will have accomplished something when you
can look at your inner corruptness without anxiety or discouragement and
simply trust in God. But you should try to not let yourself fall into

There are two resources against temptation. One, be faithful to God
within you. Avoid all that is better left avoided. Of course you are not
always able to avoid these situations, some are brought to you by God
and will do you no good to flee them.

The second resource is to turn to God when you are tempted. If you find
that you've consented to temptation, then head straight back to God.
Take the example of a child who hides his face in his mother's bosom as
soon as he sees something that frightens him.

Practice staying in God's presence so that you are able to respond to
His leading immediately. In a way, there is little to do in doing the
will of God. It is true that holding back nothing from God is doing
quite a bit. God's love searches the secret places within, looking for
anything that resists Him.

On the other hand, Christianity is not found in a multitude of rules,
nor in holding yourself back from every pleasure. Just yield yourself to
Him without reserve. Live in the present moment. Let God do what He sees
fit without resisting Him, and agree with God without trying to justify
what you want to do. Temptation is a necessary part of a Christian's
life. Don't be upset by even the most shameful temptation. Look at God
and dwell continually in His presence - He will keep your feet from
falling." From THE SEEKING HEART - by Fenelon

Great quote: "There are certain attitudes we should never dare to
indulge. If we do, we will find they have distracted us from faith in
God. Until we get back into a quiet mood before Him, our faith is of no
value, and our confidence in the flesh and in human ingenuity is what
rules our lives." Oswald Chambers

Has Freedom Fighters been a blessing to you? Why not encourage a friend
to become of our growing family. You can sign them up right from our
website at

Sunday, November 26, 2006



"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever."
(1 Chronicles 16:34)

In church one Sunday a small boy was turning around smiling at
everyone. He wasn't gurgling, spitting, talking, humming, tearing the
hymnals or rummaging through his mother's purse. He was smiling, just
smiling. Suddenly his mother jerked him around and said in a loud
whisper, "Stop grinning. You're in church."
Is that the way you feel about spending time with God? Not a
very fun thing to do? How very different is the attitude of true
worshippers found in the Bible. When the ark was returned to Jerusalem,
David composed a song of thanksgiving. You can read it in 1 Chronicles
16:7-11. It's something of ode to joy that presents a string of
suggestions designed to help us enjoy out time in worship of God. David

* give thanks to the Lord
* call on his name
* make known among the nations what he has done
* sing to him
* sing praise to him
* tell of all his wonderful acts
* glory in his holy name
* let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice
* look to the Lord and his strength
* seek his face always
* remember the wonders he has done

Of all David's counsel, perhaps the most difficult for us is to
seek God's face always. That simply means to enjoy His presence, like
the grinning boy in church. True worship of God is often the simple act
of enjoying Him.
Missionary Jim Elliot wrote in his diary: "Oh, the fullness,
pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on Earth. I care not if I
never raise my voice again for Him, if only I may love Him, please Him.
Perhaps in mercy He shall give me a host of children that I may lead
them through the vast star fields to explore His delicacies whose finger
ends set them to burning. But if not, if only I may see Him, touch His
garments, smile into His eyes - ah then, not stars nor children shall
matter, only Himself."
Take the time today to discover that there is no joy like that
of an intimate hour spent with God. Spent the time and enjoy Him.

Dr. Woodrow Kroll

Taken today from our Keswick devotional - Real Victory for Real Life -
365 daily meditations to help you live and walk in victory. You can
order today from the Keswick Bookstore - 732-350-1187 ext. 31. Check out
our ad in the current edition of World Magazine:

Great quote: There is one thing that keeps many from zealously improving
their lives, that is, dread of the difficulty, the toil of battle.
Certainly they who try bravely to overcome the most difficult and
unpleasant obstacles far outstrip others in the pursuit of virtue. A
person makes the most progress and merits the most grace precisely in
those matters wherein he gains the greatest victories over self and most
mortifies his will. True, each one has his own difficulties to meet and
conquer, but a diligent and sincere person will make greater progress
even though he have more passions than one who is more even-tempered but
less concerned about virtue. Thomas a Kempis

Saturday, November 25, 2006



"in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
for you."
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

It's easy to be grateful when life flows along like we think it
should - when the sky is blue, the sun shines brightly, pleasant breezes
blow, and a surplus builds in our bank accounts. But what about those
times when health wanes and money is scarce? Even during such times of
need a spirit of thankfulness is important because it reminds us of the
trustworthy character of God.
The psalmist wrote, "Many ... are Your wonderful works ... and
Your thoughts which are toward us ... they are more than can be
numbered" (Psalm 40:5). In response, we are challenged: "In everything
give thanks; for this is the will of God ... for you" (1Thessalonians
5:18, italics added). The simple power of a grateful heart is
impossible to exaggerate.
An attitude of gratitude encourages a feeling of well-being.
Occasionally, I write down the things for which I'm thankful. For

* Faith in a caring heavenly Father
* The comfort and direction I receive from reading the Bible
* The love of family and friends
* Health that is reasonably good
* The challenge and enjoyment of work
* The privilege of contributing to the lives of others
* The ability to meet my financial obligations
* A good night's sleep
* Waking up to the smell of coffee and burnt toast (I like burnt
* More than my daily bread to eat
* The privilege of taking our thirteen grandchildren out to
breakfast one at a time, and learning their likes and dislikes
* Fellowship and inspiration with the people of our local church
* Finding a parking place, especially when I'm late
* Laughing enthusiastically until it hurts
* An occasional afternoon nap - "nature's sweet restorative"
* Pruning roses in our garden or picking berries
* Reading a good book
* Listening to old songs ... and remembering when ...
* Watching the sun rise and then set at the close of day
* The sound of rain beating on the window pane
* Chatting with neighbors about small things

Especially, I'm thankful for the privilege and pleasure of
prayer. That, in all the experiences of life, I'm invited to, "by
prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let [my] requests be made
known to God" (Philippians 4:6).
Above and beyond everything else, I would join with Paul the
apostle in saying, "Thanks be to God" - for what? - "for His
indescribable gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15).
The worst moment for an unbeliever must be when he's really
thankful and has no one to personally thank. But for believers, an
attitude of gratitude is a solid foundation on which to build our lives.

From Too Soon To Quit: Fifty Ways to Experience the Best that Life Has
to Offer, reprinted with permission of Dr. George Sweeting

Today's devotional is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE - published by
America's KESWICK. Why not consider this as a Christmas present for your
family and friends. You can order right from our website or call the
Keswick Bookstore at 732-350-1187 ext 31.

Great quote: "The main thing we learn from a serious attempt to practice
the Christian virtues is that we fail. If there was any idea that God
had set us a sort of exam and that we might get good marks by deserving
them, that has to be wiped out. If there was any idea of a sort of
bargain-any idea that we could perform our side of the contract and thus
put God in our debt so that it was up to Him to perform His side-that
has to be wiped out.' C S Lewis Mere Christianity

Friday, November 24, 2006



Thanksgiving has come and gone. Today is "Black Friday" - supposedly the
biggest shopping day of the year. I couldn't believe that there were
stores that were open last night, let alone opening up at 3:00 AM this
morning to get ready for the Christmas season. The hustle and bustle has

As I thought about the craziness and fast-pace of the holidays, today's
reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT was so fitting ...

"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

"Is there any note in all the music world as mighty as the grand pause?
Is there any word in the Psalms more eloquent than the word 'Selah,'
meaning pause? Is there anything more thrilling and awe-inspiring than
the calm before the crashing of the storm, or the strange quiet that
seems to fall upon nature before some supernatural phenomenon or
disastrous upheaval? And is there anything that can touch our hearts

For the hearts that will cease focusing on themselves, there is 'the
peace of God, which transcends all understanding' (Phil. 4:7),
'quietness and trust (Isaiah 30:15), which is the source of all
strength; a 'great peace' that will never 'make them stumble' (Psalm
119:165); and a deep rest, which the world can never give or take away.
Deep within the center of the soul is a chamber of peace where God lives
and where, if we will enter it and quiet all other sounds, we can hear
His 'gentle whisper' (1 Kings 19:12).

Even in the fastest wheel that is turning, if you look at the center,
where the axle is found, there is no movement at all. And even in the
busiest life, there is a place where we may dwell alone with God in
eternal stillness.

There is only one way to know God: 'Be still, and know.' 'The Lord is in
His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.' (Hab. 2:20)

All-loving Father, sometimes we have walked under starless skies that
dripped darkness like drenching rain. We despaired from the lack of
light from the sun, moon, and stars. The gloomy darkness loomed above us
as if it would last forever. And from the dark, there spoke no soothing
voice to mend our broken hearts. We would gladly have welcomed even a
wild clap of thunder, if only to break the torturing stillness of that
mournfully depressing night.

Yet your soft whisper of eternal love spoke even more sweetly to our
bruised and bleeding souls than any winds that breathe across a wind
harp. It was Your 'gentle whisper' that spoke to us. We were listening
and we heard You, and then we looked and saw Your face, which was
radiant with the light of Your love. And when we heard Your voice and
saw Your face, new life returned to us, just as life returns to withered
blossoms that drink the summer rain."

Good words for today.

Great quote: [God desires] not that He may say to them, "Look how mighty
I am, and go down upon your knees and worship," for power alone was
never yet worthy of prayer; but that He may say thus: "Look, my
children, you will never be strong but with my strength. I have no other
to give you. And that you can get only by trusting in me. I cannot give
it you any other way. There is no other way." George Macdonald

Thursday, November 23, 2006



"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:

"Corrie ten Boom in THE HIDING PLACE relates an incident that taught her
always to be thankful. She and her sister, Betsy, had just been
transferred to the worst German prison camp that they had seen yet,
Ravensbruck. On entering the barracks, they found them extremely
overcrowded and flea-infested.

That morning, their Scripture reading in 1 Thessalonians had reminded
them to give rejoice always, and give thanks in all circumstances. Betsy
told Corrie to stop and thank the Lord for their new living quarters.

Corrie at first flatly refused to give thanks for the fleas, but Betsy
persisted, and Corrie finally succumbed to her pleadings. During the
many months spent at the prison camp, they were surprised to find how
openly they could hold Bible studies and prayer meetings without guard

It was not until several months later that they learned the reason the
guards would never enter the barracks. Fleas!!!"

Has God brought 'fleas" into your life this Thanksgiving? Maybe it's
time to evaluate and thank God for the fleas He has brought into your

I am thankful for the privilege of sharing with my Freedom Fighter
family and friends on this Thanksgiving Day. I trust that you and yours
will have a blessed day in Christ as you celebrate together. Have a
happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Great quote: Among the many acts of gratitude we owe to God, it may be
accounted one to study and contemplate the perfections and beauties of
His work of creation. Every new discovery must necessarily raise in us a
fresh sense of the greatness, wisdom, and power of God."
Jonathan Edwards

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



"A genuine spirit of thankfulness to God will also produce a practical
gratefulness to others. Here are some ways in which true gratefulness
can be expressed.

1. By telling them - Thank others for what they have done and for
the qualities demonstrated through their actions.
2. By writing to them - Letters should be prompt, neatly written,
and well thought out.
3. By public recognition - Tell others of the kind deeds done by
specific individuals and how your life has been benefited by those
4. BY giving gifts to them - These gifts should be appropriate and
of value to the ones receiving them. The personal thoughtfulness behind
the gift is of greater importance than the actual gift.
5. By spending time with them - For the lonely or discouraged
quality time or a special outing would mean more than a letter or a
6. By informing them of your prayers for them - Paul routinely
began his letters by explaining how he thanked God for the believers to
whom he wrote. (See Ephesians 1:16; Colossians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:2;
and 2 Thessalonians 2:13)

So how grateful are you?

1. Do you begin each morning by thanking God for a new day?
2. Do you look for things you usually take for granted and thank
God for them?
3. Do you thank God for your health and strength?
4. Do you quickly express thanks to other people?
5. Do you rejoice in trials and tribulations?
6. Do you think of creative ways to express gratefulness to God and
7. Do you look for benefits in the things that normally cause
8. Do you give public recognition to individuals who have helped
9. Do you pray for those who have benefited you?
10. Do you thank God for your human authorities and pray for them?

Good things to consider on this day before Thanksgiving. Adapted from
THE POWER OF SUCCESS - How to Build Character in Your Life - by Bill

Great quote: A proud man is seldom a grateful man; he never thinks he
gets as much as he deserves. - Henry Ward Beecher

Tuesday, November 21, 2006



1. When we remember His name - "It is a good thing to give thanks to the
Lord, and to sing praises to His name, O most High." (Psalm 92:1) "By
him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name." (Hebrews

2. When we remember His holiness - "Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of
his, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness." (Psalm 30:4)

3. In a special time of worship during the night - "At midnight I will
rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous judgments." (Psalm

4. During gatherings with other believers - "I will give You thanks in
the great congregation: I will praise You among much people." (Psalm
35:18) "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual
songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever you
do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
to God and the Father by Him." (Colossians 3:16-17)

5. When surrounded by evil - "Therefore I will give thanks to You, O
Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises to Your name." (2
Samuel 22:50)

6.When your faith is put to the test - "Now when Daniel knew that the
writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open
in his chamber towards Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times
a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before His God, as he did aforetime."
(Daniel 6:10)

7. When in need of a miracle - "Jesus took the seven loaves and fishes,
and gave thanks, and broke them, and gave them to His disciples, and the
disciples gave them to the multitude." (Matthew 15:36)

8. When eating a meal - "And when He had spoken, he took bread, and gave
thanks to God in the presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he
began to eat." (Acts 27:35)

9. When we see growth in another believer - "Thanks be to God, which put
the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you." (2 Corinthians

10. When remembering the saints in prayer - "We give thanks to God
always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers." (1
Thessalonians 1:2)

LIFE by Bill Gothard

Great quote: Thank God for what you DO have instead of murmuring about
what you DON'T have."

Check out today's THINK VICTORY! Memory verse on the KESWICK website:

Monday, November 20, 2006



" ...having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and
established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing
with gratitude." (Colossians 2:7)

"The modern world has had far too little understanding of the art of
keeping young. Its notion of progress has been to pile one thing on top
of another, without caring if each thing was crushed in turn. People
forgot that the human soul can enjoy a thing most when there is time to
think about it and be thankful for it." G. K. Chesterton

"In everyone's life there is much to be unhappy about, and there is much
to be grateful for. Realistically acknowledging both ends of the
spectrum is appropriate.

When we turn to look at our problems, we assess them and make a plan -
no matter how small or grand - to work on them. This plan we formulate
with our MIND and motivate with our WILL. Then we look in the other
direction at our blessings, finding our obligation for gratitude. Here
we may fully engage our EMOTIONS.

Often we send our emotions to do battle with our problems, and despair
results. Then we send our will to express our gratitude, lacking any
confirming passion whatsoever.

Of course our emotions ought to be informed about our problems; of
course our mind and our will ought to express gratitude. But we should
send out that warrior best suited for the duty. And I think there can be
little debate concerning the most appropriate assignments here.

If we can adopt such a balanced approach, we will combine a realistic
and objective involvement in working on problems with a simultaneous
assurance that there is much good in life. We'll recognize that the
world is full of beauty, that most people are worthy of our respect and
trust, and that the affairs of suffering humans are replete with acts of
love, kindness, nobility, and sacrifice. And we'll remember that
overseeing it all is a God who knows us well, who loves us anyway, and
who is very, very, good.

We all have within our grasp much to be thankful for. Gratitude fills.
Discontent drains. The choice is ours.

Prescription: Every day write down a specific reason you have to be
thankful and post it somewhere visible. If you wrote a different reason
each day, how long would it take before you ran out of reasons to be
grateful? Personally, I am grateful that grass is green, that we have
vision, that our vision is in color, that four-year-olds laugh once
every four minutes, that we can have an appreciation of beauty ...
Furthermore I am grateful for Handel's Messiah, for oboes, for sunsets,
for my wood burning stove, for fishing, for birds, for our capacity to
love the Scriptures ... When you give thanks to God, He turns it around
and gives it to you!" from A MINUTE OF MARGIN - RESTORING BALANCE TO
BUSY LIVES by Dr. Richard Swenson

Check out today's THINK VICTORY! Memory verse at

Sunday, November 19, 2006



"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the
nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10)

"As a disciple of Jesus Christ I cannot afford the luxury of
frustration. If I lie down at the end of the day and feel at loose ends,
I am not up to my commitment. Why didn't that letter come? Why didn't I
telephone so-and-so? Why did I leave some things out of the interview?
Why did my talk before the group flop? And so on. In such a state I feel
cheated, robbed, dissatisfied. And there is no peace whatever.

That condition is both UNBELIEF and REBELLION. Unbelief, because if all
things are mine, as Paul said (1 Corinthians 3:21), why do I not simply
believe it and rest? And rebellion because I have quarreled with God's
portion for me today! I must learn that I cannot gain any more than what
God has planned to give me in a given day. All the striving, yearning,
and even praying will not yield one sliver more of the blessing God has
decreed for me. My attitude ought to be: Thy will, not my will; let Your
portion come, not, give me the portion I demand. I must learn to yield,
not resist.

Nothing in heaven or earth can stop or delay the blessing that God has
reserved for YOU today. There is no 'Delayed Blessings Office' in God's
economy. The word DELAY does not even appear in His vocabulary. Anything
that is delayed is simply not HIS will for me at the particular moment.
Therefore, why fret? My days may not always be characterized by
pleasureful delight, but they will always be characterized by His
specially chosen portion, which will never fail to arrive. So why should
I fear?

Yet I always seem to fear God - fearing that He will refuse to give me
what I ought to have. The result? I live miserably rather than joyfully.
God, give me a heart to accept Your portion - with JOY! I rest in this:
(Psalm 84:11)" From DAILY WITH THE KING published by Moody Press

Good word for today. I know I needed it, and my guess is that someone
reading it today needed it too. Have a blessed Lord's Day.

Great Quote: To the individual believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit there
is granted the direct impression of the Spirit of God on the spirit of
man, imparting the knowledge of His will in matters of the smallest and
greatest importance. This has to be sought and waited for. G. Campbell

Saturday, November 18, 2006



Here's another great prayer of the Puritans from the THE VALLEY OF

O Lord,
I marvel that you should become incarnate, be crucified, dead and
The sepulcher calls forth my adoring wonder,
For it is empty and you are risen;
The four-fold gospel attests it,
The living witnesses prove it,
My heart's experience knows it.
Give me to die with you that I may rise to new life,
For I wish to be as dead and buried
To sin, to selfishness, to the world;
That I might not hear the voice of the charmer,
And might be delivered from his lusts.
O Lord, there is much ill about me - crucify it,
Much flesh within me - mortify it.
Purge me from selfishness, the fear of man, the love of approbation,
The shame of being thought old-fashioned,
The desire to be cultivated or modern.
Let me reckon my old life dead because of crucifixion,
And never feed it as a living thing.
Grant me to stand with my dying Savior,
To be content to be rejected,
To be willing to take up unpopular truths,
And to hold fast despised teachings and death.
Help me to be resolute and Christ-contained.
Never let me wander from the path of obedience to your will.
Strengthen me for the battles ahead.
Give me courage for all the trials,
And grace for all the joys.
Help me to be a holy, happy person,
Free from every wrong desire,
From everything contrary to your mind.
Grant me more and more of the resurrection life;
May it rule me,
May I walk in its power,
And be strengthened through its influence.

Good prayer to prepare your heart for the Lord's day.

Check out today's THINK VICTORY! Memory verse at

Friday, November 17, 2006



"For they are a nation lacking counsel, and there is no understanding in
them. Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they
would discern their future!" Deuteronomy 32:28-29

From time to time we all face times where we need to make decisions -
some big, some small. Here is some good advice on making wise decisions:

"The nation of Israel was showing little discernment, and they lacked
the wisdom to know their own destiny. Moses, like all the great leaders
in the Bible, was intimately acquainted with God, and acquiesced to His
will in all things. The wise person knows the will of God; the
successful person does it. If you are trying to discern God's will and
make wise decisions, consider the following questions:

1. Have I prayed about it? The first thing a Christian does about
anything is pray and seek HIS kingdom. Recall that the Lord's Prayer
begins with a petition to establish His kingdom and do His will.

2. Is it consistent with the Word of God? The majority of God's will for
our lives has already been revealed in His Word. According to the courts
of our land, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Make it your habit to
consult the Bible when making decisions.

3. Does this decision or choice compromise my Christian witness? If the
choice you are considering requires you to compromise your witness or
integrity, then the answer is no. The end does not justify the means.

4. Will the Lord be glorified? Are you seeking the glory of man or the
glory of God? Can you do it and glorify God in your body? Are you
concerned about God's reputation or yours? Will this build HIS kingdom
or yours?

5. Am I choosing and acting responsibly? What are my responsibilities
and what would be the most responsible course of action to take? You
cannot be in God's will and shirk your responsibility.

6. Is it reasonable? God expects us to think. His guidance may transcend
human reasoning, but it never excludes it. God doesn't bypass our minds.
He operates through them. Our Lord is a rational God and His ways are

7. Does a realistic opportunity exist? Closed doors are not meant to be
broken down. If you have a hopeless scheme, let it go. If a realistic
opportunity exists, and all the other factors are in agreement, then
step out in faith. God opens windows of opportunity, but they may close
if not taken advantage of.

8. Are unbiased, spiritually sensitive associates in agreement? Be
careful not to consult only with those who are inclined to agree with
you, or those who are afraid to be honest with you. Give them permission
to ask hard questions and the right to disagree without recrimination.

9. Do I have a sanctified desire to do it? The greatest joy in life is
to serve God and be in His will. You should feel good about doing God's
will and want nothing less. If you delight yourself in the Lord, HIS
desires will be YOUR desires.

10. Do I have peace about it? You should sense an inner confirmation if
you are in God's will and a troubled spirit if you aren't."

Practical advice on making wise decisions from the book THE DAILY
DISCIPLER - Daily Readings That Will Give You A Solid Foundation in the
Christian Faith by Dr. Neil T. Anderson

Have a loved one in addiction? Need help in figuring out how to help
them? Join us for our FAMILY and FRIENDS day on Saturday, December 9,
2006. See this link for details:

Great quote: Any such distinction between disreputable and respectable
sins...Jesus Christ absolutely refuses to allow. In His eyes avarice,
pride, refusal to forgive, hypocrisy, are at least as bad as fornication
or adultery or violence. -- Charles Gore

Thursday, November 16, 2006



" ... whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians

"In the Scriptures, the great miracle of the incarnation slips into the
ordinary life of a child; the great miracle of the transfiguration fades
into the demon-possessed valley below; the glory of the resurrection
descends unto a breakfast on the seashore. This is not an anti-climax,
but a great revelation of God.

We have a tendency to look for WONDER in our experience, and we mistake
heroic actions for real heroes. IT'S ONE THING TO GO THROUGH A CRISIS
ATTENTION TO US. If we are not looking for halos, we at least want
something that will make people say, 'What a wonderful man of prayer he
is!' or, 'What a great woman of devotion she is!' If you are properly
devoted to the Lord Jesus, you have reached the lofty height where no
one would ever notice YOU personally. All that is noticed is the POWER
OF GOD coming through you all the time.

We want to be able to say, 'Oh, I have had a wonderful call from God!'
requires God's Spirit working in us making us absolutely humanly His!
The true test of a saint's life is not successfulness but faithfulness
on the human level of life. We tend to set up success in Christian work
as our purpose, but our purpose should be to display THE GLORY OF GOD in
human life, to live a life 'hidden with Christ in God' in our everyday
human conditions. (Colossians 3:3) Our human relationships are the very
conditions in which the ideal life of God should be exhibited." Adapted
from MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST by Oswald Chambers, published by
Discovery House.

Powerful words that I needed for this morning. I hope they will be
helpful to you today as well.

Great quote: A saint is never consciously a saint! A saint is
consciously dependent on God. - Oswald Chambers

Be sure and check out today's THINK VICTORY! Memory Verse on our

Wednesday, November 15, 2006



"We were under great pressure." (2 Corinthians 1:8 " ... so that
CHRIST'S POWER may rest upon me." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

"God allowed the crisis in Jacob's life at Peniel to totally surround
him until he ultimately came to the point of making an earnest and
humble appeal to God Himself. That night, he wrestled with God and
literally came to the place where he could take hold of Him as never
before. And through his narrow brush with danger, Jacob's faith and
knowledge of God was expanded, and his power to live a new and
victorious life was born.

The Lord had to force David, through the discipline of many long and
painful years, to learn of the almighty power and faithfulness of his
God. Through those difficult years, he also grew in his knowledge of
faith and godliness, which were indispensable principles for his
glorious career as the King of Israel.

Nothing but the most dangerous circumstances in which Paul was
constantly placed could ever have taught him, and thus the church
through him, the full meaning of the great promise of God he learned to
claim: 'My grace is sufficient for you." (2 Corinthians 12:9). And
nothing but the great trials and dangers we have experienced would ever
have led some of us to know Him as we do, to trust Him as we have, and
to draw from Him the great measure of His grace so indispensable during
our times of greatest need.

Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to our faith. When we
are confronted with hindrances that block our path of service, we are to
recognize them as vessels for faith and then to fill them with the
fullness and complete sufficiency of Jesus.

As we move forward in faith, simply and fully trusting Him, we may be
tested. Sometimes we may have to wait and realize that 'perseverance
must finish its work' (James 1:4). But ultimately we will surely find
'the stone rolled away'(Luke 24:2) and the Lord Himself wanting to
bestow a double blessing on us for our times of testing." From Streams
in the Desert - Zondervan

Great quote: "If I belittle those whom I am called to serve, talk of
their weak points in contrast perhaps with what I think of as my strong
points; if I adopt a superior attitude, forgetting "Who made thee to
differ? and what hast thou that thou hast not received?" then I know
nothing of Calvary love."
Amy Carmichael

Check out the THINK VICTORY! Verse for today - visit our website:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



By the way, I think I have figured out how to hear from you ... say
something about politics :-) It was good to hear from so many of you in
response to my Freedom Fighter yesterday. Just to clarify one point - I
DID NOT say that you were not a Christian if you were a Democrat. If
that implication was received, please forgive me.

" ... the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians

"We should battle through our moods, feelings, and emotions into
absolute devotion to the Lord Jesus. We must break out of our own little
world of experience into abandoned devotion to Him. Think who the New
Testament says Jesus Christ is, and then think of if the despicable
meagerness of the miserable faith we exhibit by saying, 'I haven't had
this experience or that experience!'

Think what faith in Jesus Christ claims and provides - HE CAN PRESENT US
FAUTLESS BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD, inexpressibly pure, absolutely
righteous, and profoundly justified!!! Stand in absolute adoring faith
'in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness
and sanctification and redemption ....' (I Corinthians 1:30). How dare
we talk of making a sacrifice for the Son of God! We are saved from hell
and total destruction, and then we talk about making a sacrifice!

We must continually focus and firmly place our faith in Jesus Christ -
not a 'prayer meeting' Jesus Christ - or a 'book' Jesus Christ, but the
New Testament Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, and who ought to
strike us dead at His feet. Our faith must be in the One from whom our
salvation springs. Jesus Christ wants our absolute, unrestrained
devotion to Himself. We can never EXPERIENCE Jesus Christ, or selfishly
bind him in the confines of our own hearts. Our faith must be built on
strong determined confidence in Him.

It is because of our trusting in experience that we see the steadfast
patience of the Holy Spirit against unbelief. All our fears are sinful,
and we create our own fears by refusing to nourish ourselves in our
faith. How can anyone who is identified with Jesus Christ suffer from
doubt or fear! Our lives should be an absolute hymn of praise resulting
from perfect, irrepressible triumphant belief." Good words this morning
from the pen of Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest

Great quote: Other books were given for our information, the Bible was
given for our transformation.


Check out today's THINK VICTORY! memory verse:

Monday, November 13, 2006



I don't want to get anyone worked up this morning, but I have been
amazed at how many people I have talked to since election day that are
so down because of the election results. Some are just feeling pretty
morbid and filled with despair.

I have to say that I was very disappointed in the results. I was very
disappointed in the polls that showed how few Christians exercised their
privilege as a citizen of the United States to go out and vote. I heard
so many say "well my vote won't make a difference!" Well my friend, our
lack of voting did make a difference.

But beyond that I have to remember that God is still on the throne and
is aware of everything that is going on around us. I don't think that I
am trying to live life like an ostrich with its head buried in the
ground -- He is still in control! Now that it is all over, we DO have a
responsibility as citizens of the greatest country on earth to pray for
our elected officials. Yes, you heard me right. You can pray for those
who were elected to office that God will be at work in their hearts just
as He would have been in the heart of the one you wanted to win.

Paul wrote to Titus: "Remind them to be subject to the rulers, to
authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed, to malign
no one, to be uncontentious, gentle, showing consideration for all men."
(Titus 3:1-2) Now is not the time to bury our heads in the sands. Now is
the time for us as Christians to get on our knees and pray! Pray for
President Bush. Pray for Vice-President Cheney. Pray for our Senators
and Congressmen. Pray that God will bring into their lives the RIGHT
people who can influence them. And why not take it one step further -
names and email addresses are just a click away - why not write a note
today and let your Congressman or Senator know that you are praying for
him/her. They sure get blasted with lots of negative emails. Your note
of encouragement today could make a difference.

I remember an old saying - "It ain't over until the fat lady sings ..."
It isn't over, my friend. Remember today - God is in control and is
still on the throne! Let's PUSH together for our country - Pray Until
Something Happens.

Great Quote: We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live
in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to
redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high
privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others.
Elisabeth Elliot

Have a loved one struggling with addiction? Not sure what to do? Join us
for a special one-day seminar on Saturday, December 9th for our first
FAMILY & FRIENDS DAY. See the website for details:
or call 800-4563-7942.

Sunday, November 12, 2006



"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; He will purify the
sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to
the Lord and offering in righteousness." Malachi 3:3

"The quality of our worship is not based on our ACTIVITIES but on our
CHARACTER. Churches can mistakenly assume that the better the music, the
more impressive the building, and the more eloquent the preaching, the
more worshipful the experience will be. Genuine worship, however,
originates within OUR HEARTS. It our relationship with God is not
healthy, all these things are nothing more than religious pageantry.

The Levites were the worship leaders of their day. Their task was to
offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. God declared that before they
could worship Him in righteousness, He would first refine them with His
refiner's fire, purging them of any impurities. Merely being members of
the religious profession, having official responsibilities in the
temple, and going through the rituals of worship did not guarantee that
their religious activities would be acceptable to holy God.

Today we tend to look to external THINGS to enhance our worship. The
true quality of worship, however, rests within us. If we have not
allowed God to purify us first, our worship will be void of His
presence. If we do not have a pure heart, we may give offerings, but
they will be unacceptable to God. Attending a religious service will not
automatically ensure and encounter with God.

If you are not satisfied with the QUALITY of your worship, don't be too
quick to blame your environment. Look first to your OWN HEART! Allow God
to refine YOUR HEART until it is pleasing to Him, and you will be free
to worship God as He intends." From EXPERIENCING GOD - THE DEVOTIONAL

Good words for this day when we gather together to worship HIM!

Great quote: In place of our exhaustion and spiritual fatigue, God will
give us rest. All He asks is that we come to Him...that we spend a while
thinking about Him, meditating on Him, talking to Him, listening in
silence, occupying ourselves with Him--totally and thoroughly lost in
the hiding place of His presence. -- Charles (Chuck) Swindoll

Saturday, November 11, 2006



"And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out,
and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." Mark 1:35

"This incident in the life of our Lord occurred AFTER what one would
call a most successful day. He had endured the fierce onslaught in the
wilderness, driven there for the devil to do his worst, and had come off
MORE THAN A CONQUEREOR, for we read that 'angels came and ministered to
Him.' If after a season of temptation a saint retains the power that
draws the purest spirits to him, he may feel assured that the temptation
has been gone through with successfully.

Our Lord call the men who were to be His disciples, and they had
promptly left all and followed Him; He had had a triumphant time in
Capernaum, casting out demons and setting men and women free. The fame
and success of this mysterious Being grew, and we read that 'all the
city was gathered together at the door.' It was after this time of
eminent success in relieving men and blessing them that Jesus departed
into a solitary place and spent the night in prayer.

"And in the morning, rising up A GREAT WHILE BEFORE THE DAY, He went
out, and departed into a solitary place, and there He prayed!' I wonder
what that night and early dawn hid? Our Lord went through HIS days with
such easy power; what did He do in this solitary moments alone with God?
Did He go back, in mind at least, to the glory which He had with the
Father before the world was? Did He recline on the bosom of the Father
and hear unspeakable words bit lawful to utter? Such thoughts as these
are not presumptuous but the mediations of the heart that knows what
communion with God means.

If that communion means so much to a HUMAN heart that has been saved and
sanctified through the Atonement, what must it have meant to the Son of
God? What is was OUR LORD experienced is hidden from us, yet we too in
our measure have had the unspeakable experience, if rare, when the dark
night of Nature gives place to the dawn, when the huge and thoughtful
silence of the night makes every that is petty and trifling fall away,
and lifts us into the larger isolation, which is no isolation but the
realization of the PRESENCE OF GOD!

Where do we place the night of prayer and the dawn of intercession in
our "soul's" calendar? Do we place it AFTER a day of marvelous success
in work for God? If we do not, our souls are in peril. When our souls
have been lifted into the presence of God and we have grasped some truth
with new illumination, how much time have we spent in prayer for those
servants whom God has used us to bless? We allow ourselves to imagine
that it would be presumptuous on our part to pray for the 'Paul's'; but
it is a snare of Satan.

"He departed into a SOLITARY place ...' And notice He tells us to do the
same ... "But when YOU pray, enter into your closet, and when you have
shut the door, pray to the Father which is in secret.' Any soul who has
not this solitary place alone with God is in supreme peril spiritually.
Let us ask ourselves if we have allowed the solitary places to be broken
down our built over with altars that look beautiful, and people passing
by saying 'How spiritual that man or woman must be!' Such an altar, if
there is no other in the solitary place, is an insult to the deep work
of God in our souls. God grant that we may learn more and more of the
profound joy of getting alone with God in the dark of the night and
toward the early dawn." Adapted from THE COMPLETE WORKS OF OSWALD
CHAMBERS (He Shall Glorify Me) Published by Discovery House

Great quote: To be much for God, we must be much with God. Jesus, that
lone figure in the wilderness, knew strong crying, along with tears. Can
one be moved with compassion and not know tears? Jeremiah was a sobbing
saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did John...Though there are some
tearful intercessors behind the scenes, I grant you that to our modern
Christianity, praying is foreign. Leonard Ravenhill

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Friday, November 10, 2006



"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm
against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11)
It is always wise to inspect your motorcycle before you go on a
long ride. Unfortunately, I learned this lesson a little too late. As
we were getting ready to leave for a men's retreat from our church, I
began to hear a little rattle coming from my exhaust pipes. I thought
it may have been a loose baffle inside the pipe so I attempted to
tighten it. As I investigated further, I realized it was a missing nut
that connected the exhaust pipe to the manifold at the engine head. It
had apparently fallen off on a previous ride. Apart from the obvious
exhaust leak, that annoying rattle was with me for the whole time I rode
out from Toms River, NJ to Lancaster, PA via Delaware and Maryland. I'm
thankful it was only that. Had it been something more significant like
a loose front wheel nut, or something that could have been catastrophic
like that, I would not be writing this devotional at this time. I would
probably not be here at all. Checking your equipment is essential if
you are going to have a safe, enjoyable ride.
The Apostle Paul sums up his letter to the Ephesians by giving
them an equipment check. We are to put on the whole armor of God. It
is interesting to notice the tense in which these pieces of equipment
are described. For the first three articles of armor, it is implied
that all believers are clothed in them at the moment of salvation. The
belt of truth buckled around your waist. The breastplate of
righteousness having been put on. Also, the feet are fitted with the
readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. All three of these
pieces of divine equipment are set in place the moment we receive Christ
as Savior. However, there are the other components that we are
instructed to "take up." This is an active form that we are responsible
to do daily. We are to take up the shield of faith. We are to daily
walk in the faith and trust that God knows what's best for us. He is
the ultimate road captain that has the best route for our lives mapped
out. As we take the helmet of salvation, our mind and emotions are
guarded from danger as we set our minds on things above, not things on
the earth (Col. 3:2). We become transformed by the renewing of our
minds. The whole purpose of a helmet is to protect your head from
injury. As we put our helmet of salvation on, our minds are guarded in
Christ (cf. Phil. 4:7). The sword of the Spirit which is the word of
God, is not only a defensive weapon, like the previous five pieces of
equipment, but is also an offensive weapon in the sense that you can
counter the attacks against you by skillfully using your sword. This
sword is sharper than any double edged sword in that it can divide not
only the joints and marrow, but also the soul and the spirit as well as
judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart(cf. Heb. 4:12). The
last piece of equipment - prayer - is not usually considered a part of
the armor, but is an invaluable component. The great reformer Martin
Luther stated, "to be a Christian without prayer is no more possible
than to be alive without breathing." Prayer is the essential piece of
equipment that energizes the other components of the armor. It gives you
insight into the truths of God's word. Prayer reaffirms your right
standing with the Father through Christ. For by it, we may approach the
Father in confidence. Prayer also is the vehicle whereby we ask God to
prepare the hearts of those we share the good news with, that they would
have ears to hear and hearts to respond to the gospel that brings peace.
It empowers us to walk by faith and not by sight. Lastly, prayer keeps
our minds fixed on God, as well as enabling us to take captive every
thought making it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Rev. Michael P.

Today's devotional is taken from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE - 365 Daily
Devotions on teaching you how to live victoriously! It is a great tool
to help you spend time with the Lord each day. If you follow the Bible
reading plan each day that goes along with the devotional, you will read
through the Bible in its entirety in a year. This will make a great
Christmas present. Call our bookstore today (732-350-1187 ext 31) or
order on-line (

Missed Men's Fellowship Night? If you would like to receive a CD of last
night's powerful challenge from Pastor Tony Cuellar, I'd like to send it
to you at no cost. Just respond to the Freedom Fighter email and include
your regular mailing address. It's our way of thanking you for being a
part of our Freedom Fighter family.



"Anything that resembles pride or a spirit of ridicule reveals a person
that is full of himself. This sort of person doesn't see his own faults
but takes pleasure in the hard times of others. Here is you self-nature
at its worst: easily wounded, full of contempt, haughty, jealous,
unforgiving, and lacking graciousness.

You and I are NOT perfect. You must be patient with your faults and with
the faults of others. Be practical about your expectations. No one will
become perfect in a day. Even the most perfect people have many
imperfections - this means that you have many faults, too! If you are
impatient with the faults of others it only shows you how imperfect YOU
are. Your faults and my faults make getting along with one another a
hard thing! But we can only fulfill the law of Christ by bearing with
each other.

On the other hand, do not excuse your faults or the faults of others.
Let your love, patience, and willingness to overlook shortcomings flow
between you and all you associate with. Do not pick at other's faults.
No one enjoys that and it only pushes people further away from what is
right. You may even cause someone to become so discouraged that they
turn back after making their first wobbly steps toward God. Give you
your critical nature and stay in touch with Christ within you. Encourage
yourself and those around you to give up pride and selfishness.

Live a simple life before God. Accept what God allows in your life. Do
not let yourself get inwardly irritated by the SMALL troubles and
problems that cross your life. Endure them as you would a headache
without making them worse than they are. When things are difficult in
your life, prayer will be harder, love will be less tender, and God's
presence will be less easily felt. Just learn to be faithful during
these trying times - that is all that God asks.

It is greater strength that carries a boat against the wind for a
quarter of a knot, than for an entire knot with the wind helping you.
Treat the complaints of your self-nature as some people treat their
spoiled appetites. Do not listen to them and act as if you did not feel
them." From THE SEEKING HEART by Fenelon

Great quote: "Justification by faith is not an end in itself. It is
meant to remove every obstacle out of the way so we can get to God. Who
cares if we are made right with God if we don't get God? God gets glory
when He's our treasure-our goal. Justification gets every barrier out of
the way and brings us home to our Father and the banquet table of His
love." Message by John Piper

Men's Fellowship tonight at 6:15 PM - Dinner, Worship and Praise and a
message my Pastor Tony Cuellar. Afterwards enjoy the Activity Center.
Come and bring a friend. Call for reservations - 732-350-1187.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006



"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is
the Word of God." Ephesians 6:17

"The Spirit-filled man has enemies; he is engaged in warfare. The powers
of hell are all against him. He is always open to attack and momentarily
liable to defeat. He needs both defensive and offensive weapons. He must
be able to stand and withstand in every assault of Satan .

There is but one way this can be done and it is the way the God-man
used. His only weapon in the wilderness was the Sword of the Spirit. 'It
is written,' repeated three times in the threefold attack, repulsed the

Let us not that the God-man had His sword burnished and ready. He did
not wait to draw out the scroll of Scripture and read from it to get an
answer for the devil. In the years of seclusion in the Nazareth home he
had stored away the Word of God in His heart, and in the hours of quiet
work in the carpenter's shop He had mediated upon them. It may be that
the Son of Man had gone into the wilderness fresh from the study of
Deuteronomy. His mind was so saturated with its truth that when Satan
attacked, the Spirit instantly brought to remembrance the very words
that utterly routed him. The Son of Man was kept in the moment of
temptation by the Word hid in His heart.

Deuteronomy 11:18 - Therefore shall you lay up these my words in your
heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that
they may be as frontlets between your eyes."

Psalm 119:11 - "Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin
against thee."

Colossians 3:16 - "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and
spiritual psalms, singing with grace in your heart."

Often the reason we yield so quickly to temptation is that our sword is
rusty. This gives Satan the advantage over us. Temptation comes to us on
the street, in the office, when we may not have a Bible with us. It
comes unexpectedly. There is no time to stop and search for an effectual
portion of Scripture. It is only the part of the Word that is hid in
the heart that will become the SWORD IN ACTION at the moment most

Many Christians are defeated today in the warfare against sin and Satan
because of doubt regarding their weapon, the Word of God. To them the
Word is not the Sword of the Spirit but it is merely a staff of man's
making to assist him on the pathway of life which he feels at liberty to
whittle down to the measure of his own intellect and experience. Belief
in the absolute trustworthiness and final authority of the Word is an
essential to the potent use of it as the Sword." From LIFE ON THE

You can start memorizing one verse a day. Your THINK VICTORY! Memory
verse is on the Keswick website homepage. You can memorize God's Word
along with the men of the Colony of Mercy. During their 120-day stay,
they will memorize 120 verses of Scripture.

Men's Fellowship Night - tomorrow night with Pastor Tony Cuellar. Call
for reservations. Come and bring a friend. 732-350-1187

Tuesday, November 07, 2006



Here are some reminders these next several days of the POWER OF GOD'S

The Word of God is a mirror to reveal. (James 1:23-25) A mirror
reveals the personal appearance of the one who looks into it. The Bible
is just such a revelation of man. In it we see the human heart mirrored
exactly as it is in the sight of God. We have in the Word full-length
portraits of the natural, spiritual and carnal man. As one studies the
Bible he finds HIMSELF; mirrored in the lives of men and women who lived
centuries ago he sees himself. In the covetousness of Achan, the
backsliding of David, the despondency of Elijah, the avarice of Job, the
falsehood of Annanias and Sapphira, the denial of Peter, the
self-righteousness of Saul of Tarsus and the jealousy, unbelief and
self-seeking of the disciples, he looks into his OWN sinful heart and
his own wayward life.

The Bible takes the covering the inmost spirit and unveils its
secret thoughts and motives. It shows us to ourselves as we are. But it
does not stop there. It unfolds to man's vision the perfect Man. He
"beholds as in a glass the glory of the Lord" for in the Word, God gives
"the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
Christ.' Then the Bible challenges him, who has seen himself as he is
and as he may become, to act upon the vision, to become the DOER of the
Word in order that He may be conformed to the image of Christ. (adapted
from LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE by Ruth Paxson)

Did you take this morning to use the Word of God as a mirror? I
am excited to share with you that we are now placing the daily memory
verses that are used by the men in the COLONY OF MERCY. Each man
memorizes 120 THINK VICTORY! Verses during his stay. Over the years guys
have asked for the verses we use and the verse for the day will be on
the home page ( Sometime in the next week we
will also have the entire list posted for your use. Be watching for
other THINK VICTORY! Resources.

Join us Thursday night for our November Men's Fellowship Night with
Pastor Tony Cuellar. Tony's ministry of the Word will bless your heart
and challenge you to walk in victory. For reservations and information,
call 732-350-1187.

Monday, November 06, 2006



I have been in bed most of the weekend with the "flu" so I just got up.
Sorry that your Freedom Fighter was delayed this morning.

I just read an on-line article yesterday by Jon Gordon, who is a life
coach in helping men be all that God wants them to be. Some of his stuff
is a little out there, but yesterday's article dealt with how to handle

The premise of his article was that when you and I maintain a spirit of
thankfulness at all times, stress is much easier to handle. So often
when the pressures of life are mounting and it seems like things are
caving in around us, we forget about how blessed we are.

Thursday night before going to be we noticed that we were smelling oil
fumes from our basement. As the night went on it got worse and worse. In
the morning when I called our maintenance staff, they discovered that we
had a leak in the oil tank. Not good. We have two large tanks in our
basement. They called the Oil company and they quickly decided that they
needed to drain the tank and remove them.

The problem was that in order to remove them, Jan had to go through
hoops to get stuff moved. She has made a commitment to do Zach's
homeschooling in the mornings, and this was a major interruption.
Everything in the kitchen and laundry room needed to be removed. The
good news is that by the end of the day, the new tank was in and we were
able to put the house back together. For Jan, it was a very stressful

Saturday morning I stopped over to the main building to drop something
off and came home to Jan being hysterical. When they put back our washer
and dryer (located off the kitchen) the drain hose didn't get put back
into the drain line! There was water EVERYWHERE - kitchen, laundry room
and basement. Again, very stressful.

Those may seem like too minor stressor compared to what you are facing.
Jon suggests that when the stress is mounting, we should step back and
review how blessed we are and rehearse them in our minds. Rather than
focusing on the negative (stress), be reminded of the positive
(blessing). Reminded me of the old song we will sing during this month:

When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed.
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost.
Count your many blessings name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.
When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.
So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
Good words as we begin this new week.
Join us this Thursday night for our Men's Fellowship Night with Pastor
Tony Cuellar. Pastor Tony serves at Immanuel Bible Church in Vineland,
NJ. Dinner begins at 6:15 PM followed by the program and the use of the
Activity Center. Call today for reservations. 732-350-1187

Sunday, November 05, 2006



"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: bring and offering and
come before Him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." 1
Chronicles 16:29

"Man was made to worship God. God gave to man a harp and said, 'Here
above all creatures that I have made and created I have given you the
largest harp. I put more strings on your instrument and I have given you
a wider range than I have given to any other creature. You can worship
Me in a manner that no other creature can ...'

The purpose of God in sending His Son to die and rise and live and be at
the right hand of God that Father was that He might restore to us the
missing jewel, the jewel of worship; that we might come back and learn
to do again that which we were created to do in the first place -
worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, to spend our time in awesome
wonder and adoration of God, feeling and expressing it, and letting it
get into our labors and doing nothing except as an act of worship to
Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ.

I say that the greatest tragedy in the world today is that God has made
man in His image and made him to worship Him, made him to play the harp
of worship before the face of God day and night, but he has failed God
and dropped the harp. It lies voiceless at his feet. Help me, Father, to
pick up the harp and bring You the glory due to Your name. I've come to
know You in a deeper way; may I respond with heartfelt worship, today
and every day. Amen." Adapted from TOZER ON THE ALMIGHTY GOD - A DAILY
DEVOTIONAL by Ron Eggert

Great quote: It takes less time to do something right than it does to
explain why you did it wrong.

Saturday, November 04, 2006



Here is the last installment of observations of this "old man" That Paul
instructs us to PUT OFF. I need to clarify that Ruth Paxson actually
wrote this stuff in 1928 not 1945.

SELF- CONSCIOUSNESS - "the old man never forgets himself; wherever he
goes he casts a shadow of himself before. He is constantly occupied with
photographing himself and developing the plates. He is chained to
himself and as he walks one hears the clank of the chains. He is often
morbidly self-introspective.

SELF-EXALTATION - "the old man" is absorbed in his own excellencies; he
overestimates himself and his abilities; he thirsts for admiration and
praise and he drives on flattery. He secretly worships at the shrine of
"self" and he wishes others to do so publicly.

SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS - "the old man" loves to dress himself in the
garments of morality, benevolence and public-spiritedness. He even
patronizes the church and often assists in drives for raising money for
philanthropic and religious purposes, heading the list of donors with a
handsome gift. He keeps a double entry account book both with the church
and with the world and expects a reward both on earth and in heaven.

SELF-GLORYING - perhaps "the old man" resents this plain delineation of
himself as he really is and thinks the condemnation too sweeping.
Immediately he begins to enumerate his good qualities, his amiableness,
geniality, tolerance, self-control, sacrificial spirit and other
virtues. In do so he takes all the credit to himself for what he is,
exhibiting ill-concealed pride and vanity.

Is this delineation of self true or untrue? You have three ways by which
you may judge and decide:

1. What God's Word says of Him
2. What you have seen of his manifestation in other lives
3. What you know to be true of YOURSELF!!!

In light of our own experience is there one of us who would not have to
confess to everyone of these hateful manifestations of self at some
moment in a greater or less degree? We each of us know what a
hydra-headed monster that old "I" is. Luther knew it and said "I am more
afraid of my own heart than of the Pope and all his cardinals. I have
within me that great Pope SELF!" adapted from LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE,
by Ruth Paxson.

The value of this exercise is not on option #2 above. The value of this
exercise is allowing God to show you from His Word (#1) what you know to
CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST AT THE CROSS!!!! More on the good news throughout
this week.

I am going to format this past three days into a resource that you can
download from our website. Watch for details.

Great Quote: It takes less time to do something right than it does to
explain why you did it wrong.

Friday, November 03, 2006



I want to continue where I left off yesterday on the picture of the "old
man" written by Ruth Paxson in her classic work LIFE ON THE HIGHEST
PLANE. What intrigued me was that she wrote this in 1945 and yet its
words are as fresh and update as if she just wrote it ... As a reminder
from yesterday, she wrote: "The foundation of life in the NATURAL MAN is
foursquare: self-will, self-love, self-trust, and self-exaltation, and
upon this foundation is reared a superstructure that is one HUGE capital
"I." Self-will is the cornerstone and self-exaltation is the capstone."

SELF-SEEKING - "the old man: is on a quest: he is after whatever will
advance the cause of self. He seeks with feverish ambition and activity,
praise, position, power, prominence, and anything that checks his
gaining them is attributed to others.

SELF-PITY - his love for HIMSELF often creates within "the old man"
rebellion against his circumstances or relationships; he exaggerates his
own possible suffering, discomfort or sorrow and makes himself and
others miserable by his habitual murmuring.

SELF-SENSITIVENESS - "the old man" is extremely hard to live with
because he is covered with wounds and is continually being hurt afresh.
He is not very companionable because usually he is dissolved in tears,
shrouded in silence, or enjoying a pout.

SELF-DEFENSE - "the old man" is very jealous of his rights and busy
avenging his wrongs. He indulges freely in lawsuits. In his pursuit of
his own vindication and justification in cases of disagreement and
estrangement with others, he is blinded by his own sin.

SELF-TRUST - "the old man" is very self-confident and feels no need of
one wiser and stronger than himself. Trusting in his own powers and
resources he is prone to say, "Though all me shall deny You, I will

SELF-SUFFICIENCY - the self-confidence of "the old man" fosters an
egotistical, smug, self-satisfaction which leaves him stagnant. He has
neither desire nor sense of need for anything beyond what he already

More tomorrow ... but this is the "old man" that Paul instructs us to
"PUT OFF!" Do a self-examination this morning. Who is reigning in your
life today?

Great Quote: Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels God's eye
is on the sparrow, and knows He watches over me. To be simply ensconced
in God is true joy. How small a portion of our life it is that we really
enjoy! In youth we are looking forward to things that are to come; in
old age we are looking backward to things that are gone past; in
manhood, although we appear indeed to be more occupied in things that
are present, yet even that is too often absorbed in vague determinations
to be vastly happy on some future day when we have time. -- C. C. Colton

Thursday, November 02, 2006



" ... that you put off, concerning your former conduct,
the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts."
Colossian 3:9

Who is the "old man" that the Apostle Paul instructs us to "put off?"
For the next several days, I want to help you understand who the old man
is - you are probably extremely familiar with him, more so than you want
to admit.

I want to share this picture through the eyes of Ruth Paxson whose
classic work on victorious Christian living has been a blessing to so
many over the years:

""Let us take a full-length portrait of this hideous, heinous self; let
us face honestly his manifold operations and see if we are not forced to
accept GOD'S estimation of him and to acquiesce in the method of
deliverance from his sovereignty. The foundation of life in the NATURAL
MAN is foursquare: self-will, self-love, self-trust, and
self-exaltation, and upon this foundation is reared a superstructure
that is one HUGE capital "I." Self-will is the cornerstone and
self-exaltation is the capstone."

"SELF-WILL" - "We have turned every one to his own way." The flesh wants
its OWN way and is determined to have it even if it defies and disobeys
God and overrides others."I WILL" is the alphabet out of which self
fashions its language of life.

"SELF-CENTEREDNESS" - "the old man" feeds upon himself. He is the
beginning and the end. Life presents little that interests or affects
him except as it relates to HIMSELF. He is the center of the world in
which he lives and moves and he always looks out for number one.

"SELF-ASSERTION" - "the old man" believes that everyone is as interested
in him and as fascinated by him as he himself is, so he protrudes and
projects himself into the sight, hearing, and the notice of others
continually. He monopolizes conversations and the theme is always "I,"
"my" and "mine." He walks with a swagger and expects the world to stop
work and look at him. And he never dreams how offensive his
self-importance is to others.

"SELF-DEPRECIATION" - "the old man" is very versatile and sometimes it
suits his purpose better to clothe his pride in a false humility. He
curls up in his self-depreciation and shirks a lot of hard work which
other people have to do. He magnifies his littleness and feebleness to
his own advantage, yet with strange inconsistency he resents others'
taking his professed estimate of himself and treating him accordingly.

'SELF-CONCEIT" - "the old man" lives so much in himself that he does not
know how big the world is in which he lives and how many other really
intelligent people there are in it, so he has little regard for the
opinions of others, especially if contrary to his own. He looks with
proud and supercilious pity upon those less favored and gifted than

"SELF-LOVE" - "the old man" loves HIMSELF supremely, one might say
almost exclusively. He loves God not at all and his human love for
others is tainted more or less with selfishness, jealousy, envy or
impurity. Indeed, "the old man" makes an idol of HIMSELF which he not
only loves but worships.

"SELF-INDULGENT" - "the old man" eats, drinks, and is merry. For him to
want anything is equivalent to having it. He pampers and coddles
himself; he can even indulge his extravagant, fleshly appetites while
others starve to death before his eyes.

"SELF-PLEASING" - "the old man" chafes under discomfort and deprivation
and is grumpy and peevish unless EVERYTHING in the life of HIS day
ministers to real or imagined needs. He lives unto only ONE person whose
name is SELF! (Adapted from LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE by Ruth Paxson.)

Will share more over the next several days. No wonder Paul said, "O
wretched man that I am!"

Great Quote: When you become consumed by God's call on your life,
everything will take on new meaning and significance. You will begin to
see every facet of your life - including your pain - as a means through
which God can work to bring others to Himself. Charles Stanley

Wednesday, November 01, 2006



Here is another list of questions to help determine your spiritual
health. These questions will be helpful in analyzing your prayer life.

1. Has my prayer life been POWERLESS because of some besetting sin?

2. Has my prayer life been HINDERED by haste, irregularity,
indefiniteness, insufficient preparation, unbelief, neglect of Bible

3. Has my prayer life been FRUITLESS? Have I had such power with
God that I have had power with people? Have I had definite answers to
prayer week by week?

4. Has my prayer life been RESTRICTED merely to short, stated
seasons of prayer or have I come to know what it is to 'pray without

5. Has my prayer life been LIMITED to prayer for myself? My family?
My work? My church? My mission? Or have I taken the world into my heart
and into my prayers?

6. Has my prayer life been STARVED? Or have I devoted time to the
study of God's Word about prayer? Do I know His precepts and promises?

7. Has my prayer life been JOYLESS? Do I love to pray? Or is prayer
more of a duty than a delight?

8. Has my prayer life been GROWING? Do I daily know more of the
meaning and power of prayer?

9. Has my prayer life been sacrificial? Has it cost me anything in
time, strength, vitality, love?

"Lord, teach us to pray!" adapted from a KESWICK CLASSIC on
the victorious Christian life ... LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE by Ruth

Great Quote: Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do
you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the
foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper
must be its foundations. Augustine

REVIVEHER NIGHT ... Guys - want a great way to encourage your
wife? Send her to the monthly ReviveHER Night at America's KESWICK.
Tomorrow night is our next one. See the website for details. It is a
great investment into the life of your spouse! See:

If you have been blessed by the ministry of Freedom Fighters, we
encourage you to share it with others. If you would like to get the men
in your church interested in this daily publication, email me and we can
send you sign-up cards.