Thursday, November 30, 2006



Growing up I hated tests. How about you? Now looking back, I realize
that they were not so bad. Tests are a gauge of how we are grasping the
subject we are studying. Dr. Charles Stanley shares 13 ways that you can
determine if you are maturing in your relationship with Jesus Christ:

1. You are becoming increasingly aware of your sinfulness and
2. Your response to sin is quick and followed by genuine
3. Your spiritual battles are becoming more fierce, and yet you
still rejoice.
4. You begin to see trials and temptations as opportunities for
growth: 'Lord, what are you trying to teach me?'
5. You view your service to Him as an honor not a burden.
6. You view everything as coming from God. He is sovereign, so He
either brought it or allowed it.
7. You sense your faith growing stronger. It takes more to ruffle
8. You desire to spend more time in praise and worship. You are in
love with the Lord and want to show it.
9. Your desire to obey Him becomes more intense, and sin becomes
less attractive.
10.You are eager to share with others what Christ is doing in
your life.
11.You experience more awareness of His presence at all times,
not just in places like church on Sundays.
12. You jealously guard your quiet times of prayer and Bible
13. You prefer to spend time with Him above all others. The more
time you spend with Him, the more you become like Him.

Adapted from PATHWAY TO HIS PRESENCE by Dr. Charles F. Stanley

So how are you doing? Good things to ponder on this 30th day of

Join us for a wonderful evening of great food, fellowship and worship -
Christmas Dinner Concert with violinist, Jamie Jorge. Thursday, December
7th. Reservations required. Call today or visit our website for

Great Quote: "There is only one relationship that really matters, and
that is your personal relationship to your personal Redeemer and Lord.
If you maintain that at all costs, letting everything else go, God will
fulfill His purpose through your life. One individual life may be of
priceless value to God's purposes, and yours may be that life!" Oswald

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