Friday, December 01, 2006



Did you ever find yourself saying to someone, "Just trust me!" and not
wanting to give reasons? It may be to your kids, your spouse, your
employees, or your congregation. Well we read throughout the Bible
"Trust me" in reference to God. Are there reasons why we can trust God?

Dr. Charles Stanley suggests six reasons why you can trust God:

1. He is the one, true God (2 Samuel 7:21-22). From the beginning
of time, those who seek God have found Him. No other god revealed
himself to man in this way.
2. He is the essence of truth (Hebrews 6:17-18). God cannot lie,
and He will never lead you astray. However, He has told us that there is
one who deceives us, and that is Satan. Jesus called him the 'father of
lies" and rightly so. (John 8:44)
3. He is absolutely faithful (Lamentations 3:23). When was the last
time God let you down? He never has, and He never will. No matter what
you are facing, God knows about it, and He is near to show you how to
resolve your dilemma.
4. He has all power (Matthew 28:18). Henry Thiessen writes, "God
can do what He wills to do, but he does not necessarily will to do
anything ... To the Christian the omnipotence of God is a great source
of great comfort and joy.
5. He loves you unconditionally (John 15:9). God will never stop
loving you. Even when you are unlovely, He loves you. And it is His love
that draws you away from sin and into His arms of infinite care.
6. He never changes (Hebrews 13:8). God is immutable. Thiessen
writes: 'He is exalted above all causes and above even the possibility
of change.

Adapted from PATHWAYS TO HIS PRESENCE by Dr. Charles F. Stanley
- Nelson Publishing

Great quote: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He
will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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