Sunday, November 19, 2006



"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the
nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10)

"As a disciple of Jesus Christ I cannot afford the luxury of
frustration. If I lie down at the end of the day and feel at loose ends,
I am not up to my commitment. Why didn't that letter come? Why didn't I
telephone so-and-so? Why did I leave some things out of the interview?
Why did my talk before the group flop? And so on. In such a state I feel
cheated, robbed, dissatisfied. And there is no peace whatever.

That condition is both UNBELIEF and REBELLION. Unbelief, because if all
things are mine, as Paul said (1 Corinthians 3:21), why do I not simply
believe it and rest? And rebellion because I have quarreled with God's
portion for me today! I must learn that I cannot gain any more than what
God has planned to give me in a given day. All the striving, yearning,
and even praying will not yield one sliver more of the blessing God has
decreed for me. My attitude ought to be: Thy will, not my will; let Your
portion come, not, give me the portion I demand. I must learn to yield,
not resist.

Nothing in heaven or earth can stop or delay the blessing that God has
reserved for YOU today. There is no 'Delayed Blessings Office' in God's
economy. The word DELAY does not even appear in His vocabulary. Anything
that is delayed is simply not HIS will for me at the particular moment.
Therefore, why fret? My days may not always be characterized by
pleasureful delight, but they will always be characterized by His
specially chosen portion, which will never fail to arrive. So why should
I fear?

Yet I always seem to fear God - fearing that He will refuse to give me
what I ought to have. The result? I live miserably rather than joyfully.
God, give me a heart to accept Your portion - with JOY! I rest in this:
(Psalm 84:11)" From DAILY WITH THE KING published by Moody Press

Good word for today. I know I needed it, and my guess is that someone
reading it today needed it too. Have a blessed Lord's Day.

Great Quote: To the individual believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit there
is granted the direct impression of the Spirit of God on the spirit of
man, imparting the knowledge of His will in matters of the smallest and
greatest importance. This has to be sought and waited for. G. Campbell

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