Wednesday, November 01, 2006



Here is another list of questions to help determine your spiritual
health. These questions will be helpful in analyzing your prayer life.

1. Has my prayer life been POWERLESS because of some besetting sin?

2. Has my prayer life been HINDERED by haste, irregularity,
indefiniteness, insufficient preparation, unbelief, neglect of Bible

3. Has my prayer life been FRUITLESS? Have I had such power with
God that I have had power with people? Have I had definite answers to
prayer week by week?

4. Has my prayer life been RESTRICTED merely to short, stated
seasons of prayer or have I come to know what it is to 'pray without

5. Has my prayer life been LIMITED to prayer for myself? My family?
My work? My church? My mission? Or have I taken the world into my heart
and into my prayers?

6. Has my prayer life been STARVED? Or have I devoted time to the
study of God's Word about prayer? Do I know His precepts and promises?

7. Has my prayer life been JOYLESS? Do I love to pray? Or is prayer
more of a duty than a delight?

8. Has my prayer life been GROWING? Do I daily know more of the
meaning and power of prayer?

9. Has my prayer life been sacrificial? Has it cost me anything in
time, strength, vitality, love?

"Lord, teach us to pray!" adapted from a KESWICK CLASSIC on
the victorious Christian life ... LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE by Ruth

Great Quote: Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do
you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the
foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper
must be its foundations. Augustine

REVIVEHER NIGHT ... Guys - want a great way to encourage your
wife? Send her to the monthly ReviveHER Night at America's KESWICK.
Tomorrow night is our next one. See the website for details. It is a
great investment into the life of your spouse! See:

If you have been blessed by the ministry of Freedom Fighters, we
encourage you to share it with others. If you would like to get the men
in your church interested in this daily publication, email me and we can
send you sign-up cards.

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