Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Additional Accountability Questions

Additional Accountability Questions

I read these great questions in a newsletter from the ministry of
Blazing Grace. They come from speaker and author of prayer, Evelyn

1. Do you worry about anything? Have you failed to thank God for all
things, the seemingly bad as well as the good? Do you neglect to give
thanks at mealtime?

2. Do you fail to attempt things for God because you are not talented
enough? Do feelings of inferiority keep you from trying to serve God?
When you do accomplish something for Christ, do you fail to give Him all
the glory?

3. Have you failed to be a witness with your life for Christ? Have you
felt it was enough to just live your Christianity and not witness with
your mouth to the lost?

4. Are you proud of your accomplishments, your talents, your family? Do
you fail to see others as better than yourself, more important than
yourself in the body of Christ? Do you think as a Christian you are
doing quite well? Do you rebel at God wanting to change you?

5. Do you complain, find fault, argue? Do you have a critical spirit? Do
you carry a grudge against Christians of another group because they
don't see eye to eye with you on all things? Do you speak unkindly about
people when they are not present? Are you angry with yourself? Others?

6. Are you careless with your body? Are you guilty of not caring for it
as the temple of the Holy Spirit in eating and exercise habits? Do you
defile your body with unholy sex acts?

7. Do you ever use filthy language, tell slightly off-color jokes? Do
you condone others doing so in your presence, in your home?

8. Do you fail to see that you are a landing strip for Satan when you
open your mind to him through transcendental meditation, yoga, psychic
predictions, occult literature, and violent, sex-driven movies? Do you
let Satan use you to thwart the cause of Christ in your church through
criticism, gossip and non-support?

9. Do you fail to pay your debts on time? Avoid paying them altogether?
Do you charge more on credit cards that you can pay when due? Do you
neglect to keep honest income tax records? Do you engage in any shady
business deals?

10. Are you irregular or spasmodic in church attendance? Do you attend
preaching services in body only, whispering, reading or planning while
God's Word is being preached? Are you skipping prayer meetings? Have you
neglected family devotions?

11. Do you ever lie? Exaggerate? Do you fail to see "little white lies"
as sin? Do you tell things the way you want them rather than the way
they really are?

12. Are you guilty of a lustful eye towards the opposite sex? Do you
fill your mind with sex-orientated TV programs, movies, books or
magazines? Their covers? Centerfolds? Do you indulge in any lustful
activity that God's Word condemns-fornication, adultery, perversion?

13. Are you guilty of being a part of factions or divisions in your
church? Would you rather add fuel to a misunderstanding than help
correct it? Have you loved only the ones in your own church, feeling
those of other denominations are not worthy of the body of Christ? Are
you secretly pleased over the misfortunes of another? Annoyed by their

14. Have you failed to forgive anybody anything they might have said or
done against you? Have you turned certain people off? Are you holding

15. Do you steal from your employer by doing less work, staying on the
job less time than you are paid for? Do you pad your expense account?

16. Is your goal in life to make as much money as possible? Accumulate
things? Have you withheld God's share of your income from Him? Is money
your god?

17. Do you know in your heart that you are a fake, just pretending to be
a real Christian? Are you hiding behind church membership to cover a
life still full of sin? Are you faking Christianity for social status,
acceptance in your church, community? Do you smile piously during the
Sunday sermon but live in your sin all week? Are you the person in your
home that you are trying to impress people you are?

18. Do you enjoy listening to gossip? Passing it on? Do you believe
rumors or partial truths about an enemy of your competitor? Do you fail
to spend time every day reading the Bible? Do you fail to think on the
things of God-only good and true and pure things-always?

So how did you fare? Good questions to consider today and in the days

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