Friday, November 10, 2006



"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm
against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11)
It is always wise to inspect your motorcycle before you go on a
long ride. Unfortunately, I learned this lesson a little too late. As
we were getting ready to leave for a men's retreat from our church, I
began to hear a little rattle coming from my exhaust pipes. I thought
it may have been a loose baffle inside the pipe so I attempted to
tighten it. As I investigated further, I realized it was a missing nut
that connected the exhaust pipe to the manifold at the engine head. It
had apparently fallen off on a previous ride. Apart from the obvious
exhaust leak, that annoying rattle was with me for the whole time I rode
out from Toms River, NJ to Lancaster, PA via Delaware and Maryland. I'm
thankful it was only that. Had it been something more significant like
a loose front wheel nut, or something that could have been catastrophic
like that, I would not be writing this devotional at this time. I would
probably not be here at all. Checking your equipment is essential if
you are going to have a safe, enjoyable ride.
The Apostle Paul sums up his letter to the Ephesians by giving
them an equipment check. We are to put on the whole armor of God. It
is interesting to notice the tense in which these pieces of equipment
are described. For the first three articles of armor, it is implied
that all believers are clothed in them at the moment of salvation. The
belt of truth buckled around your waist. The breastplate of
righteousness having been put on. Also, the feet are fitted with the
readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. All three of these
pieces of divine equipment are set in place the moment we receive Christ
as Savior. However, there are the other components that we are
instructed to "take up." This is an active form that we are responsible
to do daily. We are to take up the shield of faith. We are to daily
walk in the faith and trust that God knows what's best for us. He is
the ultimate road captain that has the best route for our lives mapped
out. As we take the helmet of salvation, our mind and emotions are
guarded from danger as we set our minds on things above, not things on
the earth (Col. 3:2). We become transformed by the renewing of our
minds. The whole purpose of a helmet is to protect your head from
injury. As we put our helmet of salvation on, our minds are guarded in
Christ (cf. Phil. 4:7). The sword of the Spirit which is the word of
God, is not only a defensive weapon, like the previous five pieces of
equipment, but is also an offensive weapon in the sense that you can
counter the attacks against you by skillfully using your sword. This
sword is sharper than any double edged sword in that it can divide not
only the joints and marrow, but also the soul and the spirit as well as
judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart(cf. Heb. 4:12). The
last piece of equipment - prayer - is not usually considered a part of
the armor, but is an invaluable component. The great reformer Martin
Luther stated, "to be a Christian without prayer is no more possible
than to be alive without breathing." Prayer is the essential piece of
equipment that energizes the other components of the armor. It gives you
insight into the truths of God's word. Prayer reaffirms your right
standing with the Father through Christ. For by it, we may approach the
Father in confidence. Prayer also is the vehicle whereby we ask God to
prepare the hearts of those we share the good news with, that they would
have ears to hear and hearts to respond to the gospel that brings peace.
It empowers us to walk by faith and not by sight. Lastly, prayer keeps
our minds fixed on God, as well as enabling us to take captive every
thought making it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Rev. Michael P.

Today's devotional is taken from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE - 365 Daily
Devotions on teaching you how to live victoriously! It is a great tool
to help you spend time with the Lord each day. If you follow the Bible
reading plan each day that goes along with the devotional, you will read
through the Bible in its entirety in a year. This will make a great
Christmas present. Call our bookstore today (732-350-1187 ext 31) or
order on-line (

Missed Men's Fellowship Night? If you would like to receive a CD of last
night's powerful challenge from Pastor Tony Cuellar, I'd like to send it
to you at no cost. Just respond to the Freedom Fighter email and include
your regular mailing address. It's our way of thanking you for being a
part of our Freedom Fighter family.

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