Sunday, November 05, 2006



"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: bring and offering and
come before Him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." 1
Chronicles 16:29

"Man was made to worship God. God gave to man a harp and said, 'Here
above all creatures that I have made and created I have given you the
largest harp. I put more strings on your instrument and I have given you
a wider range than I have given to any other creature. You can worship
Me in a manner that no other creature can ...'

The purpose of God in sending His Son to die and rise and live and be at
the right hand of God that Father was that He might restore to us the
missing jewel, the jewel of worship; that we might come back and learn
to do again that which we were created to do in the first place -
worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, to spend our time in awesome
wonder and adoration of God, feeling and expressing it, and letting it
get into our labors and doing nothing except as an act of worship to
Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ.

I say that the greatest tragedy in the world today is that God has made
man in His image and made him to worship Him, made him to play the harp
of worship before the face of God day and night, but he has failed God
and dropped the harp. It lies voiceless at his feet. Help me, Father, to
pick up the harp and bring You the glory due to Your name. I've come to
know You in a deeper way; may I respond with heartfelt worship, today
and every day. Amen." Adapted from TOZER ON THE ALMIGHTY GOD - A DAILY
DEVOTIONAL by Ron Eggert

Great quote: It takes less time to do something right than it does to
explain why you did it wrong.

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