Tuesday, November 07, 2006



Here are some reminders these next several days of the POWER OF GOD'S

The Word of God is a mirror to reveal. (James 1:23-25) A mirror
reveals the personal appearance of the one who looks into it. The Bible
is just such a revelation of man. In it we see the human heart mirrored
exactly as it is in the sight of God. We have in the Word full-length
portraits of the natural, spiritual and carnal man. As one studies the
Bible he finds HIMSELF; mirrored in the lives of men and women who lived
centuries ago he sees himself. In the covetousness of Achan, the
backsliding of David, the despondency of Elijah, the avarice of Job, the
falsehood of Annanias and Sapphira, the denial of Peter, the
self-righteousness of Saul of Tarsus and the jealousy, unbelief and
self-seeking of the disciples, he looks into his OWN sinful heart and
his own wayward life.

The Bible takes the covering the inmost spirit and unveils its
secret thoughts and motives. It shows us to ourselves as we are. But it
does not stop there. It unfolds to man's vision the perfect Man. He
"beholds as in a glass the glory of the Lord" for in the Word, God gives
"the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
Christ.' Then the Bible challenges him, who has seen himself as he is
and as he may become, to act upon the vision, to become the DOER of the
Word in order that He may be conformed to the image of Christ. (adapted
from LIFE ON THE HIGHEST PLANE by Ruth Paxson)

Did you take this morning to use the Word of God as a mirror? I
am excited to share with you that we are now placing the daily memory
verses that are used by the men in the COLONY OF MERCY. Each man
memorizes 120 THINK VICTORY! Verses during his stay. Over the years guys
have asked for the verses we use and the verse for the day will be on
the home page (www.americaskeswick.org). Sometime in the next week we
will also have the entire list posted for your use. Be watching for
other THINK VICTORY! Resources.

Join us Thursday night for our November Men's Fellowship Night with
Pastor Tony Cuellar. Tony's ministry of the Word will bless your heart
and challenge you to walk in victory. For reservations and information,
call 732-350-1187.

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