Wednesday, November 22, 2006



"A genuine spirit of thankfulness to God will also produce a practical
gratefulness to others. Here are some ways in which true gratefulness
can be expressed.

1. By telling them - Thank others for what they have done and for
the qualities demonstrated through their actions.
2. By writing to them - Letters should be prompt, neatly written,
and well thought out.
3. By public recognition - Tell others of the kind deeds done by
specific individuals and how your life has been benefited by those
4. BY giving gifts to them - These gifts should be appropriate and
of value to the ones receiving them. The personal thoughtfulness behind
the gift is of greater importance than the actual gift.
5. By spending time with them - For the lonely or discouraged
quality time or a special outing would mean more than a letter or a
6. By informing them of your prayers for them - Paul routinely
began his letters by explaining how he thanked God for the believers to
whom he wrote. (See Ephesians 1:16; Colossians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:2;
and 2 Thessalonians 2:13)

So how grateful are you?

1. Do you begin each morning by thanking God for a new day?
2. Do you look for things you usually take for granted and thank
God for them?
3. Do you thank God for your health and strength?
4. Do you quickly express thanks to other people?
5. Do you rejoice in trials and tribulations?
6. Do you think of creative ways to express gratefulness to God and
7. Do you look for benefits in the things that normally cause
8. Do you give public recognition to individuals who have helped
9. Do you pray for those who have benefited you?
10. Do you thank God for your human authorities and pray for them?

Good things to consider on this day before Thanksgiving. Adapted from
THE POWER OF SUCCESS - How to Build Character in Your Life - by Bill

Great quote: A proud man is seldom a grateful man; he never thinks he
gets as much as he deserves. - Henry Ward Beecher

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