Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Poseidon Adventure Part 2

The Poseidon Adventure Part 2

Mathew 8:26  He replied, "You have little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

   In a matter of minutes the tidal wave over took them and swallowed the ship whole. Chaos, death, fear, doubt, and disorientation was taking place as the S.S Poseidon was swallowed. When the wave had passed the ship lay upside down, motionless, like a giant bobber floating in the sea. As the ship began to take on water a group of survivors were fighting for their lives to get out. Trouble is everything was not as it once was. Down was up, up was down, left was right, and right was left. WHEW! Disorientation was really setting in, Fear was close behind, and doubt was surrounding them both. In these times of turbulent waters, when we get hit that hard, your life can be every bit of, all of the above. 

   The survivor's made their way to the bottom of the ship which was really the top. The leader of the group Gene Hackman just happened to be a priest. Some people submitted to his authority, some were stubborn, some were strong willed and others decided to go a different direction all together. A very small group went with Mr. Hackman. At first things were really rough. They then realized that if they were going to get out alive they needed to work together. They helped one another, they encouraged one another, and they even argued but resolved the issue at hand quickly. In their final ascent to get out, there were a few that sacrificed their lives for the greater good of the group. WOW! Does that sound like someone you know? That's right our Lord Jesus Christ.

   Just as those folks needed each other to survive, so do we need Jesus Christ for survival,  for guidance, for strength, for comfort. We also need brothers in Christ for the same reasons.

   How often do we feel like we are sinking, fighting for our lives, disoriented beyond clarity, fearing the worst and doubting that there is any hope for us and then you hear it, that still small voice calling your name with such compassion and gentleness that you begin to weep because Jesus never left you did.

   Brothers, whatever is on the horizon, whatever you are in, whatever you are going through God said in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  What a great promise. – Keith Varga is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 42-43; Psalm 57; Proverbs 31

Compass Pointers: Accustom yourself to commune with God, not with thoughts deliberately formed to be expressed at a certain time, but with the feelings with which your heart is filled. If you enjoy His presence, and feel drawn by the attraction of His love, tell Him that you delight in Him, that you are happy in loving Him, and that He is very good to inspire so much affection in a heart so unworthy of His love. But what shall you say in seasons of dryness, coldness, weariness? Still say what you have in your heart. Tell God that you no longer find His love within you, that you feel a terrible void, that He wearies you, that His presence does not move you. Say to Him, "0 God, look upon my ingratitude, my inconstancy, my unfaithfulness. Take my heart, for I cannot give it; and when Thou hast it, oh, keep it, for I cannot keep it for Thee; and save me in spite of myself." Francois Fenelon

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: I always feel that there is something wrong if I go without prayer for even half an hour in the day. C. H. Spurgeon

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Poseidon Adventure Part 1

The Poseidon Adventure Part 1

Mathew 8:25 ... Lord, Save us! we are going to drown!

    Ok , I know this 1972 movie goes back a ways and it may even reflect my age. So, do you all remember this one with Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, and Shelley Winters. Whether you remember it or not we can all agree that their lives got turned upside down. Sorry, little Vermont humor there. 

   Everything was going great for all the passengers on the Ocean Liner Poseidon. Food, drink, dancing, laughing, People were just having a good time, they felt safe. Even the Captain was confident about how well things were going, until he got his first warning of a severe storm brewing on the horizon.

   I don't know about you all but I have been there, done that and STILL HAVE those types of storms come my way. The difference now is I know who my Captain is. Most folks on that vessel probably didn't know the Captain, but they had confidence in him to get them where they needed to go. None of those people knew what was ahead or what was about to happen. The Captain however, knew. His experience at sea told him that his ship was in the wrong place at the wrong time and when the second weather report came in his worst fears were facing him head on. A 100 foot tidal wave, also referred to as a "Rogue Wave" which occurs far out to sea was headed right for them. Imagine seeing this MONSTEROUS wave off in the distance. 

Sometimes we do see waves of that magnitude and we do one of three actions:
 1. We tuck tale and run only for it to catch up to us later on.
2. We do nothing, absolutely nothing.
3. We hit it head on and have such confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ that He will Guide us, Protect us, and Strengthen us during these sometimes monstrous waves.

   The Captain of the Ocean Liner Poseidon saw this tidal wave coming and tried to change course. Only problem is those huge vessels DO NOT TURN very quickly. The tidal wave over took them and swallowed them whole. Are you seeing a tidal wave on the horizon? Are you running from one right now? Are you doing nothing? OR Are you hitting these monstrosities head on knowing who your Captain is and what He will do for you if only you have faith.

   You just need a mustard seed of faith brothers. Mathew 17:20  Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move, nothing will be impossible for you.
   Whether it be a tidal wave , or a gentle wave, a mountain or a mole hill THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS IN CONTROL. Part 2 coming soon. – Keith is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 40-41; Psalm 56; Proverbs 30

Compass Pointers: All God wants of His followers is that we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and that we trust His promises and obey His commands. He will then give us wisdom, grace, favour, manpower, finances--everything we need--to accomplish all that He has called us to do. Bill Bright

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: He that is never on his knees on earth shall never stand upon his feet in heaven. C. H. Spurgeon

Monday, August 29, 2011

Judging What is Friendly Fire

Judging What is Friendly Fire 

“For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.”                                                    1 Corinthians 4:4-5 (ESV) 

Dr. David Jeremiah just put this really cool pamphlet out called “Tour of Duty”. It is all done up in an olive green cover holding beige pages with just the right amount of gold leafing. Kind of like a USMC Gomer Pyle feel to it with the marching orders for today’s Christian Solider (I borrowed some of that sentence from him). It starts off with the lyrics to “Onward Christian Soldiers” and then you turn the page to see…GOD WANTS YOU! Dr. Jeremiah even ends his introduction with “Be all God wants you to be”, pretty cool stuff to read in this pamphlet. It is like having one of his sermons right at your fingertips. 

As I paged through these freshly printed marching orders I get to marching order #4. This is a tough one as I have been in a period of time where what Dr. Jeremiah has written is very relevant. It is about judging others and why we, as Christian Soldiers, are to refrain from doing this. The five verse references given are all “Red Lettered.” This tells me that The Judge has laid down the ground rules on how His people are to judge each other. So without any further ado let’s get into the list of the five verse’s. 

1. “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” (John 7:24 ESV)
This means to respect those things we are not sure of like people’s motives and environments. To judge things according to the truth, the evidence of them and to understand that only God can judge the hearts of all men. 

2. “Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:4 ESV) How can you look your brother in the face and say something about their struggle if you have the same struggle that you cannot deal with yourself? Our own judgmental spirit tends to criticize others in our own areas of weakness and we suddenly turn into lumberjacks to avoid the absolute judgment of Holy Spirit conviction. 

3. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:1-2 ESV)  This means to be weary of rash judgments concerning a brother’s word or his deeds even to the point of handing down a sentence with respect to their eternal state. A man who lived before Christ whose name is Hillell (possibly the father of Simeon…Luke 2:25) gave this as advice, “Do not judge your neighbor, (says He) until you come into his place.” Dr. Jeremiah also says, “Judging is not only a bludgeon; it’s a boomerang!” Needless to say the yardstick you made with that log has no place here either, just sayin’. 

4. “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” (Matthew 7:5 ESV)  Well gosh just the mere mentioning of a piece of lumber and we get this verse. The thing to note here is that a brother with a critical spirit will act as a spin doctor on the dance floor. Instead of carefully judging himself he will be easy on “his bad self” and “get all up in your grill” (I have been trying out some new slang with my teens…they have asked me to stop). Basically he is easier on himself than he is on you because he will overlook his own weakness and consider yours an abomination to the Throne of Grace, right? 

5. “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3 ESV) For those of you readers who are Colony men this verse is all too familiar isn’t it? We walk the hallways of the Colony banging each other in the head with our 2x4’s, trying to knock some sense into each other and never realizing that we were retarding the correction we needed to solve our own problems. John Gill once asked, “Dost thou think thy brother cannot see thy beam?” Just who are we fooling away, huh? Hmmm! 

It was on page 14 in this pamphlet where in bold lettering, “FRIENDLY FIRE: REFRAIN FROM JUDGING OTHERS!” jumped right out at me, said I needed to go back, review my motives about this time period in my life and be aware of not becoming judge, jury and executioner. It doesn’t matter whether I am right about this issue or not, what really matters is not to assume a position on the Bema seat, remember that only God can judge the hearts of men and, truth be told, Jesus paid it all. Who do I think I am anyway? – Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular Freedom Fighter contributor

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 38-39; Psalm 55; Proverbs 29

Compass Pointers: “We should be very careful how we censure others when we have to deal with a Judge from whom we cannot conceal ourselves. When he comes to judge, “each one’s praise will come from God.” Christians may well be patient under unjust censures when they know a day such as this is coming. But how fearful should they be of loading any with reproaches now whom their common Judge shall later commend.”                                                                                                                         Grant Me Wisdom  Matthew Henry

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: As artists give themselves to their models, and poets to their classical pursuits, so must we addict ourselves to prayer. C. H. Spurgeon

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Psalm of Praise -- Psalm 95

A Psalm of Praise – Psalm 95

I love this paraphrase of Psalm 95 from Psalms Now (Concordia):
Let us begin this day with singing,
Whether we feel like it or not,
Let us make glad sounds and force our tongues to articulate words
   of thanksgiving and praise.

The facts are: GOD IS WITH US!
   This world and we who live in it are HIS;
   He loves us!
   He has adopted us as His children;
   We belong to HIM!
This makes us valid, worthwhile.
We are truly significant in the eyes of our God,
   irrespective of our human feelings or the comments of our critics about us.

This may not be the way we feel this morning,
   but this is truly the way it is.
We don’t need the plaudits of our peers,
   for we have God’s stamp of approval!
So let us begin this day with singing whether we feel like it or not!
Then we may end this day with praises, because we KNOW – and may even feel --
   that we shall forever be the object of God’s concern and the children of HIS love.

You may not FEEL like it – but let’s purpose this Lord’s day to praise and worship our great God! He is worthy of our praise whether we feel like it or not. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 25-37; Psalm 54; Proverbs 28

Compass Pointers: “When the True beauty and attraction of the holiness found in Divine things is discovered by the soul, a new world of perspectives is opened.  The glory of all the perfections of God and of everything that pertains to him is revealed…A sense of the moral beauty of Divine things enables us to understand the sufficiency of Christ as Mediator.  In this way the believer is led into the knowledge of the excellency of Christ’s Person.  The saints are then made aware of the preciousness of Christ’s blood and of its sufficiency to atone for sin.  On this depends the merit of His obedience, and sufficiency and prevalence of Christ’s intercession.  The beauty of the way of salvation by Christ is made manifest in all these ways…Thus all true experienced religion comes from this sense of spiritual beauty” Jonathan Edwards

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: ANYTHING is a blessing which makes us pray. C. H. Spurgeon

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Think About It

Think About It

It is not easy …
To apologize,
To profit by mistakes,
To begin over,
To forgive and forget,
To be unselfish,
To think and then act,
To take advice,
To keep out of a rut,
To admit error,
To make the best of a little,
To face a sneer,
To subdue an unruly temper,
To be charitable,
To shoulder a deserved blame,
To keep trying,
To recognize the silver lining,
To be considerate,
To avoid mistakes,
To endure success,

So how are you doing with all the above? Think about it! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick
GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 32-34; Psalm 53; Proverbs 27

Compass Pointers: The conduct of our lives is the only proof of the sincerity in our hearts. Robert Wilson

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: One cannot get deep in religion until one gets deep into prayer. W. E. Sangster

Friday, August 26, 2011

Something in My Hands I Bring

Something in My Hands I Bring

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Psalm 51:17

Two years ago I read a powerful book by Dr. Paul David Tripp, Whiter Than Snow – Meditations on Sin and Mercy. It was a powerful read and since Psalm 51 was the Scripture for yesterday, I want to share this with you:

Call 800-453-7942 to order your copy
God doesn’t want you to come to Him empty-handed.
No, you can’t come to Him full of yourself,
And you can’t come to Him based on your track record

And you can’t use your performance as a recommendation.
No, you can’t come to Him based on your family,
Your personality,
You education,
Your position in life,
The successes you’ve had,
The possessions you’ve accumulated,
Or the human acceptance you’ve gained.
But God requires you to come with your hands full.
He requires you to bring to Him the sweetest of sacrifices,
The sacrifice of words,
He calls you to bring Hosea’s offering.
“Return, O Israel, to the Lord Your God.
Your sins have been your downfall.
Takes words with you and return to the Lord.
Say to Him
“Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously,
That we may offer our lips as the sacrifice of bulls.”
God doesn’t want you to come to Him empty-handed.
He asks of you a sacrifice.
Not a grain offering,
Not a lamb or bull.
No, that requirement has been satisfied
By the blood of the Lamb.
Yet God asks of you a sacrifice
It is the offering of words,
Words of humility, words of honesty, words of moral courage, words of moral candor,
Words that could only be spoken by one who resists grace!

Words of confession are what you must bring.
Place words, free of negotiation or excuse, on His altar of grace, and receive forgiveness and cleansing.
Uncover your heart, exposed by words, and say:
“We will never again say, ‘Our gods’ to what our own hands have made,
For in You the fatherless find compassion.”
What David willingly did He requires of you,
Come with words,
It is the way of grace,
It is the way of freedom,
It is the way to God.

Are you brave enough, bold enough to take that sacrifice to Him today? He is waiting! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 28-31; Psalm 52; Proverbs 26

Compass Pointers: If I grapple with sin in my own strength, the devil knows he may go to sleep. H. G. Adams

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: If you are too busy to pray then you are too busy! W. E. Sangster

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can We Continue in Sin?

Can We Continue in Sin?

What can we say then? Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live in it any longer? Romans 6:1-2

Today’s Freedom Fighter devotional answers a very important question regarding sin in our lives. It is one of those “help-to-connect-the-dot” teachings that is critical for us as believers.

Call 800-453-7942 to order a copy
Dr. Henry Blackaby writes: A Christian has died to sin. Sin has NO control over a corpse. Temptation can present itself enticingly and persistently, yet a corpse will not succumb!

Before you were a Christian you were keenly susceptible to sin. Sin held you in its grip. But when you became a Christian, your old self died! (Galatians 2:20) Sin now has no more control over you than temptation has over a corpse. You can still sin, but you are no longer in sin’s power. If you choose to succumb to temptation, you are rejecting the freedom from sin that Christ gained for you by His death.

God’s grace is further motivation for us to resist sin. It was God’s grace that enabled Jesus to endure mocking, beating, and crucifixion at the hands of those whom He came to save. It was grace that led God to forgive our sin despite our rebellion against Him. It is this same grace that God expresses toward us each time we sin against Him. Knowing this grace, we cannot continue to practice sin (Romans 6:1-2). We cannot presume upon God’s forgiveness by committing future offenses.

YOU ARE NO LONGER THE HELPESS VICTIM OF YOUR SIN! The victory has ALREADY been won. God does not have to win a victory over your sin; HE ALREADY HAS! You need only to apply HIS victory to each area of your life.

If there is a sinful habit, an ungodly attitude, or an unrighteous relationship that you need to put to death, claim the victory of Christ’s resurrection today. Then you will be free to experience the abundant life that God intends for you! (from Experiencing God – The Devotional [Broadman])

You don’t have to sin, my brother! Victory over sin has already been secured. Now stop living like a prisoner and experience HIS victory in your life today. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 24-27; Psalm 51; Proverb 25

Compass Pointers: May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence and not a moment without the entire surrender of my self as a vessel for Him to fill full of His Spirit and His love. Andrew Murra 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: Whatever else you make a business of, make a business of prayer. J. C. Ryle

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sheltered in the Cleft of the Rock


“O my dove, that art in the cleft of the rock” (Song of Solomon 2:14).

            This is one of those beautiful poetic pictures of the believer’s security in Christ, the Rock of Ages.  Instantly our minds and hearts go back to that One who was smitten for us—Christ the Rock.   This promise is pictured in the smitten rock during Israel’s wilderness journey which poured forth living waters for the thirsty multitudes.  Isaiah also speaks of a shelter that is impregnable.   “A Man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land” (Isaiah 32:2).  

What a perfect and secure provision for every child of God, this wonderful Man, Christ Jesus!   Here the thought of shelter or safety is in view.  “My dove in the cleft of the rock.”   What a precious hiding place, in the heart of God our Savior!   He was wounded to provide for us a place of safety, and He gently reminds us of this, calling us His dove.

            The dove is gentle and harmless, sometimes very foolish, and utterly defenseless!  It is a good picture of you and me at our best, as He sees us through eyes of love.  What a marvelous provision He has made for us in His riven side!   The beloved to whom Solomon is speaking was still in the plains, the land of storms and tempests, but her lover now reminds her that even there she knows the place of safety and security in the strong harbor of His love.
            The tempest may roar about us, raging in unrestrained fury.  It is said that in the exact center of the hurricane there is a place of absolute calm.  May we avail ourselves of this rich and satisfying provision, this hiding place in the deep sweet heart of His love.  Peace, perfect peace will be ours as we dwell there, abiding in His love.  “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee” (Isaiah 26:3). Rev. W. Claire Greiner was the founder of Family Christian Inspiration Inc. in 1969 and traveled internationally with the Greiner Family. Claire was a dear friend and encourager.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 22-23; Psalm 50; Proverbs 24

Compass Pointers: The supreme qualification for Christian work of any kind is contentment to work in shadow, so long as Christ is seen in the light. A E Gould

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is the very life-breath of true Christianity. J. C. Ryle

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Food Worth Fighting For

“And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentils: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory.” (2 Samuel 23:11-12)

            Shammah was yet another of David’s mighty men whose heroic deed has been recorded for future generations.  His outstanding accomplishment reminds us of the Christian’s responsibility to uphold and defend God’s Word. Arrayed against the nation of Israel, the Philistines surrounded a valuable piece of ground full of lentils—God’s abundant provision for His people.  As the people fled, it looked as if all was lost until Shammah, standing by himself in the midst of the ground, defended the inheritance of his people and slew the Philistines to win a great and mighty victory for the Lord. 

Call 800-453-7942 to order your copy
            How we need more “Shammahs” in our day!  Not only is it every Christian’s duty to declare the Word of God to those outside of Christ but also it is our duty to defend it when it is attacked by the enemies of the Lord.  Jude saw the need to warn believers in his day about widespread opposition to the faith when he exhorted them to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”(Jude 3), a solemn responsibility that is ours as well. God is also looking for present day defenders of the faith who will likewise station themselves in the midst of enemy attack and protect the onslaught of opposition and ridicule against God’s holy Word – our abundant inheritance. Let us strive to be more like Shammah, committed to standing all alone if necessary to defend the Word and our precious faith.   Mark Kolchin serves with Know the Word Ministries and is a teacher/elder at Bethany Bible Chapel. Mark serves on the Board of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 20-21; Psalm 49; Proverbs 23

Compass Pointers: The tearful praying Christian, whose distress prevent his words, will be clearly understood by the Most High. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: No time is so well spent in every day as that which we spend upon our knees. J. C. Ryle

Monday, August 22, 2011

Looking Unto Jesus

Looking Unto Jesus

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2

I read this in a cool devotional, Meet Me in the Meadow – Moments with God (Christian Art Gifts) by Roy Lessin. It is a very good reminder on this Monday morning:

The lost look to Jesus and see the loving Savior.
The wayward look to Jesus and see the ONLY Way.
The confused look to Jesus and see the perfect Truth.
The empty look to Jesus and see the abundant Life.
The meek look to Jesus and see the suffering Servant.
The humble look to Jesus and see the risen Lord.
The blind look to Jesus and see the glorious Light.
The bound look to Jesus and see the conquering Warrior.
The wounded look to Jesus and see the healing Physician.
The needy look to Jesus and see the caring Shepherd.
The hungry look to Jesus and see the living Bread.
The restless look to Jesus and see the Prince of Peace.
The mistreated look to Jesus and see the Righteous Judge.
The defenseless look to Jesus and see the great High Priest.
The barren look to Jesus and see their Dwelling Place.
The poor look to Jesus and see their Unsearchable Riches.
The lonely look to Jesus and see the ever-present Friend.
The insufficient look to Jesus and see their All in All!

So brother – which one of the above are you today? Look to Jesus! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 18-19; Psalm 48; Proverbs 22

Compass Pointers: When I first became a Christian, about fourteen years ago, I thought that I could do it on my own, by retiring to my rooms and reading theology, and wouldn't go to the churches and Gospel Halls;.... I disliked very much their hymns which I considered to be fifth-rate poems set to sixth-rate music. But as I went on I saw the merit of it. I came up against different people of quite different outlooks and different education, and then gradually my conceit just began peeling off. I realized that the hymns (which were just sixth-rate music) were, nevertheless, being sung with devotion and benefit by an old saint in elastic-side boots in the opposite pew, and then you realize that you aren't fit to clean those boots. It gets you out of your solitary conceit. C. S. Lewis 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: Never, never may we forget that if we would do good to the world, our first duty is to pray. J. C. Ryle

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Psalm of Praise -- Psalm 47

A Psalm of Praise – Psalm 47

Here is a great paraphrase of Psalm 47 to get your heart going on this Lord’s day:

I come before You with joy and gladness, O Lord God.
I want to shout in exaltation of your glorious name.
I want to lift my voice in songs of praise.
You are King over all the earth.
There is no one in all the universe to compare with You.
I stand in awe of Your greatness.
You have given me victory in the conflicts of my life.
You have made me heir to Your glorious inheritance.
You have loved me with an everlasting love.
Your praise is my sole vocation in life.
You alone are worthy of honor.
You came into my heart in triumphant procession to rule as Lord and King.
My heart sings Your praise.
My voice lifts up Your name with adoration.
My heart speaks forth Your lovingkindness.
All creation speaks Your greatness.
The birds chirp a carol of Your grandeur; the islands of the sea shout a chanty of Your infinitude;
   the mountains intone a melody of Your majesty; the nations of the world proclaim Your           justice.

You are the object of all worship.
You are the center of all creation.
You are the sovereign of all nations.
You are the source of all life.
You are the creator of all that is.
I will exalt You.
I will sing Your praise.
I will seek Your counsel.
I would lift my voice to You in admiration.
I will speak aloud of Your wondrous nature.
I will rest secure in Your wise rule.

You are Lord Most High – the great King over all the earth!
(adapted from Under His Wings by Ward Patterson)

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 16-17; Psalm 47; Proverbs 21
Compass Pointers: It is only when men worship that they begin to grow. Calvin Coolidge

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30
Anchored to the Rock: A man’s state before God may always be measured by his prayers. J. C. Ryle

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Los Cuatro Terroristas!!

Los Cuatro Terroristas!! 

“Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” Ephesians 4:17-19 (ESV) 

Sometimes you get a new catch phrase during a Sunday morning sermon. After delivering a total of four messages/lessons over the most recent F.F.C weekend, Pastor John Hibbard showed up on Sunday morning in the Colony Chapel and he had brought his A-game to the pulpit. Pastor John had spent time in the latter part in chapter three of the Book of Ephesians but it was when he got beyond Ephesians 4:17 that the catch phrase hits. He tells us that we need to make Jesus the Lord of our internals, emotions, wills and then warns us of the “Four Terrorists” that can come in there and mess things up. It got me thinking of an uprising or of a rebellion that the six o’clock news has no problem showing us these days. 

First thing we have to contend with is a rebel who I will call “Little Red Falsehood.” This terrorist would have you speak flattery or deceit into the ears of your neighbor rather than the truth and this speaking truth stuff really applies when it just happens to be a fellow believer. We are now supposed to be grafted into each other so that we can, with an absolute obligation, serve each other. Yeah, I know this doesn’t always happen but it is what the Lord wants of us…deal with it! If saying this has gotten you a little miff please be mindful of the next rebel on the terrorist list. That would be “Chief Good-n-Mad” 

This terrorist and I have been doing battle for quite some time now. He keeps making forget that I am allowed be angry but not to let the sun go down on my wrath. My boy Matt Henry put’s it like this, “If there is just occasion to express displeasure at what is wrong, and to reprove, see that it be without sin. We give place to the devil, when the first motions of sin are not grievous to our souls; when we consent to them; and when we repeat an evil deed. This teaches that as sin, if yielded unto, lets in the devil upon us, we are to resist it, keeping from all appearance of evil.” Yeah, I know this doesn’t always happen but it is what the Lord wants of us…deal with it! Onward to the next rebel on the list, shall we? 

This terrorist just wants your stuff and he ain’t asking you for it, as a matter of fact he ain’t telling you he is taking your stuff. We can call him Mister McPilfer and he just might be a lazy bum in the light but in the dark he puts away his idleness to plunder through your pockets. Justifying the action with the phrase “everybody does it” this terrorist doesn’t understand that a good day of labor is honoring to God and beneficial to the community as a whole. I also think this terrorist teams up with the last on the list and he would be King Talketh-smack! We are told that as the new man our speech should be seasoned with salt and that our words need to encourage and edify. Yeah, I know this doesn’t always happen but it is what the Lord wants of us, once again…deal with it! 

Once we have received the Gospel message of Christ, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit takes place and we should not grieve in it. We are told to walk in newness no matter what firestorm falls upon us. We need to rest in these finals words of chapter four in the Book of Ephesians. “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Yeah, I know this doesn’t always happen but THIS is what the Lord wants of us. So in conclusion I will take heed to this as much as I am telling you to…Deal With It!! Wish me luck. – Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular Freedom Fighter contributor 

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 13-15; Psalm 46; Proverbs 20

Compass Pointers: The actions of men form an infallible index of their own character. Geoffrey Wilson

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: No man is greater than his prayer life. Leonard Ravenhill

Friday, August 19, 2011

Showing Grace Part 3

Showing Grace – Part 3

The past two days we have talked about how to show grace to the people God puts in our lives. The bottom line is that apart from Christ doing that THROUGH you, you will find it impossible to do in your flesh.
Our model is Christ and a great passage to help us is Philippians 2:1-11. I will let the text speak for itself. I am giving it to you from The Message:

If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if His love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care – then do me a favor:

Agree with each other
Love each other
Be deep-spirited friends.
Don’t push your way to the front.
Don’t sweet-talk your way to the top.
Put yourself aside.
Help others get ahead.
Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage.
Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of Himself:
He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that He had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, He set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human He stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, He lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death – and the worst kind of death at that – a crucifixion.

Because of that obedience, God lifted Him high and honored Him far above beyond anyone or anything, ever, so that all created beings in heaven and on earth – even those long ago dead and buried – will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that He is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father!

Lots there to think about! Want to show grace to others? Allow Him to do it through you. Be a man who can have written on his tombstone – “He showed grace!” – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 9-12; Psalm 45; Proverbs 19

Compass Pointers: Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less!

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: Satan is far more anxious to keep us off our knees that he is to keep us off our feet. Ivor Powell

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Showing Grace Part 2

Showing Grace – Part 2

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

We touched on this yesterday, but I want to share a few more thoughts with you this morning about showing grace:

  1. Let go. I have friends who have been angry and upset with family members for years. You know them and I know them – people who refuse to lay down their lists of hurts and grievances.  I am so glad that when Christ died for my sins that He paid for them once and for all. He doesn’t continue to remind me of all the sins I have committed. My guess is there is someone or may someone’s in your life who has let you down, disappointed you, or maybe even hurt you. I see no Scriptural basis to hold on to this stuff. God wants us to let go.
  2. Love unconditionally. Much of our love for others is based on the world’s philosophy – love when it’s convenient, love when there is something in it for me, or love on my terms and conditions. We are to love others the same way Christ loves them. Apart from Christ doing it through you – that’s impossible.
    Remember  that Christ love you and gave Himself for you – not when you had it all together – He loved you when you were a sinner!

  3. Live with no regrets. Blackaby writes that “Jesus did not say that the world will know Him by our miracles, by our grand testimonies, or by our vast Bible knowledge. The world will know HIM by the love that Christians show to one another. (John 13:35)  When we love like He loves, we can live life without regrets. Too many times when it’s too late, we say, “I wished I had ...”
Tomorrow I will remind you of a passage that will help us show grace the way Christ did. Do you need to let go? Love someone unconditionally? Purpose today that you will live life without regrets. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 5-8; Psalm 44; Proverbs 18

Compass Pointers: Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. C. S. Lewis

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: If we bring our woes before God in prayer we have done the best possible thing. William S. Plummer

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Showing Grace

Showing Grace

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

I am becoming more and more convinced that one of the reasons why we don’t experience the full blessing of God in our ministries and in our churches is because we struggle with the being kind, tenderhearted and forgiving one another.

I have found in recent days a growing number of believers who actually act worse than the world. There is an entitlement mentality growing were people feel that they can say whatever they want, whenever they want, and however they want to say it. I’ve seen some pretty “ugly” words spew forth from the mouths of those who claim to be the redeemed.

We are losing the concept of tenderness. We tolerate people on our terms, but if someone crosses us – look out. This ought not to be in the body of Christ.

And then there is forgiveness. I find that people are remembering what they should forget and forgetting what they should remember. We keep lists – detailed lists of grievances, cut no slack when someone makes a mistake, and yet we want others to be gracious and forgiving when it comes to our “character” flaws.

Henry Blackaby writes that “we show forgiveness because we, too, fall short of God’s ideal. Knowing that God has graciously saved us from destruction motivates us to forgive others when they offend us. Often we are less patient with our fellow Christians than we are with non-believers. We expect more of Christians, and we feel betrayed when they fail us. When this happens, we need to look closely at the cross and remember the forgiveness WE received THERE. We must set aside the self-centered attitude that leads to impatience and criticism of others.”

Is there someone in your life right now who you need to forgive? To be kind towards? To be tendered hearted? I am sure that if there is, you already know who it is and what you need to do. You have the choice – you can do what GOD expects from you and obey, or live in disobedience. What choice will you make? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 1-4; Psalm 43; Proverbs 17

Compass Pointers: Being judgmental and condemning is not one of the gifts of the Spirit. Billy Graham 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: The measure of our love for others can largely be determined by the frequency and earnestness of our prayers for them! A. W. Pink

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

God is Always Previous

God Is Always Previous

It shall come to pass, that BEFORE they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

Addison Raws, the son of our founder, William Raws, had a sermon that he regularly preached called “God is Always Previous.” The gist if this message is that as Christians we spend so much time worrying and fretting rather than thanking God for the answers to prayer that are already on their way.

This morning I was reading Spurgeon’s Faith Checkbook and his words echoed the words of Addison Raws. Let them burn into your heart today, brothers:

The Lord hears us BEFORE we call and often answers in the same speedy manner. Forseeing our needs, and our prayers, He so arranges providence that BEFORE the need actually arises HE has supplied it, BEFORE the trail assails us HE has armed us against it. This is the promptitude of omniscience, and we have often seen it exercised. BEFORE we dreamed of the affliction which was coming, the strong consolation which was to sustain us under it had arrived. What a prayer-answering God we have!

The second clause suggests the telephone! Though God be in heaven and we upon earth, yet HE makes our word, like His own word, to travel very swiftly. WHEN WE PRAY ARIGHT WE SPEAK INTO THE EAR OF GOD. Our gracious Mediator presents our petitions at once, and the great Father hears and smiles upon them. Grand praying this!

Who would not be in much prayer when he KNOWS he has the ear of the King of kings? This day I will pray in faith, not only believing that I SHALL be heard, but that I AM heard; not only that I SHALL be answered, but that I HAVE THE ANSWER ALREADY! Holy Spirit, help me in this!

I am very thankful today that God is ALWAYS previous. What a gigantic truth for today, brothers. My prayer is this: Holy Spirit, help me in this! How about you? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Lamentations 3:37-5:22; Psalm 42; Proverbs 16

Compass Pointers: God has wisely kept us in the dark concerning future events and reserved for himself the knowledge of them, that he may train us up in a dependence upon himself and a continued readiness for every event. Matthew Henry

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: We are never more like Christ than in prayers of intercession. Austin Phelps

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hard Sayings

Hard Sayings XV 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”  Matt 5:38-39 (ESV) 

I think one of the hardest things for us guys to do is to hold back on retaliation. We seem to take comfort in what we read written in the Book of Exodus chapter 21:24 and think it is okay to rest in it. But if you were to read the whole of the passage that verse 24 comes from you would see it in a different light. It is not a “permission” as much as it is a guideline. “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Ex 21:22-25 (ESV) 

My Pastor gave me a book titled, “The Hard Sayings of Jesus” by F.F. Bruce. In chapter fifteen the author goes into a dialogue about what Jesus said during His Sermon on the Mount concerning retaliation. When you look at Matthew 5:39 we are being told to something which does not come natural to us. When an unprovoked attack comes our way and it was with a particular viciousness it is our nature to strike back either just as hard or even harder. The verse’s we read in Exodus do actually impose a strict limitation on vengeance but Jesus goes a step further and says, “Don’t retaliate at all” WHAT!? So if my neighbor comes over to me and just hauls off and back hands me with the back of his right hand and connects with my right cheek, let him have a shot at the left? Nah…that can’t be  

Well it is really is an illustration of a bigger point and it falls in line with something that Jesus told His disciples; Not to harbor a spirit of resentment. If someone does commit an act of injury against or they put you in some sort of inconvenience, show yourself the master of the situation by giving them the advantage. Now that just blows me away because the only way I had, at one time, was if you needed to gain the upper hand on something you just go get a bigger hammer. But Jesus would have told me not to and that would have just held me in state of vexation. I can imagine Him saying to me at this point, “My child why voice a sense of grievance when it is better to perform an act of grace?”

As I read farther into this chapter the author made this point, “The admonition to turn the other cheek is given by Jesus to His disciples. It belongs to the sphere of personal behavior.” The apostle Paul went throughout his ministry repeating this teaching of Jesus. He regarded the act of retaliation as an act for the civil ruler, “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13:3-4 ESV) You have got to be kidding me, right? 

There are many other hard sayings of Jesus in this book that Pastor Ort gave to me. And as long as he lets me hold on to this book (he actually gave me three on hard sayings) I will share with you what I am getting out of it. But this “turn the other cheek” statement has got to be one of the top ten if not in the top five of the hardest things Jesus taught us to do. And I have the hardest time with it. But there is great wisdom in the idea that one can master the situation by allowing the Holy Spirit to bring conviction rather than ourselves. I hope I can remember that the next time I go looking for a bigger hammer. – Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular Freedom Fighter contributor 

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Lamentations 1:1-3:36; Psalm 41; Proverbs 15

Compass Pointers: “Remember that true firmness is gentle, humble, and calm. A sharp tongue, a proud heart, and an iron hand have no place in God’s work. Wisdom “sweetly orders all things.” Do you act this way? If you ever find yourself acting otherwise, humble yourself immediately. Uphold a godly standard, but admit when you uphold it in an ungodly way. No book or prayer will help you die to yourself as much as facing the humiliation of your daily failures.” The Seeking Heart  Fenelon

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: Men who know their God are before anything else men who pray. J. I. Packer

Sunday, August 14, 2011

We Worship Thee

We Worship Thee

I came across this prayer written by Henry W. Frost. Good way to start your day as you think about worshipping our great God:

O holy God, undone by guilt depressing,
We come to Thee, our every sin confessing;
Grant us, we pray, Thy cleansing and Thy blessing;
We worship Thee, O God!

Look down on us as low we bend before Thee;
Hear Thou our prayer, we fervently implore Thee;
Accept our praise, as our fond hearts adore Thee,
We worship Thee, O God!

Keep Thou our souls entirely true and holy;
Preserve our spirits deeply pure and lowly;
Add strength to strength that we may serve Thee wholly;
We worship Thee, O God!

Bind us to Thee that naught from Thee may sever;
Protect our lives that we may grieve Thee never;
Enshrine our hearts that we may love Thee ever;
We worship Thee, O God!

Give us last, the house of Thy preparing,
That face to face, Thy heavenly glory sharing,
We praise Thee, our love for e’er declaring;
We worship Thee, O God!

Today is HIS day – We worship THEE, O God! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

 GPS – God’s Positioning System: Jeremiah 51-52; Psalm 40; Proverbs 14

Compass Pointers: It seems a lot of Christians are quick to condemn the world and write its inhabitants off as lost causes. It’s odd, though, Jesus never did. He healed and lovingly confronted. Jesus engaged and walked among his enemies, not to breathe fire upon them but to breathe life into them. He could only do so by being part of their lives. He didn't write books, he didn't constrain his preaching to only the synagogues, He didn't stand aloof bad mouthing the world and his enemies to his disciples. No, Jesus deliberately walked and lived amongst those he came to serve. Katherine Walden 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: I had rather learn what some men really judge about their justification from their prayers than their writings. John Owen

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Never Quit, Never Give Up

                                        Never Quit, Never Give Up 

I love when our grads of the Colony of Mercy share with me what God is teaching them. Today’s devotional is from one of our grads:

Psalm 51:10  Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.    

   Man! Did I need to hear this verse today. I have had bad days before and can expect them from time to time. But today however went “ALL WRONG." After a miserable day at work and looking forward to coming home to my family for support I passed them on my way home. OH! YEAH! Youth Group! AAAHH!  Well I suppose I could talk to my dogs but somehow it’s not the same. As I prepared to eat my dinner hands on my head I thought this food doesn't even look appealing.

You know it’s bad when FOOD doesn't work. I just wanted to throw in the towel. As I began to search my heart in the places I am capable of going, it was obvious that my old man was trying to creep back in. My heart started to recognize what was discouragement and what was truth. And the truth is, Jesus told me that I would be persecuted and that there would be trials and tribulations and to consider it all joy while enduring them. HUH!  I was not very joyful. Crawling under a rock sounded better. And then, in my thoughts I saw Jesus carrying His cross, or was it me carrying my own?

As I began to pray, my exhaustion turned to strength and it was then I realized that one foot in front of the other was the only way to walk. Trust and Obey, Trust and Obey. My dinner seemed more appealing now and so I ate in the presence of the Lord. I was also reminded of two passages in scripture that caught my attention directly relating to my experience today.

In Mathew 4 where Jesus was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights fasting. Jesus came face to face with the devil himself, 3 times Satan tempted Jesus, and 3 times Jesus stood firm with a steadfast spirit and a pure heart quoting scripture. This event reminded me how important memorizing scripture is in fighting off the enemy.

   The second account was in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus had gone out to pray not far from the disciples and it was in this particular account that Jesus was at His weakest point, yet also at His strongest yet He DID NOT SIN. Luke 22:42-44. Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless not My will,  but Yours, be done. (Our Lord was REALLY DISTRESSED here) An angel appeared to Him and strengthened Him, and being in agony, He prayed more earnestly and His sweat became like great drops of blood falling to the ground.

 I have to say brothers, that my worst day here on earth cannot come close to what Jesus experienced in those two accounts. Where will you run? To your old way? Or To the foot of the cross?   Keith Varga is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Jeremiah 49-50; Psalm 39; Proverbs 13

Compass Pointers: Don't waste your time waiting and longing for large opportunities which may never come. But faithfully handle the little things that are always claiming your attention. F. B. Meyer

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 3:16-17; Level 2: John 3:13-21

Anchored to the Rock: I am only as tall as I am on my knees. Oswald Chambers