Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sheltered in the Cleft of the Rock


“O my dove, that art in the cleft of the rock” (Song of Solomon 2:14).

            This is one of those beautiful poetic pictures of the believer’s security in Christ, the Rock of Ages.  Instantly our minds and hearts go back to that One who was smitten for us—Christ the Rock.   This promise is pictured in the smitten rock during Israel’s wilderness journey which poured forth living waters for the thirsty multitudes.  Isaiah also speaks of a shelter that is impregnable.   “A Man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land” (Isaiah 32:2).  

What a perfect and secure provision for every child of God, this wonderful Man, Christ Jesus!   Here the thought of shelter or safety is in view.  “My dove in the cleft of the rock.”   What a precious hiding place, in the heart of God our Savior!   He was wounded to provide for us a place of safety, and He gently reminds us of this, calling us His dove.

            The dove is gentle and harmless, sometimes very foolish, and utterly defenseless!  It is a good picture of you and me at our best, as He sees us through eyes of love.  What a marvelous provision He has made for us in His riven side!   The beloved to whom Solomon is speaking was still in the plains, the land of storms and tempests, but her lover now reminds her that even there she knows the place of safety and security in the strong harbor of His love.
            The tempest may roar about us, raging in unrestrained fury.  It is said that in the exact center of the hurricane there is a place of absolute calm.  May we avail ourselves of this rich and satisfying provision, this hiding place in the deep sweet heart of His love.  Peace, perfect peace will be ours as we dwell there, abiding in His love.  “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee” (Isaiah 26:3). Rev. W. Claire Greiner was the founder of Family Christian Inspiration Inc. in 1969 and traveled internationally with the Greiner Family. Claire was a dear friend and encourager.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 22-23; Psalm 50; Proverbs 24

Compass Pointers: The supreme qualification for Christian work of any kind is contentment to work in shadow, so long as Christ is seen in the light. A E Gould

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is the very life-breath of true Christianity. J. C. Ryle

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