Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Psalm of Praise -- Psalm 95

A Psalm of Praise – Psalm 95

I love this paraphrase of Psalm 95 from Psalms Now (Concordia):
Let us begin this day with singing,
Whether we feel like it or not,
Let us make glad sounds and force our tongues to articulate words
   of thanksgiving and praise.

The facts are: GOD IS WITH US!
   This world and we who live in it are HIS;
   He loves us!
   He has adopted us as His children;
   We belong to HIM!
This makes us valid, worthwhile.
We are truly significant in the eyes of our God,
   irrespective of our human feelings or the comments of our critics about us.

This may not be the way we feel this morning,
   but this is truly the way it is.
We don’t need the plaudits of our peers,
   for we have God’s stamp of approval!
So let us begin this day with singing whether we feel like it or not!
Then we may end this day with praises, because we KNOW – and may even feel --
   that we shall forever be the object of God’s concern and the children of HIS love.

You may not FEEL like it – but let’s purpose this Lord’s day to praise and worship our great God! He is worthy of our praise whether we feel like it or not. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 25-37; Psalm 54; Proverbs 28

Compass Pointers: “When the True beauty and attraction of the holiness found in Divine things is discovered by the soul, a new world of perspectives is opened.  The glory of all the perfections of God and of everything that pertains to him is revealed…A sense of the moral beauty of Divine things enables us to understand the sufficiency of Christ as Mediator.  In this way the believer is led into the knowledge of the excellency of Christ’s Person.  The saints are then made aware of the preciousness of Christ’s blood and of its sufficiency to atone for sin.  On this depends the merit of His obedience, and sufficiency and prevalence of Christ’s intercession.  The beauty of the way of salvation by Christ is made manifest in all these ways…Thus all true experienced religion comes from this sense of spiritual beauty” Jonathan Edwards

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: ANYTHING is a blessing which makes us pray. C. H. Spurgeon

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