Sunday, August 14, 2011

We Worship Thee

We Worship Thee

I came across this prayer written by Henry W. Frost. Good way to start your day as you think about worshipping our great God:

O holy God, undone by guilt depressing,
We come to Thee, our every sin confessing;
Grant us, we pray, Thy cleansing and Thy blessing;
We worship Thee, O God!

Look down on us as low we bend before Thee;
Hear Thou our prayer, we fervently implore Thee;
Accept our praise, as our fond hearts adore Thee,
We worship Thee, O God!

Keep Thou our souls entirely true and holy;
Preserve our spirits deeply pure and lowly;
Add strength to strength that we may serve Thee wholly;
We worship Thee, O God!

Bind us to Thee that naught from Thee may sever;
Protect our lives that we may grieve Thee never;
Enshrine our hearts that we may love Thee ever;
We worship Thee, O God!

Give us last, the house of Thy preparing,
That face to face, Thy heavenly glory sharing,
We praise Thee, our love for e’er declaring;
We worship Thee, O God!

Today is HIS day – We worship THEE, O God! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

 GPS – God’s Positioning System: Jeremiah 51-52; Psalm 40; Proverbs 14

Compass Pointers: It seems a lot of Christians are quick to condemn the world and write its inhabitants off as lost causes. It’s odd, though, Jesus never did. He healed and lovingly confronted. Jesus engaged and walked among his enemies, not to breathe fire upon them but to breathe life into them. He could only do so by being part of their lives. He didn't write books, he didn't constrain his preaching to only the synagogues, He didn't stand aloof bad mouthing the world and his enemies to his disciples. No, Jesus deliberately walked and lived amongst those he came to serve. Katherine Walden 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 4:13-14; Level 2: John 4:34-38

Anchored to the Rock: I had rather learn what some men really judge about their justification from their prayers than their writings. John Owen

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