Saturday, August 13, 2011

Never Quit, Never Give Up

                                        Never Quit, Never Give Up 

I love when our grads of the Colony of Mercy share with me what God is teaching them. Today’s devotional is from one of our grads:

Psalm 51:10  Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.    

   Man! Did I need to hear this verse today. I have had bad days before and can expect them from time to time. But today however went “ALL WRONG." After a miserable day at work and looking forward to coming home to my family for support I passed them on my way home. OH! YEAH! Youth Group! AAAHH!  Well I suppose I could talk to my dogs but somehow it’s not the same. As I prepared to eat my dinner hands on my head I thought this food doesn't even look appealing.

You know it’s bad when FOOD doesn't work. I just wanted to throw in the towel. As I began to search my heart in the places I am capable of going, it was obvious that my old man was trying to creep back in. My heart started to recognize what was discouragement and what was truth. And the truth is, Jesus told me that I would be persecuted and that there would be trials and tribulations and to consider it all joy while enduring them. HUH!  I was not very joyful. Crawling under a rock sounded better. And then, in my thoughts I saw Jesus carrying His cross, or was it me carrying my own?

As I began to pray, my exhaustion turned to strength and it was then I realized that one foot in front of the other was the only way to walk. Trust and Obey, Trust and Obey. My dinner seemed more appealing now and so I ate in the presence of the Lord. I was also reminded of two passages in scripture that caught my attention directly relating to my experience today.

In Mathew 4 where Jesus was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights fasting. Jesus came face to face with the devil himself, 3 times Satan tempted Jesus, and 3 times Jesus stood firm with a steadfast spirit and a pure heart quoting scripture. This event reminded me how important memorizing scripture is in fighting off the enemy.

   The second account was in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus had gone out to pray not far from the disciples and it was in this particular account that Jesus was at His weakest point, yet also at His strongest yet He DID NOT SIN. Luke 22:42-44. Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless not My will,  but Yours, be done. (Our Lord was REALLY DISTRESSED here) An angel appeared to Him and strengthened Him, and being in agony, He prayed more earnestly and His sweat became like great drops of blood falling to the ground.

 I have to say brothers, that my worst day here on earth cannot come close to what Jesus experienced in those two accounts. Where will you run? To your old way? Or To the foot of the cross?   Keith Varga is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Jeremiah 49-50; Psalm 39; Proverbs 13

Compass Pointers: Don't waste your time waiting and longing for large opportunities which may never come. But faithfully handle the little things that are always claiming your attention. F. B. Meyer

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 3:16-17; Level 2: John 3:13-21

Anchored to the Rock: I am only as tall as I am on my knees. Oswald Chambers

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