Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Poseidon Adventure Part 2

The Poseidon Adventure Part 2

Mathew 8:26  He replied, "You have little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

   In a matter of minutes the tidal wave over took them and swallowed the ship whole. Chaos, death, fear, doubt, and disorientation was taking place as the S.S Poseidon was swallowed. When the wave had passed the ship lay upside down, motionless, like a giant bobber floating in the sea. As the ship began to take on water a group of survivors were fighting for their lives to get out. Trouble is everything was not as it once was. Down was up, up was down, left was right, and right was left. WHEW! Disorientation was really setting in, Fear was close behind, and doubt was surrounding them both. In these times of turbulent waters, when we get hit that hard, your life can be every bit of, all of the above. 

   The survivor's made their way to the bottom of the ship which was really the top. The leader of the group Gene Hackman just happened to be a priest. Some people submitted to his authority, some were stubborn, some were strong willed and others decided to go a different direction all together. A very small group went with Mr. Hackman. At first things were really rough. They then realized that if they were going to get out alive they needed to work together. They helped one another, they encouraged one another, and they even argued but resolved the issue at hand quickly. In their final ascent to get out, there were a few that sacrificed their lives for the greater good of the group. WOW! Does that sound like someone you know? That's right our Lord Jesus Christ.

   Just as those folks needed each other to survive, so do we need Jesus Christ for survival,  for guidance, for strength, for comfort. We also need brothers in Christ for the same reasons.

   How often do we feel like we are sinking, fighting for our lives, disoriented beyond clarity, fearing the worst and doubting that there is any hope for us and then you hear it, that still small voice calling your name with such compassion and gentleness that you begin to weep because Jesus never left you did.

   Brothers, whatever is on the horizon, whatever you are in, whatever you are going through God said in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  What a great promise. – Keith Varga is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 42-43; Psalm 57; Proverbs 31

Compass Pointers: Accustom yourself to commune with God, not with thoughts deliberately formed to be expressed at a certain time, but with the feelings with which your heart is filled. If you enjoy His presence, and feel drawn by the attraction of His love, tell Him that you delight in Him, that you are happy in loving Him, and that He is very good to inspire so much affection in a heart so unworthy of His love. But what shall you say in seasons of dryness, coldness, weariness? Still say what you have in your heart. Tell God that you no longer find His love within you, that you feel a terrible void, that He wearies you, that His presence does not move you. Say to Him, "0 God, look upon my ingratitude, my inconstancy, my unfaithfulness. Take my heart, for I cannot give it; and when Thou hast it, oh, keep it, for I cannot keep it for Thee; and save me in spite of myself." Francois Fenelon

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 6:35; Level 2: John 6:35-40

Anchored to the Rock: I always feel that there is something wrong if I go without prayer for even half an hour in the day. C. H. Spurgeon

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