Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Psalm of Praise -- Psalm 47

A Psalm of Praise – Psalm 47

Here is a great paraphrase of Psalm 47 to get your heart going on this Lord’s day:

I come before You with joy and gladness, O Lord God.
I want to shout in exaltation of your glorious name.
I want to lift my voice in songs of praise.
You are King over all the earth.
There is no one in all the universe to compare with You.
I stand in awe of Your greatness.
You have given me victory in the conflicts of my life.
You have made me heir to Your glorious inheritance.
You have loved me with an everlasting love.
Your praise is my sole vocation in life.
You alone are worthy of honor.
You came into my heart in triumphant procession to rule as Lord and King.
My heart sings Your praise.
My voice lifts up Your name with adoration.
My heart speaks forth Your lovingkindness.
All creation speaks Your greatness.
The birds chirp a carol of Your grandeur; the islands of the sea shout a chanty of Your infinitude;
   the mountains intone a melody of Your majesty; the nations of the world proclaim Your           justice.

You are the object of all worship.
You are the center of all creation.
You are the sovereign of all nations.
You are the source of all life.
You are the creator of all that is.
I will exalt You.
I will sing Your praise.
I will seek Your counsel.
I would lift my voice to You in admiration.
I will speak aloud of Your wondrous nature.
I will rest secure in Your wise rule.

You are Lord Most High – the great King over all the earth!
(adapted from Under His Wings by Ward Patterson)

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ezekiel 16-17; Psalm 47; Proverbs 21
Compass Pointers: It is only when men worship that they begin to grow. Calvin Coolidge

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 5:24; Level 2: John 5:31-30
Anchored to the Rock: A man’s state before God may always be measured by his prayers. J. C. Ryle

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