Friday, October 31, 2008

A Defeated Enemy

A Defeated Enemy

"Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." Colossians 2:15

Brothers, this is a good reminder for all of us. Take some time to carefully read this devotional written by Dr. Henry Blackaby in book, EXPERIENCING GOD -- THE DEVOTIONAL (Broadman/Holman)

"Christians are not called to defeat Satan. God has already done that in Christ! Nor is our mandate to 'bind' Satan. Jesus has already set limits on the extent and duration of Satan's freedom.

Satan, our ancient foe, was decisively and completely defeated by Christ's sacrifice on the cross and in His resurrection. With regard to Satan, our assignment is to trust in the victory that Christ already achieved and daily resist him with the truth of his defeat, as Jesus did.

Satan is the father of lies and a master deceiver (John 8:44). If he can convince you that God has not defeated him, then you will not experience Jesus' victory. You will find yourself fighting battles that Christ has already won! You will fear Satan though he has already been utterly humiliatingly been defeated.

Your responsibility is to resist Satan, and he will flee from you (James 4:7) When you resist him, you are acknowledging that JESUS has defeated him and given him victory over his influence. God has provided you with spiritual armor that is more than sufficient to withstand any assault by Satan (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Christians can become preoccupied with battling Satan. This deceives them to invest their time and energy attempting to do something that Christ as already done for them. If Satan can divert you to age a warfare that has already ended in surrender, he will have eliminated your effectiveness where God wants you.

Fearing Satan is fearing a prisoner of war. You have no need or calling to defeat Satan; you need only to apply Christ's victory in EVERY area of your life and to live the VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE. As you go about sharing the gospel message with others, Satan and his forces face the reality of their defeat in each life that is claimed by the kingdom of God." (Luke 10:17-20)

This is a good word for today. Live, my brothers, in victory! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 31; Jeremiah 22-23; Titus 1

Think About This: Just because the current giant you are facing looks like one you
defeated in the past, don't buy the lie that you never really won the first battle! By the strength of God's grace, you trusted the Almighty and conquered your Goliath. The first giant is dead. Satan is masquerading as your former enemy so he can slip past your faith and regain entrance into your life. Resist him.-- Francis Frangipane

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Winning Over Worry

WINNING OVER WORRY"But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:33, 34

 We live in a "worry-full" society, brothers. People are worried about the economy, the elections, and some of you were worried that the Phillies were not going to defeat the Rays last night. But our team did it big time!!! (Sorry - you can't take the Philly out of me!!!)

 Dr. Don Hawkins, President of Southeastern Bible College and contributor to the America's KESWICK daily devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE, writes today about worry:

 "A well-loved hymn begins with the words "I never worry...", yet for most Christians, singing those words would be less than honest. To be candid about it, the majority of us worry a lot-about the very things Jesus identified as sources of worry in Matthew 6; material and financial provisions (v.25), keeping up with others (vs. 31, 32), and the future (v. 34). And worry often robs us of the victory that is ours in Christ. So how can we overcome this strong negative emotion, which at its heart involves a distraction of our focus on Christ and a lack of faith in Him to care for our needs? Let's consider four keys to living virtually worry-free. Key # 1: Admit I worry and need to give it up. Three times in Matthew 6 Jesus instructed His listeners to "Stop worrying" (vs. 25, 31, 34). Remember, He never commands us to do anything without fully providing the power to obey. He further noted that worry does no positive good, and that even nature-birds and flowers---shows the futility of worrying. Key # 2: Gain insight into worry's hidden cause. Whenever I worry, the real issue is one of trust. Can I rely on Christ to supply all my needs? Will He take care of me in the future? That's why Jesus pinpointed the root cause of our anxieties with the phrase "...o ye of little faith" (v. 30).  Key # 3: Establish appropriate life priorities. Earlier Jesus had noted that, "No man can serve two masters..." (v. 24).  In the familiar words of verse 33 He established where our priorities must begin. His kingdom and righteousness-or in modern terms, His authority over our decisions and His standards for living-must be the priority factors that govern our lives. While He provides the power to make this happen, He points out that we have the responsibility to "seek first...." The choice is ours! Key # 4: Live life one day at a time. On a radio interview, Elisabeth Elliott quoted from her late husband Jim, "Wherever you are be all there; live to the hilt each day what you believe to be the will of God." That's the principle Jesus explained in verse 34. Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet, and yesterday is past. So live today without worry! That's His final word on the subject. So what's your major source of worry? Cancer or other major illness? A shrinking checkbook balance? Conflict with a family member or friend? Whatever the source of your worry, applying these keys can help you live each day worry-free. -- Dr. Don HawkinsGod's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30;  Jeremiah 20-21; 2 Timothy 4Think about this: I swell with pride when I can face the whole world and say, "I belong to Him. The mighty God of this universe is my heavenly Father. I'm His by adoption. I'm a joint-heir with His wonderful Son' In that moment when you're prone to be depressed, when you find yourself in the spirit of bondage, look up. just pause and remember to whom you belong.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Promises, Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises, Promises

I told you yesterday that I have ordered every diet book imaginable. I have ordered numerous weight loss and exercise videos over the years that PROMISE "results in just 5 days!" "You will be so pleased with the results that we offer this money-back guarantee."

I have turned on FOX NEWS. I am sick and tired of hearing all of the political bickering and nonsense. But I am really tired of listening to the candidates make promises that we know they will never keep.

The debates this year were interesting and frustrating because our presidential and vice-presidential candidates demonstrated to our country that they can't even answer a direct question let alone fulfill a campaign promise to us.

I am thankful this morning that I have a God who can be trusted. HIS promises never fail. The Word of God contains hundreds of them. He is the only one that can give a "money back guarantee" that is legitimate and sound! Listen to just a few verses this morning:

Joshua 21:45 "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one of them was fulfilled.

Psalm 119:140 "Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them."

Psalm 145:13 "Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward those all he has made."

2 Corinthians 1:20 "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God."

I know this -- I will make promises and I will fail. He makes promises and He NEVER fails. I am thankful today that I can not only hear and believe His promises -- I can trust them completely. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; Jeremiah 18-19; 2 Timothy 3

Think about this: "A biblical worldview gives us new eyes to see ALL of life: every sphere is charged with potential, every activity providing an opportunity to serve God, encounter God, obey God, enjoy God, testify to God, and bring glory to God. Because God is sovereign over ALL things, and Christ us redeeming all things, ALL THINGS MATTER to God." - Pastor Jeff Purswell

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Excuses, Rationalizations, Truth


"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

We are the masters of excuses and rationalizations. Well that is not really a fair statement. I have just judged you in order to make ME feel better. I am good at making excuses and rationalizing.

I have been doing it most of my life in the area of my weight. I have shared with you before that I have been on every diet imaginable from Weight Watchers to the Atkins. It has been a battle for all of my life.

The problem is I have tried to lose weight for all the wrong reasons. I can tell myself that I want to lose weight because of my horrible family history -- heart attacks, cancer, diabetes -- all really good reasons to get trim and slim. The medical evidence is all there -- it will make a big (no pun there ...) difference in my life by shedding the extra pounds.

I can tell myself that if I lose the weight it will make me look better. I look at pictures of what I looked like 65 lbs ago, and I am embarrassed to see how large I was. 65lbs lighter made me look better. And who at 54 wouldn't want to look better? Except that God isn't so much interested on what is going on on the outside as he is on what is going on in the inside. And take all the rationalizations away -- losing weight for this reason is the idol of pride.

The real reason for me to eat right and exercise has nothing to do with all the reasons "the world" tells me why I should lose weight. Strip away the excuses and rationalizations, the bottom line is that I need eat right for the "glory of God." That is the ultimate reason why I need and want to do this.

One of my friends yesterday said, "I don't want to pray about my weight because I am afraid of what He will make me do!" I have thought about that statement and I understand it. But I don't think He will make me lose weight or eat right. He could, and sometimes he does take drastic measures to get us to do the right things. But I think that what he really desires from me, is to finally surrender and live in the victory that has already been secured for me through Christ. In other words, it may be more simple than I think -- just do it -- but do it for the right reason.

Just maybe the reason for the ups and downs of success and failure has been that I was always doing it for the wrong reasons. Just maybe the REAL freedom comes in doing it for the right reasons -- HIS GLORY not mine! It isn't about me -- it's all about Him. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 28; Jeremiah 15-17; 2 Timothy 2

Think about this: Recognize to whom you owe the fact that you exist, that you breathe, that you understand, that you are wise, and, above all, that you know God and hope for the kingdom of heaven. You have been made a son of God,
co-heir with Christ. Where did you get all this, and from whom?.... What benefactor has enabled you to look out upon the beauty of the sky, the sun in its course, the circle of the moon, the countless number of stars, with the harmony and order that are theirs, like the music of a harp? Who has blessed you with rain, with the art of husbandry, with
different kinds of food, with the arts, with houses, with laws, with states, with a life of humanity and culture, with friendship and the easy familiarity of kinship? ... Is it not God who asks you now in your turn to show yourself generous ... Because we have received from him so many wonderful gifts, will we not be ashamed to refuse him this one
thing only, our generosity? -- Gregory Nazianzen

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT FROM GEORGE It's a good one!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Surprise Visit


Well as the old saying goes, "turnabout is fair play!" Last night my grandson, Tanner, who I surprised for his birthday, showed up on our doorstep at 9:00 PM and surprised us. We had no idea that they were coming!!!

Not that we were not prepared -- Granny always has the third floor guest room ready, and we always have plenty of grandkid "snacks" ready "just in case!"

As I thought about the surprise last night, I think that is exactly the way it will be when our Savior returns. We have no idea of the day or hour, but we are repeatedly told to be ready because He can come at any moment.

Anticipating His return affects the way we live in terms of our relationships, our service and in our obedience. The Master left with the warning that His return would be a surprise, but that we should be ready and waiting. But do I really love my life in light of the anticipation of His return?

Listen to the words from Scriptures -- they are quoted from The Message --are relate to the stewardship of my time in relation to the return of the Master:

Luke 12:35-48 "Keep your shirts on; keep the lights on! Be like house servants waiting for their master to come back from his honeymoon, awake and ready to open the door when he arrives and knocks. Lucky the servants whom the master finds on watch! He'll put on an apron, sit them at the table, and serve them a meal, sharing his wedding feast with them. It doesn't matter what time of the night he arrives; they're awake - and so blessed! "You know that if the house owner had known what night the burglar was coming, he wouldn't have stayed out late and left the place unlocked. So don't you be slovenly and careless. Just when you don't expect him, the Son of Man will show up."

Peter said, "Master, are you telling this story just for us? Or is it for everybody?" The Master said, "Let me ask you: Who is the dependable manager, full of common sense, that the master puts in charge of his staff to feed them well and on time? He is a blessed man if when the master shows up he's doing his job. But if he says to himself, 'The master is certainly taking his time,' begins maltreating the servants and maids, throws parties for his friends, and gets drunk, the master will walk in when he least expects it, give him the thrashing of his life, and put him back in the kitchen peeling potatoes. "The servant who knows what his master wants and ignores it, or insolently does whatever he pleases, will be thoroughly thrashed. But if he does a poor job through ignorance, he'll get off with a slap on the hand. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!"

John wrote in the book of 1 John -- "that everyone who has this hope (the hope of seeing Jesus ...) purifies himself!" (1 John 3:3 Are you eagerly expecting His return? Do you so live your life that your are prepared for Him to come at any moment? Sobering thought -- but one that we need to think about more often than we do. He is coming back! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 27; Jeremiah 12-14; 2 Timothy 1

Think about this: Forgiveness is the only way to break the cycle of blame--and pain--in a relationship...It does not settle all questions of blame and justice and fairness...But it does allow relationships to start over. In that way,
said Solzhenitsyn, we differ from all animals. It is not our capacity to think that makes us different, but our capacity to repent, and to forgive.-- Philip Yancey

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Benediction as a Statement

The Benediction as a Statement of Faith

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)
The previous benedictions we looked at expressed the writer's desire to see God work in his reader's lives. This benediction, written to the Thessalonian church, goes into more detail and defines what the writer, Paul, expects to see happen to his readers. It's also what the Holy Spirit who inspired Paul wants to see happen in our lives.

We understand first that what Paul wants to see in the Thessalonian believers can only come from God. We can't make it happen for ourselves, and no other human can make it happen in another person's life. Only the God of peace has the power to work so definitively in our lives. No one else has the power.

Paul's first faith statement about his readers involves them being "set apart." That's what sanctify means-to set apart. He wants to see them wholly devoted to God's plan for them. The world that stains and maims and hinders God's work has no place in the life of any Christ-follower. Paul's statement of faith for his readers sees them living under God's influence for God's purposes. They are "in the world, but not of the world."

His vision of God's work in their lives (and ours) works its way into every part of life-spirit, soul and body. Paul wanted to see God so incorporated into his reader's lives that nothing about them remained untouched by His work. He wanted to see those who read these words give God entrée into all of life, not just part of it.

Finally, his faith statement expressed the breadth of his vision. He saw his readers "preserved blameless" as they await the coming of Jesus. Paul wanted to see the Thessalonians and the Freedom Fighters so consumed by the "setting apart" work of God's Spirit that they all would step into Jesus' presence without fault-blameless.

Remember that benedictions are "words of blessing-good words." This good word for us gives us a worthwhile goal for life. We can pursue God's work in our lives. We can yield to God's work in our lives. We can depend on God's work in our lives. And, we can anticipate the result of that work: a life unstained by the world and blameless before the Lord Jesus. We can become the fulfillment of Paul's statement of faith!

That's a good word! - Pastor John is Senior Pastor at First Baptist Toms River\

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; Jeremiah 9-11; 1 Timothy 6

Think about this: Truth is truth and error, error. That which is unlawful is unlawful, whether men think so or not. God has put an eternal difference between light and darkness, good and evil, which no creatures conceit can alter; and therefore no man's judgment is the measure of things further than it agrees with the truth stamped upon things themselves by God. ---Richard Sibbes

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Promise of Benedictions

The Promise of Benedictions (2 Corinthians 13:14)

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen ”

You may not find a more all-encompassing benediction in Scripture. Remember—a benediction is a “good word,’ or a “word of blessing.” This one sentence from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian church gives us that “good word” in Trinitarian form.

First, Paul pronounces the blessing of Jesus’ grace on this particular body of Christ. Think about that grace and what Paul meant. He expressed the desire that the Corinthian church would know every benefit that comes from the grace of Jesus Christ. Salvation, forgiveness, cleansing, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and so much more all come through the grace of Jesus Christ.

In pronouncing this “good word,” Paul reminds the church of every benefit they have in Christ. It was important for them (and us) to remember all the blessings we have in Christ since the trials and hardships of following Jesus might make us forget. We know from Scripture and experience that the provisions of Jesus’ grace often get lost in the confusing hours of daily life.

Then, Paul offers to them (and us) the love of God. There is a wonderful old song titled “The Love of God.” I’ve heard Joyce Hayes sing it in medley with another song called “Think about His Love.” Both songs describe the wonder of God’s love and how it floods our lives with every good thing God has for us. The Apostle puts is so simply: “the love of God . . . be with you all.” Could we receive a better word of blessing?

Paul’s benediction—his “Good Word” to the Corinthians (and us)—concludes with the desire that they would know “the communion of the Holy Spirit.” This part of the benediction brings it all home! The Spirit of God lives in us to make real to us the “grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” and the “love of God.” Without the Spirit’s ongoing ministry we might see Jesus’ grace and the Father’s love as words on paper. God’s Spirit lives in us to make sure we don’t miss out on God’s love and Jesus’ grace.

Each day you and I have the privilege of knowing this “word of blessing” in our lives. As followers of Jesus, we have God’s Spirit. He lives with us—communes with us—so that we know the blessing of walking with the triune God.

I pray that the power of this “Good word” will take root in us as we walk with Jesus day by day. -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 25; Jeremiah 6-8; 1 Timothy 5

Think About This: Where two or three are met together, the prayer of one strikes fire from the soul of another; and the latter in his turn leads the way to nobler heights of devotion. And lo! as their joy increases, there is One in their midst whom they all recognize and cling to. He was there before, but it is only when their hearts begin to burn that they recognize Him; and in a true sense they may be said to bring Him there-"Where two or three are met together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." James Stalker

Friday, October 24, 2008

Econmic Woes

Economic Woes

Are you overwhelmed with the economic woes & political uncertainties plaguing the world today? Is your focus on how poorly your investments are doing in light of the current financial situation in our country? Or perhaps you are facing difficult circumstances with your business or job.

How do we cope with all that junk in our lives? By turning to the Bible, God's Word. If you find yourself fretting, worrying, and looking for answers elsewhere, I would suggest that you focus your attention on these following portions from the Bible to find answers to the age old problem of wealth accumulation.

In 2 Kings 20:13, we read about King Hezekiah's pride and political motives. "Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his store-house - the silver, the gold, the spices and the fine oil - his armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in his entire kingdom that he did not show them." Vs. 16 & 17, "Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, 'Hear the word of the Lord: The time will surely come when everything in your palace and all that your fathers have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the Lord."

As we put our trust in our riches only one thing is certain, worry. We worry about will there be enough money, will I lose it all because of my bank failing, or my broker giving me sour advice, and you can add to the list.

In Psalm 119:14, we read, "I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches." Do we? Psalm 49:12 -13 & 20, "But man, despite his riches, does not endure; he is like the beasts that perish. This is the fate of those who trust in themselves..... A man who has riches without understanding is like the beast that perish." Proverbs 11:28, "Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf." See also, Proverbs 8:17-20.

Lest you think all this Old Testament scripture is not appropriate for today, hear what we read in Matthew 6:19-21, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The verses that follow these verses in Matthew 6: 25 -34 will direct us toward a worry free life if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.... "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Well, where does all this leave us today? God's dividends will never be reduced nor will HE fail to pay them. But what are God's dividends, you ask? Lives changed and transformed by His mercy and grace. When we witness firsthand the transformation that takes place in the life a man from the Colony of Mercy or a women from the Women of Character programs, they are truly dividends from the God of heaven. These two ministries have and will continue to provide a Sanctuary of Hope for men and women if you will invest in God's investment program through prayer and perhaps also financial means. (All Bible quotes are from the New International Version.) - Stan Marsh is Director of Planned Giving at America's KESWICK

God's WORD for you: Proverbs 24; Jeremiah 3-5; 1 Timothy 4

Think About This: The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is
that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer, because smaller things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of suffering. -- Thomas Merton

I asked Stan for some insight into ways that folks can safely manage their finances during these challenging times. Have you considered a Charitable Gift Annuity? A Charitable Gift Annuity in today's economic slowdown will provide those qualified to enter into such an agreement, with a great interest income that will never be subject to the economic slides of Wall Street. The guidelines for issuing a CGA by America's KESWICK is as follows: Minimum age of 65; minimum amount of gift $2,500.00. The interest rate for a couple both age 65 will be 5.4% and for a couple both age 90 the interest rate will be 8.7%. For single annuitants the interest rate will be 5.7% for age 65 to 10.5% for ages 90 and over. Interest rates are determined by the age of the age of the donor or donors entering into the Charitable Gift Annuity agreement. If you'd like more information, you can contact Stan at 732-350-1187 ext 32 or email him at

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Living the Surrendered Life

Living the Surrendered Life

"Therefore prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I dismay you before them." (Jeremiah 1:17 NKJV)

I am finding that as I grow in my relationship to Christ, the Lord is testing me to see if I truly believe and trust Him. Recently, I was put in a position to share a Word from God that to me was really difficult to share. Why? Because I was speaking to people who claim to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, soul, and strength. But the word God put on my heart was challenging.

I had no time to ponder the Word because God called in that instant. The Word convicted me because it was to me as much as it was to everyone else. Afterward, I went back to God and He reminded me of this verse in the Book of Jeremiah. The Lord used these words when He called me into the ministry and it was a reminder to me that my life is not my own. To live the surrendered life is to believe God knows best even when we think others will not receive what He has asked us to communicate. But then again, it does not matter what we think. What matters is that His will is done.

I thank God for giving me the boldness to proclaim His truth even when I don't like it. I thank God for the surrendered life.

How are you doing with what God has entrusted to you? Are you living a life surrendered? Are you worried about how others will receive you? God says, "Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land; against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 1:18-19)

Rev. Robert Roman is a graduate of the colony of mercy. He is a husband, father, and minister of the gospel. He is a Defender of the Christian faith and Chaplain of Aftercare at the Colony of Mercy.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 23; Jeremiah 1-2; 1 Timothy 3

Think About This: God is not satisfied by the sound of our lips, nor the position of our bodies, nor external ceremonies. What he asks is a will which will no longer be divided between him and any creature, a will pliant in his hands, which neither desires anything nor refuses anything, which wants without reservation everything he wants, and which never, under any pretext, wants anything which he does not want. -- Francois Fenelon

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

O God, My Heart is Steadfast


Some days leadership is just downright fun, and other days it stinks. Sometimes decisions that I have to make are easy and are simply no-brainers. Other times I am faced with decisions that weigh very heavy on my heart.

This week I have had to make some very difficult decisions. Part of me wants to run away and hide because those decisions affect people, and God has wired me to be a people person. I know that what I am going through right now as a leader is a part of God's growth plan for me - but it is hard.

This morning as I came to my quiet time with the Lord, the verses written in the little devotional, DAILY LIGHT, were just what I needed to hear for today:

"The Lord IS my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the STRENGTH of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

You will keep him in PERFECT PEACE, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is STEADFAST, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established; he will not be afraid ...

WHENEVER I am afraid, I will trust in You. In the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

May the God of ALL grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever." - Psalm 108:1; Psalm 27:1; Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 112:7-8; Psalm 56:3; Psalm 27:5-6; 1 Peter 5:10-11

Wow! Those verses couldn't have been more timely and right on for me this morning. Now I have the choice -- to panic, fear, run, hide, fret, worry -- or to trust Him to see me through. By faith, I choose today to trust. How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22; Isaiah 65-66; 1 Timothy 2

Think about this: God is looking for men and women whose hearts are firmly fixed on Him
and who will continually trust Him for all he desires to do with their lives. God is ready and eager to work more powerfully than ever through His people, and the clock of the centuries is striking the eleventh hour.-- Anonymous

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zach!


“Nothing brings me greater joy nowadays than hearing that ‘my children’ are living in the truth.” 3 John 4

Twelve years ago today, we were at hospital in Maryland waiting for the arrival of our fourth child. Zach was our “surprise” baby. Julie was our youngest at that point and there would be twelve years difference between their ages!

God blessed us with a wonderful new baby that day, and it is hard to believe that he turns 12 today. We took a lot of ribbing because we were in our 40’s when he was born. One of my speaker friends, Dr. John DeBrine, announced that the reason they now had handicap ramps in the schools is for old fathers like me who would be in wheelchairs for parent teacher nights! Funny, John!

Time has a way of flying by, and Zach is now at that interesting age where life begins to change from boy to young man. It has been fun and scary to watch the transition. He has literally grown like a weed – he’s taller than me – and some of you are laughing saying, “That’s not hard, Welte!”

I am thankful that at an early age, Zach trusted Jesus Christ as His Savior. Living at Keswick has been good thing for Zach because he has fallen in love with the ministry of the Colony of Mercy. There are days that I think if we would let him, he would move in at the Colony. He loves the guys and isn’t afraid to tell them the tough stuff. In fact, in some ways, I think he has the upper hand because of his age of innocence – they seem to listen to him and consider his wisdom, which at times is way beyond his years.

Everyone of us prays that his kid grows up to be a man who loves Jesus. I am thankful today that Zach is not just one of God’s kids, he’s mine too! Zach, I love you and I am very proud of you. Happy 12th birthday. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s KESWICK

God’s WORD for YOU – Proverbs 21; Isaiah 62-64; 1 Timothy 1

Think About This: Not without design does God write the music of our lives. Be it ours to learn the tune, and not be dismayed at the "rests." They are not to be slurred over, not to be omitted, not to destroy the melody, not to change the keynote. If we look up, God Himself will beat the time for us. With the eye on Him, we shall strike the next note full and clear. If we sadly say to ourselves, "There is no music in a 'rest,'" let us not forget "there is the making of music in it." The making of music is often a slow and painful process in this life. How patiently God works to teach us! How long He waits for us to learn the lesson! – Ruskin

Crown Financial Instructor and Keswick Board Member, George Hutchison, has a new weekly blog on our America’s KESWICK homepage. Check out this week’s entry:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oucher #3 -- Is God's Will My Will


"This is the will of God, your sanctification ..." 1 Thessalonians 4:3

I am often asked the question by folks, "How can I determine God's will for my life?" Part of answer to this question is not what some folks want to hear. I will often tell them to begin the process by searching the Scriptures to discover the things that we already KNOW to be God's will. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 is one of those things -- your sanctification.

I was thinking about as I was having my time with God this morning and today's devotional by Oswald Chambers was one of those "right between the eyes" ones. It's powerful, so take some time today to think about it:

"Sanctification is not a question of whether GOD is willing to sanctify me -- is it MY will? Am I willing to let God do in me EVERYTHING that has been made possible through the atonement of the Cross of Christ? Am I willing to let Jesus become sanctification to me, and to let His face be exhibited in my human flesh? (See 1 Corinthians 1:30)

Beware of saying, "Oh, I am longing to be sanctified." No, you are not. Recognize your need, but stop longing and make it a matter of action. Receive Jesus Christ to become sanctification for you by absolute, unquestioning faith and the great miracle of the atonement of Jesus will become real in you.

All that Jesus made possible becomes mine through the free loving gift of God on the basis of what Christ accomplished on the cross. And my attitude as a saved and sanctified soul is that of profound, humble holiness (there is no such thing as proud holiness). It is a holiness based on agonizing repentance, a sense of inexpressible shame and degradation, and also on the amazing realization that the love of God demonstrated itself to me while I cared nothing about Him (see Romans 5:8). He completed EVERYTHING for my salvation and sanctification. No wonder Paul said that NOTHING "shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39)

Sanctification makes me one with Jesus Christ, and in Him one with God, and it is accomplished only through the magnificent atonement of Christ. Never confuse the effect with the cause. The effect in me is obedience, service, and prayer, and is the outcome of inexpressible thanks and adoration for the miraculous sanctification that has been brought about in me because of the atonement through the Cross of Christ." -- Oswald Chambers -- My Utmost for His Highest

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 20; Isaiah 59-61; 1 Thessalonians 3

Think about this: "Today we tend to look to external things to enhance our worship. The true quality of worship, however, rests within us. If we have not allowed God to purify us first, our worship will be void of His presence. If we do not have a pure heart, we may give offerings, but they will not be acceptable to God. Attending a religious service will not automatically ensure an encounter with God." -- Dr. Henry Blackaby

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Power of Benedictions Part 2

"The Power of Benedictions, Part 2"

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

Remember that benedictions are "good words" or "words of blessings." They instruct God's people even as they encourage us. They express the desire of the one pronouncing the benediction for those who receive it. And, we can't forget that these biblical benedictions come by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, they tell us of God's desire for us.

Yesterday Paul taught us that God is a God of patience and comfort. Today's benediction teaches us that He is also "the God of hope." In Romans 15:4, Paul reminds us that all God's instruction is given that "we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." We're learning through the benedictions that the God of patience, comfort and hope is the source of all we need in our lives.

Notice the progression of Paul's "good word" for the Roman church and for us. He prays that the God of hope will fill us with "joy and peace in believing." The joy and peace rest on believing (the word has the idea of "habitually" believing). Joy and peace flow from our justification through Christ's atonement. The more we allow the reality of our salvation to take over our lives, the more joy and peace we'll experience.

He goes on, though, and tells us that the result of having this joy and peace is that we may "abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I did a little study on the word "abound." It has the sense of exceeding a fixed number or measure or to be in affluence. Kenneth Wuest translates it as "super-abundance!"

Here's the progression: the God of hope fills us with joy and peace as we focus on our new life in Christ. The more that joy and peace fills our lives, we see a super-abundance of hope in every part of our lives. And, this all happens because the indwelling Spirit of God displays His power in us.

Do you see why this is a "good word," a "word of blessing?" The true and living God works in us to fill us with joy and peace, qualities we could not know without Him. Through the power of God's Spirit, that joy and peace make us affluent in hope. All this comes from Scripture; we can trust it!

So, I pray for each of you who read this Freedom Fighter: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." That's a good word! -- Pastor Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 19; Isaiah 56-58; 2 Thessalonians 2

Think about this: God has work to do in this world; and to desert it because of its difficulties and entanglements, is to cast off His authority. It is not enough that we be just, that we be righteous, and walk with God in holiness; but we must also serve our generation, as David did before he fell asleep. God has a work to do; and not to help Him is to oppose Him. -- John Owen

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Power of Benedictions


(Romans 15:5&6)

"Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be likeminded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The idea of a benediction is to speak a good word or a word of blessing.
Most of the biblical benedictions, but not all of them, come at the end of an epistle or the end of a section of Scripture. Each time I get a new Bible, I always mark all the benedictions with some distinctive color so they will stand out. I apply them to my life and use them to encourage others. Allow me to share some of my favorites over the next two or three weekends. I hope they'll encourage you.

This benediction from Romans 15 is one of at least three in Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Notice how it describes God-He is the God of "patience and comfort." Given what Paul is asking for in the Roman church, it's important that we see these qualities of God's character.He wants the Roman church to know like-mindedness, and that definitely requires patience and the willingness to comfort one another. God shows up-this God who is the God of patience and comfort-and empowers us to accomplish the "good word" Paul speaks into the Roman church and our churches.

Then, after describing God, Paul urges the Roman church, and our churches, to be likeminded on the basis of our unity in Christ Jesus.By allowing God's patience and comfort to work in our lives we can pursue a common mind and unity in our church bodies. By implication at least, Paul says we'll never achieve that common mind without God's work in us.

Then Paul tells us the goal of this "good word." As we live together in one mind with others who share our love for Christ, we communicate a common word before the world. We "glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" with "one mind and one mouth."

Think for a moment about how difficult it is to get most of our churches to speak with one mind and one mouth. Think about how hard it is to get followers of Jesus to share a common mind about the things of God and the good of the church.

Paul gives us the "good word" and lets us know what church can be if we choose to love our brothers and sisters with the patience and comfort of God. May God help us during this new week to think about how we can contribute to like-mindedness in our churches. That's a "good word!" - Pastor John is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18; Isaiah 53-55; 2 Thessalonians 1

Think about this: The more a true saint loves God with a truly gracious love, the more he desires to love Him, and the more miserable he is at his lack of love to Him. The more he hates sin, the more he desires to hate it. The more he mourns for sin, the more he longs to mourn for it. The more his heart is broken for sin, the more he prays that it may be far more broken. The more he hungers and thirsts after God, the more he faints and fails in seeking after God. Forgetting those things that are behind, he reaches forth to those things that are before. He ever presses toward the far-off mark. -- Jonathan Edwards

Fantastic Opportunity: Many of you have been praying along with us about our finances. We had three special needs that we have been praying about: 1) a new water heater for the Raws Building 2) repairing the AC in the Raws Auditorium, and 3) the funds to reprint Pastor Bill's book,Monitoring the Movement of God. The total of the three projects was $15,100. Yesterday a donor dropped of a check for $15,100 requesting that it be made a matching gift to raise $15,100 for help with our past
due bills. If you'd like to be a part of this special matching gift fund, please let me know. Thanks for praying with us. God is sooooo good.

Friday, October 17, 2008

One Man's Sin

One Man's Sin - Oucher No. #2

Get up, sanctify the people, and say, "Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because says the Lord God of Israel: 'There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take way the accursed thing from among you.'" Joshua 7:13

This is one of those devotionals that snaps us from the mundane to the reality of life. It is one of those "wake up, you dunderhead" reminders that all of need to keep posted in the forefront of our minds. Listen to the powerful reminder from Dr. Henry Blackaby's daily devotional, EXPERIENCING GOD - THE DEVOTIONAL (Broadman and Holman):

Just as the obedience of ONE Christian can bring blessing to others, the sin of ONE Christian can bring harm to many others. The children of Israel were rapidly advancing into the Promised Land. They had experienced a miraculous victory over the city of Jericho, and they were continuing toward their next conquest.

To their surprise they met a decisive defeat as they attempted to capture the small town of Ai. They sought God's explanation for their failure, and He provided it. He revealed that someone among them had disobeyed His clear command not to keep any possessions from Jericho. The disobedience of one man and his family had paralyzed an entire nation!

Achan though he could conceal his sin and it would not affect anyone else. God chose to demonstrate the destructive power of one sin to His people. One act of disobedience cost Achan and his family their lives. It caused his countrymen to lose the battle; innocent soldiers were killed. His sin had serious repercussions for others, denying them the blessing, power, and victory of God.

Your sin will have an impact on others. Choosing to disobey God may cost your family God's blessing. The power of God may be absent from your church because you are living in disobedience. Your friends may suffer because you are not living righteously.

Diligently seek to obey every word from God, for you do not know how YOUR disobedience could affect those around you. Scripture promises that if you will obey the Lord, your life will be a channel of blessing to others. (Psalm 37:25-26)

I needed to be reminded of this principle this morning. How about you? We are in this thing together, guys. Let's purpose as Freedom Fighters to obey Him in every area of our life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 17; Isaiah 50-52; 1 Thessalonians 5

Think about this: We stay busy at work, while people around us are ripe and ready to be harvested; we do not reap even one of them, but simply waste our Lord's time in over-energized activities and programs. -- Oswald Chambers

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Never Too Busy


"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion." Luke 10:33

This is an "oucher" from Dr. Henry Blackaby's daily devotional, EXPERIENCING GOD:

"If anyone could understand the temptation to let busyness distract Him from the Father's activity, Jesus certainly could! He told a parable that clearly illustrated this danger: A certain Jewish man was on his way to Jericho when he was brutally attacked by thieves and left to die by the road.

First a Levite, then a priest passed by. These were religious leaders; surely they would show compassion to a wounded person! But they had places to go and appointments to keep, so they passed him by. Surely someone else would come along who had more time to help the wounded man!

Then a Samaritan, despised by the Jews, came along. Of all people, this man had reason to look the other way, since the wounded man was his enemy. But wherever he was going could wait, for someone needed his help.

It's easy to become so busy that you are oblivious to those in need. Your schedule can become so full of accomplishing GOOD things that you are of no help to the people around you. God is at work in the lives of your friends, your neighbors and your family members. He may ask you to interrupt your day long enough to join Him as He ministers to them.

Nothing on your agenda, no matter how pressing, is reason enough to ignore the voice of God when He tells you to stop and help. If you have become too busy to minister to those around you, ask God to establish your priorities so that you do not miss opportunities to serve Him."

What a powerful reminder. I know I needed to be reminded of that today. How about you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 16; Isaiah 47-49; 1 Thessalonians 4

Think about this: No matter how dark the sky, how discouraging the circumstances, how
desperate the situation, God is there--a God who is too good to forget and too great to fail. God is there, his mighty arm ruling this universe for him, redeeming all who will let him, and reinforcing any who respond to him in faith and obedience! -- Leo Green

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



"Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists." - Acts 12:7

"After midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God ... suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose." -- Acts 16:25-26

God is NEVER late. He always shows up on time. His timetable is not necessarily the timetable that I want -- but He is precisely on time. Often I have found that He shows up at 11:59. Today's devotional from STREAMS IN THE DESERT" was timely and addresses this very issue:

"This is the way God works. In our DARKEST hour, He walks to us across the waves, just as an angel came to Peter's cell when the day of Peter's execution dawned. And when the scaffold was completed for Mordecai's execution, the king's sleeplessness ultimately led to his action favoring God's favored race (See Esther 6).

Dear soul, you may have to experience the very WORST before you are delivered, but YOU WILL BE DELIVERED! God may keep you waiting, but He will ALWAYS remember HIS promise and will appear IN TIME to fulfill His sacred Word that CANNOT be broken.

God has a simplicity about Him in working out HIS plans, and yet He possesses a resourcefulness equal to ANY difficulty. His faithfulness to His trusting children is unwavering, and He is steadfast in holding to His purpose. In Joseph's life, we see God work through a fellow prisoner, later through a dream, and finally through lifting Joseph from a prison to the position of governor. And the length of Joseph's prison stay gave him strength and steadiness he needed as governor.

IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO TRUST GOD'S METHODS AND TO LIVE BY HIS CLOCK. God in His providence has a thousand keys to open a thousand different doors in order to deliver His own, no matter how desperate the situation may have become. May we be faithful to do our part, which is simply to suffer for Him, and to place Christ's part on Him and then LEAVE IT THERE!

Now my brothers, are you in the midst of a challenge and a difficult spot? Are you facing a situation where you are waiting for God to show up? Trust Him completely. He is NEVER late. His timetable is different -- but HE WILL SHOW UP RIGHT ON TIME -- it may be 11:59 -- but you can count on Him to be RIGHT ON TIME. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; Isaiah 45-46; 1 Thessalonians 3

Think About This: In response to "I have difficulty praying." Why then, do you not try this? As you go to your inner chamber, however cold and dark your heart may be, do not try in your own might to force yourself into the right attitude. Bow before Him, and tell Him that He sees in what a sad state you are, and that your only hope is in Him. Trust Him, with a childlike trust, to have mercy upon you, and wait upon Him. In such a trust you are in a right relationship to Him. You have nothing - He has everything. -- Andrew Murray

Check out George Hutchison's latest STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT on our newest blog:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Father, My Father!

My Father, My Father

"All who follow the leading of God's Spirit are God's own sons. Nor are you meant to relapse into the old slavish attitude of fear - you have been adopted into the very family circle of God and you can say with a full heart, "Father, my Father." The Spirit himself endorses our inward conviction that we really are the children of God." Romans 8:14-15 (J.B. Phillips translation)

I shared with you yesterday that I arrived in New Hampshire early Saturday morning for my grandson, Tanner's, fourth birthday. He kept asking if I was coming, and because of things happening at America's KESWICK, I was not able to attend. God rearranged my schedule so that I could go.

I crawled into the sofa bed with Jan around 1 and when Tanner came downstairs on Saturday morning, he wanted to climb in bed with "Granny" to snuggle. I was hiding under the covers when he climbed on the bed, which he told Jan was lumpy. She told him to get under the covers. I wish you could have seen the look on his face when he pulled back the covers and there I was. He yelled, "Pop-pop! My Pop-Pop!" It was one of those moments that will be forever etched on the hard drive of my brain.
It erased the memory of the 8.5 hour drive through the traffic.

Through the next couple of hours he was attached to me like a fly on honey. He wasn't about to let me out of his sight. He was taking delight in me, and I was taking delight in him.

Several weeks ago I was talking with one of my staff members who is a grandfather. His "grands" are in the teen years now and he shared this advice with me. "Take advantage of this time now when your grandkids are young. Right now they think you are everything. They can't wait to see you and be with you. You light up their lives. Something happens when they hit their teen years - all of a sudden their world is different. They are busy with their stuff and all of a sudden you aren't quite as important or as special as you used to be."

Unfortunately that is a picture of what the Christian life is for so many of us. When we first get saved, we are so excited about our relationship with the Lord. He is our everything. We have fallen head over heels in love with Him. We seem to discover Him everywhere. Every time we turn around He is showing up, and we find ourselves say, "My Poppa - My Poppa!"

But then the joy seems to wane and we get wrapped up in our own little worlds. Instead of spending time with Him consistently, we find ourselves busy with the stuff of life. Before long, we find ourselves in love with other things and people. He moves from being first place in our lives to second, third, and sadly, sometimes he's not even on the list.

He longs to be the delight of your life. He wants you to long for Him.
He wants to spend time with you. He delights when we pull back the covers of life and discover he is there in the expected places and you cry out with glee, "My Father, My Father!" It's not too late to get back to that point in your life. He's still there. He's waiting. Tell Him. Open your heart to Him. Fall back in love with the Savior. It will be worth it, my friend. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 14; Isaiah 43-44; 1 Thessalonians 2

Think about this one: "Books can take a person all over the world - a driver's library card will take you further than a driver's license." Rueben Martinez

Monday, October 13, 2008

He is with YOU


"And the Lord is the one who goes AHEAD of you; HE will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.. Do not fear, or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8

Some of you will remember that back 20+ years ago, I struggled with panic attacks. I did a pretty good job of covering it up so that people around me didn't know that I had them, but it was a very frightening time in my life.

The three major times they surfaced were when I was having to direct major concerts/events, being in crowds, or being stuck in traffic. I was crippled enough by them that I was unable to drive by myself for any length of distance. I can remember when we moved to Sandy Cove praying my heart out just driving from work to our house which was about four miles away.

Coming to serve at America's KESWICK has been a tremendous blessing in my life. One of the byproducts of serving here is that for whatever reason, the Lord took away the panic attacks. No I certainly don't get stuck in traffic, though driving in Whiting can be a scary thing, but monthly I am in front of large crowds and groups of people. It has been so wonderful to be "free" in this area.

Several years ago I was put to the test regarding driving by myself, and with God's help and the prayers of several friends, I drove two hours on my own. Since then I don't even think about it much. Every once in a while I ask myself the question, "Are they gone?"

This weekend our grandson Tanner was celebrating his 4th birthday. My wife, son and daughter and her kids drove up on Thursday since I was not able to be there because of our Board meetings and several commitments. I was really feeling down because of missing Tanner's party. Long story short, the way was cleared for me to go, however, that mean driving to New Hampshire by myself - a six hour drive.

I paced the bedroom for about 20 minutes trying to decide what to do, then I found myself saying, "Do I really believe Deuteronomy 31:8 is true?" I packed my bag by faith and headed for the car. Two of my friends, Chaplain Robert Roman, and my COO, Jim Kennedy, met me and had prayer with me. Our good friends, Brian and Donna Bitler called to say they were praying.

Well the trip SHOULD have taken six hours - however, due to MAJOR traffic jams along the way, it took 8.5 hours. I am a living testimony that Deuteronomy 31:8 is true. You might be saying, "I don't get it - what's the big deal about driving 8 hours alone?" Unless you've had a panic attack, you will never understand what a big deal this was for me. God WAS with me every step of the way. HE DOES GO BEFORE YOU!

Friend, are you facing a difficult challenge today in your life? Then by faith, claim this promise. It's yours! Memorize it. Burn it on the hard drive of your mind. Let HIM show you how BIG He is! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 13; Isaiah 41-42; 1 Thessalonians 1

A quote worth pondering: It costs to be faithful. It cost Abraham the yielding up of his only son. It cost Esther to risk her own life. It cost Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego being put into a fiery furnace. It cost Stephen death by stoning. It cost Paul his life. Does it cost you anything to be faithful to your Lord and King? - Anonymous

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's the Lord's Day!"

"It's the Lord's Day!"

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:23-25)

It's Sunday! Are you going to church this morning? I don't know a single pastor who is not concerned about the flippancy (and I don't think that's too strong a word) with which church people ignore the importance of being in church on the Lord's Day. Too many of us think nothing of skipping church for a ball game, a fishing trip or some project that needs to get done at home.

A reading of Hebrews 10:23-25 doesn't seem to give us that freedom. We live in a difficult world. Our brothers and sisters in church need us, and we need them. The instruction of this section of the Bible tells us that we must consider more than our own desires when making decisions about church. We're to consider those who worship with us before making a decision to absent ourselves from fellowship on the Lord's Day.

Let me suggest three insights you need to consider before you choose to skip church for some family occasion or non-required work or repair project. First, remember that we still call it "The Lord's Day." It's NOT just another day. The Old and New Testament principle is that one day of the week should be reserved for worship, reflection and rest. Do we really want to tell the Lord that our own plans are more important than worshiping with our brothers and sisters?

The second insight to think about is what your absence says to those who are in church. One can wonder if a lot of us are ever going to learn that "it's not about us!" We live so selfishly that we don't think about others. Faithful attendance in the Lord's house is faithful ministry to those in our faith community. Less than faithful attendance tells our brothers and sisters that our agendas are more important than encouraging them in their walk with the Lord.

Finally, let me share a third insight that warrants your attention. The world isn't getting better; it's getting worse. And, it will continue to get worse. The increasing degeneration of our world demands that we intensify our commitment to one another in the Body of Christ, the local church. To do otherwise is to put the whole Body in danger of further seduction by the wicked one.

I invite you to think about your commitment to "The Lord's Day" in light of the clear teaching of Scripture. -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

A Quote Worth Pondering: If a house should be taken for us by a friend, and we were told it was ready, and that the lease and all the necessary papers were duly attested and signed, we should not ask how we could get into it. We should just pack up and move in .... God says that He is our dwelling place, and the Bible contains all the necessary papers, duly attested and signed. And our Lord invites us, nay more, commands us to enter in and abide there. In effect He says, God is your dwelling place, and you must see to it that you take up your abode there. You must move in. -- Hannah Whitall Smith

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Spiritual Passion

"Spiritual Passion" (Psalm 119:5)

God's Word reminded me again of the benefit of reading it through every year. During my reading earlier this week, I came across one little line that captured my attention. "O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes."

The words struck me with their passion. They reminded me of the need for commitment and obedience to the Word of God. This one line of inspired Scripture confronts the apathy and disinterest so many believers display toward God's Word. Perhaps you need to join me in thinking about the psalmist's spiritual passion.

Let me share some of the questions that came to my mind as I meditated on these ten words. "Do I share this kind of passion for obedience to God's Word?" I contemplated my own attitude toward God's Word and what I know it teaches me about walking with God. God's Spirit prompted me to think about the error of selective obedience. Genuine passion for matching my walk with God's instruction demands that I pursue obedience in all things.

Another question also came to mind. "Do I know God's statues well enough to allow them to "direct my ways?" I thought about my biblical literacy. If the instruction that comes from God's Word will direct my life, I've got to know that instruction. That realization led me to think about my ongoing effort to know God's Word and apply it to my life. I had to review my interest in and efforts to go deeper in the

What about you? How passionate are you about knowing and living out God's Word? Do the words of Scripture consistently direct your life? None of us who read the Freedom Fighter will know genuine freedom apart from ongoing immersion in and application of His statues. It just won't happen.

The 119th psalm is the longest single section of the Bible. The writer revisits this need for a passionate application of God's Word to our lives throughout the psalm. I invite you to spend time through the next week reading and thinking about the influence of God's Word in your life. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 11; Isaiah 37-38; Colossians 3

A Quote Worth Pondering: Our society is filled with runaways, dropouts,and quitters. The epidemic of walking away has hit our land with effects as devastating as the bubonic plague, and it has destroyed millions of effective lives and relationships. We are so self-centered that we have ceased to lay down our lives for others. We have seen others faint or walk away and we have followed in their weakness. We have fainted when we could have persevered by exchanging our strength for His! With His
strength, not only could we have kept on walking, we could have run! --
Kay Arthur

Friday, October 10, 2008

Worldliness and theMedia (Part 3)

Worldliness and the Media (Part 3)

I trust that the insights this week from C.J. Mahaney's book, "Worldliness - Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World", have been challenging and thought-provoking. It is one of those little books that I believe is a MUST READ for every Freedom Fighter.

Today is the third part on how I can analyze my involvement with media, whether it be TV, movies, Facebook, Myspace, or other things related to the internet. Yesterday I gave you a list of questions to consider regarding time and the heart. Today's list relates to the CONTENT.

Here is the list from the Chapter: God, My Heart, and Media:

* What worldview or philosophy of life does this program or film present? What's the view of man's nature? What's the view of sin? Is sin identified as such? What's the view of God-ordained authority figures? And how do these views relate to God's view?
* What does this program or film glamorize? What is valued or considered important?
* Who are the heroes of the story? Why are they heroic?
* Is sin shown as having negative consequences? Or is sin glorified or rewarded? Is sin presented in an appealing or seductive way?
* What is humorous in this work? How are people made fun of? What is mocked?
* Does violence appear as a natural part of the story, or is it used gratuitously to entertain?
* What's the sexual content? Is there nudity? Sensual or seductive dress? Are there images, language, or humor that are sexually impure?
* Is sinful self-sufficiency honored? Are the heroic characters concerned for others or merely for themselves?
* Does the program or film portray materialism as "the good life"?
* Would seeing this help me better understand God's world? Would it help me understand my surrounding culture better without tempting me to sinful compromise?
* Will I benefit in any way from viewing this program or visiting this website?
* Online, do I communicate graciously, patiently, and humbly? Do I use crude or arrogant speech? Is my speech consistent with the gospel, or does it reflect worldliness?

My guess is, that some of us bristled when we read through this list of questions because it rubbed a nerve. "Bill, are you being too legalistic?" "Isn't this list going a bit too far?" Maybe the greater question is this: "Have a become desensitized to the influence of the world around me?" Remember the key verse from this discussion: "Love not the world or anything in the world." - 1 John 2:15.

I think that the discussion is worth having. I would love to hear from you. It has sure caused me to think. What about you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 10; Isaiah 34-36; Colossians 2

A quote worth considering: In a way I wish I could take to heaven my old, tattered Everest and Jennings wheelchair. I would point to the empty seat and say, "Lord, for decades I was paralyzed in this chair. But it showed me how paralyzed You must have felt to be nailed to Your Cross. My limitations taught me something about the limitations You endured when You laid aside your robes of state and put on the indignity of human flesh." At that point, with my strong and glorified body, I might sit in it, rub the armrests with my hands, look up at Jesus, and add, "The weaker I felt in this chair, the harder I leaned on You. And the harder I leaned, the more I discovered how strong You are. Thank you, Jesus for learning obedience in your suffering...You gave me grace to learn obedience in mine." -- Joni Eareckson Tada

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Worldliness -- Media (Part 2)

Worldliness -- Media (Part 2)

Yesterday I shared with you some thoughts from a powerful book, WORLDLINESS - Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World.

Pastor Craig Cabanis, who wrote the chapter, God, My Heart, and the media, quoting pastor Kent Hughes says:

"Today the all-pervasive glow of the television set is the single most potent influence and control in Western culture. Television has greater power over the lives of most Americans than any educational system, government or church."

So how do we bring control in our lives in regards to the things we watch (TV, DVD's, movies, etc) so that we don't get sucked into the world and all its powerful allurements?

Pastor Cabanis offers a series of questions that are worth our consideration:

Time Questions
* Am I skipping or delaying something important in order to watch this now?
* What are my other social/entertainment options besides watching television or going out to see a movie?
* How much time have I already spent on media today?
* How much time have I spent surfing the Internet? How much time have I spent blogging or maintaining an online presence through social network sites?
* In the last week, how much time have I spent on the spiritual disciplines, building relationships, or serving in my local church compared to time spent consuming media?
* After investing the time to view this, will I look back on it as time well spent?

Heart Questions
* Why do I want to watch this program or movie? What do I find entertaining about it?
* Am I seeking to escape from something I should be facing by watching this? Am I seeking comfort or relief that can be found only in God?
* What sinful temptations will this program or film present?
* Do I secretly want to view something in it that's sinful? Am I deceiving myself by saying, "I'll fast-forward through the bad parts?"
* Similarly, am I telling myself, "I'll just visit this website once, and I won't click on any other links I find there?"
* Am I watching because I am bored or lazy? If so, what does that reveal about my heart?
* Am I watching simply because others are? Am I trying to be relevant or to fit in?
* How have my online relationships impacted my face-to-face relationships? How has my online activity impacted my soul? For better or worse?
* What motivates me to create and maintain a blog, Myspace or Facebook presence? Am I attempting to impress others? Am I being prideful, slanderous, deceitful, or self-righteous?

Good questions, my brothers. They have sure caused me to think. I trust you will give serious consideration to them. Tomorrow I will give you his list of CONTENT questions. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 9; Isaiah 32-33; Colossians 1

A quote worth thinking about: We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. God will be constantly crossing our paths and cancelling our plans by sending us people with claims and petitions. We may pass them by, preoccupied with our more important tasks, as the priest passed by the man who had fallen among thieves, perhaps - reading the Bible..... it is part of the discipline of humility that we must not spare our hand where it can perform a service and we do not assume that our schedule is our own to manage, but allow it to be arranged by God. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Can't make our Men's Fellowship Night tonight? Watch it live right from our website. The program will air around 7:15 PM --

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Worldliness and the Media (Part 1)

Worldliness and the Media - Part 1

"Do not love the world or anything in the world ..." 1 John 2:15 (NIV)

I really tried to hang with the debate last night - but it was putting me to sleep. Don't shoot me or write letters. The good news is that I was reading C. J. Mahaney's book on "Worldliness" and that helped.

Chapter 2 was written by Craig Cabaniss and is entitled: "God, My Heart and Media." This chapter was powerful in many ways. Craig shares the power of the media and the damaging effects of it on our lives. There is an erosion that takes place that can be disastrous if we are not careful.

He reminds us that in everything we do and WATCH we are doing so "before the face of God." "All aspects of our existence - from private thoughts to public words and actions - are lived out before His face. Properly regarded, living "before the face of God" arouses our fear of God ... We make our choices - with God's holy face in view. It's not the gaze of our pastor, parent, fellow small group member, or unbelieving neighbor that matters most. We're accountable to God in ALL things, including our entertainment ... God is holy, and we are not."1

"Before the face of God" - we realize we are in trouble - our eyes have lusted, our imaginations have trespassed, our time has been squandered. We must run to the cross where God's holiness and mercy intersect decisively. "Before the face of God," - we find grace. Grace that forgives. Grace that empowers us to change. Grace that leads us to desire and pursue obedience. Any discussion of biblical obedience, including entertainment guidelines, must spring from a robust understanding of grace."2

"Applied to our entertainment, God-pleasing discernment involves remembering his grace to us in the death and resurrection of our Savior, then responding to his grace with a heart eager to please him by taking pleasure in what is good and right and true. Discerning what pleases the Lord requires critically evaluating media content at all times."3

I want to share with you the next couple of days, the guidelines that Craig suggests that address time, heart, and content issues in regards to our handling media in our lives. I liked the questions he suggests we ask, as I believe it is an area in which many of us not only struggle, but have made subtle compromises.

As always, I welcome the opportunity to dialog with you. Watch for the questions/guidelines tomorrow and Friday. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 8; Isaiah 30-31; Philippians 4

A quote worth pondering: The habit of judging is so nearly incurable, and its cure is such an almost interminable process, that we must concentrate ourselves for a long while on keeping it in check, and this check is to be found in kind interpretations. We must come to esteem very lightly our sharp eye for evil, on which perhaps we once prided ourselves as cleverness. We must look at our talent for analysis of character as a dreadful possibility of huge uncharitableness. We are sure to continue to say clever things, so long as we continue to indulge in this analysis; and clever things are equally sure to be sharp and acid. We must grow to something higher, and something truer, than a quickness in detecting evil. -- Frederick W. Faber

You still have time to register for our Men's Fellowship on Thursday night with Chaplain Jim Freed. Call today for information and registration. Come and bring a friend.

Notes: 1/2/3 - C. J. Mahaney, "Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World" (Wheaton: Crossway, 2008)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008



"Do not love the world or anything in the world ..." 1 John 2:15

I just started reading a book that I think is going to be added to my "must read" list. It is simply called "Worldliness - Resisting the Seduction of This Fallen World." The book is written by C. J. Mahaney and is published by Crosseway.

The premise of the book is that we as Christians have allowed worldliness to creep into our lives in ways that we haven't even thought about. And we find ourselves loving the world more than we could have dreamed or imagined.

C.J. Mahaney writes: "A love for the world begins in the soul. It's subtle, not always immediately obvious to others, and often undetected by the people who are slowly succumbing to its lies. It begins with a dull conscience and a listless soul. Sin does not grieve us like it once did. Passion for the Savior begins to cool. Affections grow dim. Excitement lessens for participating in the church, Eagerness to evangelize starts to wane. Growth in godliness slows to a crawl ... The person who was once genuinely passionate for Christ -like Demas - is, over time, taken captive by sin."

Quoting from Joel Beeke, Mahaney says, "the goal of worldly people is to move forward rather than upward, to live horizontally rather than vertically. They seek after outward prosperity rather than holiness. They burst with selfish desires rather than heartfelt supplications. If they do not deny God, they ignore and forget him, or else they use Him only for their selfish ends. Worldliness ... is human nature without God!"

Here are some questions to determine if you are struggling in this area:

1. What dominates your mind and stirs your heart?
2. Is it discontentment with your life?
3. Longings for earthly pleasures?
4. Does prosperity appeal to you more than growth in godliness?
5. Is your prayer life characterized by heartfelt supplications for God's will to be done and his kingdom to come?
6. Do you relate to God as if he exists to further your selfish ambitions or are you convinced that you exists to glorify him?
7. Are you trying to live without God?
8. Do you covet the esteem and crave the approval of those around you?
9. Do you go to great lengths to avoid looking foolish or being rejected for your Christian faith?
10. Do you consider present and material results more important than eternal reward?
11. Have you departed from God and adopted idols instead?
12. Are you at war with God?

Interesting questions. In fact, they will help diagnose whether or not worldliness has crept into our hearts. C.J. reminds us that "worldliness does not consist in our outward behavior, though our actions can certainly be an EVIDENCE of worldliness within. But the real location of worldliness is INTERNAL. It resides in my heart.

I am taking a long, hard look at this in my own life right now. How about you? Take some time today and think through the twelve questions. How's your heart? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 7; Isaiah 28-29; Philippians 3

A Quote Worth Considering: One day as he was walking by the sea, he saw a small boy who, with the help of a shell, was emptying water from the ocean into a hole he had dug in the sand. "What are you doing, son?" asked Augustine. He was impressed by the naive answer, "I'm going to empty all the sea into this hole." Augustine smiled. An inner voice, however, was saying to him, "You are trying to do the same thing by thinking you can understand the depths of God with your limited mind. -- Augustine

Monday, October 06, 2008

They Were Micah 6:8 Men


"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before our God." Micah 6:8

Two of my dear friends went home to be with Jesus this weekend. Pastor Ken Campbell and I have been friends for over 30+ years. We met when we worked together at East Coast Christian Book Distributors (one of the first Amazons!) which was owned by Philadelphia Biblical University.

Ken was a faithful pastor for many years and during my years at Sandy Cove and America's KESWICK, our friendship was strengthened. Ken was a great husband and dad, and has certainly walked through some challenging times including the tragic death of his sixteen year old daughter who was killed in an automobile accident.

Ken was a man whose life was characterized by Micah 6:8. He love people. He always believed in mercy. And he certainly modeled for me what it means to walk humbly before our God. This summer Ken had a massive heart attack, and never fully recovered from the subsequent surgery and rehab. He went home to be with Jesus on Friday morning.

Last night we received word that our friend Mr. Steve Deichert went home to be with Jesus. Steve and I worked on the ministry team both at Sandy Cove and America's KESWICK. Steve was an amazing discipler and mentor for hundreds of teens who served on the staff at Sandy Cove. He poured his life into "his" kids. To many of them, Mr. Steve was the Dad they never had. He attended their games, had them over to his house after work for snacks, gave counsel when necessary, and even was the strong disciplinarian at times.

Steve loved Jesus and people. He too, was a Micah 6:8 man! He was a great role model for all of us. Steve had a brain aneurysm that ruptured this summer and had some physical challenges related to heart trouble and diabetes. Last night around 8:00 PM, he slipped quietly into the hands of Jesus.

Both of these guys had a huge impact on my life. I will miss them dearly. Lord, may I follow their example and be a Micah 6:8 man, too. I pray that for all my brothers today who will read this Freedom Fighter. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Isaiah 26-27; Philippians 2

Great Quote: For most of our lives, we are so filled with good things that we don't have room for the best. While the sun gleams brightly over the sea of our prosperity, making its gentle waters glisten like diamonds, we find comfort in many things. But when the storm comes, turning the waves into dark, frightening cliffs which threaten to take us under, we find the most precious treasure of all, "Immanuel, God with us." -- Greg Wright

This Thursday is our first Men's Fellowship Night of the new season. Join us for a great meal and a time of lively worship and a message from God's WORD. Chaplain Jim Freed, Director of Men's Addiction Recovery Ministries at America's KESWICK, will be our speaker. Dinner starts at 6:15 PM. Please call today and register (732-350-1187 ext. 22) and bring a friend.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Fine Art of Waiting

"The Fine Art of Waiting"

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7)

Yesterday's Freedom Fighter addressed the issue of being still and waiting in the Lord's presence. Our verse today has a strong relationship to Psalm 46:10 that tells us to "Be still and know that I am God." Both speak of the need for God's people to live patiently, quietly and confidently in the presence of the Lord.

Most of us aren't too good at resting. We run from daylight to dark and cram more into one day than we ought to put in a week. We live as though everything depends on us. It's as though God can't do anything unless we run ourselves ragged. Many of us think we don't have time to be still . . . to wait . . . to rest in the Lord.

What does it get us, all this rushing and working? It doesn't draw us any closer to the Lord. It doesn't nurture our relationship with Jesus. It does make us tired. It does make us weak. It does make us less than God designed us to be. How do I know this? I know it by experience, and I know it by the instruction of the Word of God.

When I work so many hours that I don't have time to rest, to be still, to wait, I end up weaker rather than stronger. Neglecting time with God doesn't help me accomplish more of what is genuinely important. On the contrary, a lack of time with God makes me less effective in just about every area of my life. Jesus knew that when He told us in John 15: 5, ". . . for without Me, you can do nothing."

The context in John 15 is the same as Psalm 37 and Psalm 46. In Jesus' words we think of abiding. In the psalmist's words we think of resting, waiting and stillness. If we genuinely hunger for deeper fellowship and a closer relationship with the Lord, we must make time to be still and rest in His presence. We'll learn things in the stillness that we'll never learn by "being busy for the Lord."

The Word of God assures us that carving out time to be in God's presence is worth the effort. Will you join me in finding fifteen or twenty minutes a day this week to sit quietly in the Lord's presence? Allow God's Spirit to minister to you and guide your thinking during that time. You'll never know what God might do in your life unless you give Him the time. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 4; Isaiah 20-22; Ephesians 6

Great Quote: He that is down needs fear no fall. He that is low, no pride; He that is humble, ever shall have God to be his Guide. -- John Bunyan

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Watch with Me

"Watch with Me" (Matthew 26:36-41)

"Sit here while I go and pray over there." (vs. 36)

I received a strong reminder this week about the importance of spending time in God's presence. That time gets used in different ways: prayer, Bible reading, Bible study are the ways most familiar to a lot of us. My reminder this week pushed me to think about another way to enjoy God's presence.

Our scripture this morning comes out of Jesus' time in the garden. It's the night before His death. As He entered the garden He told the disciples to "Sit here while I go and pray over there." He took Peter, James and John further into the garden and said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with me."

Jesus invited them to share His time in the garden. Instead, they fell asleep. Somehow they missed the value of just "being" with Jesus. He didn't ask them to pray, just watch. He didn't ask them to suffer with Him, just watch. He simply asked them to grasp the importance of "being" with Him. I wonder if they realized after His death that they had lost an incredible opportunity to share in the Lord's suffering by just "being" with Him.

Do you remember the psalmist's words in Psalm 46:10? "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" All that exaltation begins with simply "being still." It may be one of the best ways to discover the reality of God.

A strong correlation exists between "be still" in Psalm 46 and "watch with me" in Matthew 26. Both ask nothing more than an intentional choice to "be" with God in quietness and stillness. Most of us are far too busy. We rush through a time of devotion the same way we shove breakfast down our throats. We're busy! We have work to do, people to see, places to go! Everything else gets done, and God gets squeezed out of the picture.

I challenge you to rearrange the schedule. Find fifteen or twenty minutes in your day to "be still and know." How does it work, you ask? It's easy. Sit down in a quiet place, calm yourself and say, "Here I am Lord. I'm here to be with You. I'll listen for Your voice, but if You choose not to speak, that's OK. I'm just here with You." Don't ask for anything. Don't pray for anyone. Just "be still and know." -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 4; Isaiah 20-22; Ephesians 6

Great Quote: While the Lord calls me to be wise and discerning, he reminds me often that his discernment cannot dwell in a cynical distrustful heart. With Him, there is no hidden agenda and no ulterior motive. His gifts are free for the taking but I cannot take these gifts if my hands are already full of my own weapons of self-protection. Therefore, He asks me to lay down the shields that I have forged for protection and to pick up the shield of faith in their place. He asks me to take Him at His Word. Katherine Walden

Mrs. Raws, wife of Pastor Bill Raws, was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is having surgery this Monday. We have set up a blog for our Keswick friends to encourage Ruth. I'd love to have you jot her a note: Let her know you are a FREEDOM FIGHTER.

Friday, October 03, 2008

A Whisper Is Enough


"After the earthquake came a fire ... And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:12

First of all, I need to apologize for not acknowledging that my brother and friend, Chris Hughes wrote the Freedom Fighter yesterday. Thanks, Chris, for the devotionals you share from time to time with the brothers.

This morning's devotional from STREAMS IN THE DESERT was particularly needed in many life this morning. I pray it will be a blessing in yours as well:

"A woman who had made rapid progress in her understanding of the Lord was once asked the secret of her seemingly easy growth. Her brief response was, "Mind the checks."

The reason that many of us do not know and understand God better is that we do not heed His gentle "checks" -- His delicate restraints and constraints. His voice is a "gentle whisper." A whisper can hardly be heard, so it must be felt as a faint and steady pressure upon the heart and mind, like the touch of a morning breeze calmly moving across the soul. And when it is heeded, it quietly grows clearer in the inner ear of the heart.

God's voice is directed to the ear of love, and true love is intent upon hearing even the faintest whisper. Yet there comes a time when His love ceases to speak, when we do not respond to or believe His message. "God is love" (1 John 4:8), and if you want to know Him and His voice, you must continually listen to His gentle touches.

So when you are about to say something in conversation with others, and you sense a gentle restraint from His quiet whisper, heed the restraint and refrain from speaking. And when you are about to pursue some course of action that seems perfectly clear and right, yet you sense in your spirit another path being suggested with the force of quiet conviction, heed the conviction. Follow the alternate course, even if the change of plans appears to be absolutely folly from the perspective of human wisdom.

Learn to wait on God until He unfolds HIS will before you. Allow Him to develop all the plans of your heart and mind, and then let HIM accomplish them. Do not possess any wisdom of your own, for often His performance will appear to be contrary to the plan He gave you. God will seem to work against Himself, so simply listen, obey, and trust Him, even when it appears to be the greatest absurdity to do so. Ultimately, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." (Romans 8:28)

Therefore if you desire to know GOD'S voice, never consider the final outcome or the possible results. Obey HIM even when HE asks you to move while you still see only darkness, for He Himself will be a glorious light within you. Then there will quickly spring up within your heart a knowledge of God and a fellowship with Him, which will be overpowering enough in themselves to hold you and Him together, even in the most severe tests and under the strongest pressures of life."

Are you listening for the whispers of His voice in your life today? Good reminder for me today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 3; Isaiah 17-19; Ephesians 5:17-33
Great Quote: If you're on the rocks, don't despair; be a lighthouse. Anonymous

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Perspective: Secularland A.M.

Perspective: Secularland A.M.

"Then Jesus said," Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." --
Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

This morning I am going to be bold enough to say it...This world is crazy!! My work day in "Secularland" can attest to that. Our adversary does a good job of throwing and slinging things that deliberately distract and detour my focus. But once in a while there are moments where the Lord gives me an opening to share the aforementioned verse.

Sometime back I had shared with you that I almost blew off one of those opportunities. I had a co-worker who could have fooled me that he was seeking Jesus, or at least the rest part of Christ's provision. His quest was pretty much masked by foul joke telling and alcohol consummation. At first I wanted nothing to do with this, but who was I not to let this fellow know that the same Jesus who saved me from me could save him from him.

There was infidelity in his marriage and it was eating him alive. He had been betrayed by his spouse and the idol of alcohol had been taking its toll on him. When he stopped his drinking I was able to give testimony to God's grace through Jesus. I would constantly refer to my opening verse. I even got him a Life Application NLT Bible to read. He opened it Brothers. But something happened and then he closed it. This past weekend he went missing and has turned up in a hospital.

No sooner than this news comes to my desk at work when my assistant manager tells me of his own family issue's. His 18 year old daughter from his first marriage has just been tossed into the streets by her mother just days after turning 18. He is fit to be tied. My only advice to him was to be a father of integrity and rise to the occasion.

He has been placed in this position before and the outcome was not too good for him. This is something I have only experienced as the one who got tossed to the street so I can sort of understand what it's like from a teenage perspective but that's all.

So, on my drive home my thoughts could only be those of gratitude. I do not deserve the grace that God gave me but He gave it to me. I do not deserve His mercy but He granted it. I do not deserve His pardon, protection or provision but He gives it to me. God brought me to crossroads many times during my life and I made wrong turns. Praise Jesus for surrendering to Him.

I am still going to share my journey with Christ with these two men. Please lift up Jeff and Bob this morning as they face the crossroads that has been placed in front of them. Praise God that we have an intercessor who knows what it's like to have the feelings of a man and can relate with our struggles. But most of all Brothers, Praise Him for He gives us rest.

A good quote;
"For some people, coming to faith has felt a bit like a bait-and-switch operation. At first, we hear mostly about grace. We hear we are saved by grace and that salvation is a free gift. But after a while, we are encouraged to try to be good. Yet it is exhausting to try to be good. We think, This so-called free gift costs more than my puny self can but. I'll never make it. Consider the disastrous results of trying to be good. When we seem to be successful at growth, our spirituality becomes about us, not about the power of God in our lives. When we try hard and fail, we berate ourselves and spend tremendous energy on guilt and hopelessness instead of letting ourselves be drawn into the divine life by becoming fascinated with the great example of Jesus in the Gospels." -- Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice -- Dallas Willard & Jan Johnson -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 2; Isaiah 14-16; Ephesians 5:1-16

Great Quote: Oh, thrice fools are we, who like new-born princes weeping in the cradle, know not that there is a kingdom before them; then, let our Lord's sweet hand square us, and hammer us, and strike off the knots of pride, self-love, and world-worship, and infidelity, that He may make us stones and pillars in His Father's house. -- Samuel Rutherford

Check out today's hymnsing on the web. Broadcasting will begin at 10:00 AM --

Confused about what is happening with this economic crisis? Have other questions about your money? Check out a new blog resource on our website: STEWARDSHIP INSIGHTS FROM GEORGE -- straight talk from Crown Financial Instructor, George Hutchison:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008



"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

I don't know about you, but it just seems like each day the world is getting crazier and crazier. People are beginning to feel the panic of the economic crisis that has been unfolding the past several weeks.

People are jittery about the election. Natural disasters seem to be on the rise. We hear more and more talk about nuclear weapons, and the leader of Iran talking about blowing Israel right off the map.

It becomes very easy for us to be overwhelmed and depressed about what is happening around us until something happens to change our perspective. Yesterday I received a call from one of our seasonal campers with the news that their 30 year old son was killed on Monday night in a tragic motorcycle accident. From what they can determine, their son never made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Because of his lifestyle, Jim told me that they have waited for a call like this for many years.

If have to tell you guys, my heart breaks for Jim and Mary right now.None of the crazy things that I listed above seems to matter at a time like this. How does a parent grieve knowing that their son might very well be spending eternity apart from God. It is almost hard to type the word - let alone say it - Hell!

We have lost two loved ones recently as you well know. It has been hard, but I can't imagine how it would be knowing that Lindsay and Pastor Bill were not in heaven with Jesus. Despite the pain, there is comfort in knowing their eternal destiny was secure.

I know that God will somehow bring comfort to Jim and Mary as they walk through this very difficult time in their lives. And who knows, only God does - maybe something took place in young Jim's life prior to the accident that changed his eternal destiny. But perspective is this - if heaven and hell are real, do I really care enough about the people around me - family, friends, co-workers - that I am willing to share Christ with them? You and I may be the only link they have with the gospel.

Tragedies like this tend to help us gain perspective. I am thankful for the reminder today that God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to die for us. Help me to not miss the opportunities that God places before me to share the gospel with the people who matter most to me. Would you please join me in praying for Jim and Mary.

If you'd like to send them a note, you can respond to this email and I will forward it to them. Thanks, guys. God bless you today. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 1; Isaiah 11-13; Ephesians 4

Great Quote: If a man or woman is called of God, it doesn't matter how difficult the circumstances may be. God orchestrates EVERY force at work for His purpose in the end. If you will agree with God's purpose, He will bring not only your conscious level but also the deeper levels of your life, which you yourself cannot reach, into perfect harmony. - Oswald Chambers