Friday, October 10, 2008

Worldliness and theMedia (Part 3)

Worldliness and the Media (Part 3)

I trust that the insights this week from C.J. Mahaney's book, "Worldliness - Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World", have been challenging and thought-provoking. It is one of those little books that I believe is a MUST READ for every Freedom Fighter.

Today is the third part on how I can analyze my involvement with media, whether it be TV, movies, Facebook, Myspace, or other things related to the internet. Yesterday I gave you a list of questions to consider regarding time and the heart. Today's list relates to the CONTENT.

Here is the list from the Chapter: God, My Heart, and Media:

* What worldview or philosophy of life does this program or film present? What's the view of man's nature? What's the view of sin? Is sin identified as such? What's the view of God-ordained authority figures? And how do these views relate to God's view?
* What does this program or film glamorize? What is valued or considered important?
* Who are the heroes of the story? Why are they heroic?
* Is sin shown as having negative consequences? Or is sin glorified or rewarded? Is sin presented in an appealing or seductive way?
* What is humorous in this work? How are people made fun of? What is mocked?
* Does violence appear as a natural part of the story, or is it used gratuitously to entertain?
* What's the sexual content? Is there nudity? Sensual or seductive dress? Are there images, language, or humor that are sexually impure?
* Is sinful self-sufficiency honored? Are the heroic characters concerned for others or merely for themselves?
* Does the program or film portray materialism as "the good life"?
* Would seeing this help me better understand God's world? Would it help me understand my surrounding culture better without tempting me to sinful compromise?
* Will I benefit in any way from viewing this program or visiting this website?
* Online, do I communicate graciously, patiently, and humbly? Do I use crude or arrogant speech? Is my speech consistent with the gospel, or does it reflect worldliness?

My guess is, that some of us bristled when we read through this list of questions because it rubbed a nerve. "Bill, are you being too legalistic?" "Isn't this list going a bit too far?" Maybe the greater question is this: "Have a become desensitized to the influence of the world around me?" Remember the key verse from this discussion: "Love not the world or anything in the world." - 1 John 2:15.

I think that the discussion is worth having. I would love to hear from you. It has sure caused me to think. What about you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 10; Isaiah 34-36; Colossians 2

A quote worth considering: In a way I wish I could take to heaven my old, tattered Everest and Jennings wheelchair. I would point to the empty seat and say, "Lord, for decades I was paralyzed in this chair. But it showed me how paralyzed You must have felt to be nailed to Your Cross. My limitations taught me something about the limitations You endured when You laid aside your robes of state and put on the indignity of human flesh." At that point, with my strong and glorified body, I might sit in it, rub the armrests with my hands, look up at Jesus, and add, "The weaker I felt in this chair, the harder I leaned on You. And the harder I leaned, the more I discovered how strong You are. Thank you, Jesus for learning obedience in your suffering...You gave me grace to learn obedience in mine." -- Joni Eareckson Tada

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