Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rescued to Rescue

Rescued to Rescue

We are not our own, anymore than what we possess is our own. We did not make ourselves; we cannot be supreme over ourselves. We cannot be our own masters. We are God's property by creation, by redemption, by regeneration. ~Cardinal John Newman (1801-1890)

And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth. And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.  When He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying,

   “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; 
for You were slain, 
and purchased for God with Your blood 
men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
 “You have made them to be a kingdom and 
priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.”
~ Revelation 5:6-10

When we finally slow down in our lives and start to simply rest in - and listen to - Him, an incredible dynamic starts to take hold in our lives.

Wonder!  Epic, jaw-dropping, wonder at the wonder of it all.

We get into moments like Revelation 5, and the ability for the human brain and for human language to comprehend what is going on simply falter.  Both intellect and language breakdown in a beautiful coming undone, that only points to the overwhelming beauty of the One our words and thoughts are trying to describe.

Get this beloved.  G_d died for you.

Yes, of course, you say.  It is terrible that Jesus had to go to that nasty cross because people were so bad...  And to say something like this, is almost partially right.

But, get this beloved.  G_d died for us,  ON PURPOSE.  He died to purchase us out of this fallen, dying world to make us royalty and priests in a Kingdom of real righteousness, peace and joy empowered, authenticated, and inhabited by His very own Holy Spirit.  AND GET THIS TOO.  He is the only One ever, who could ever do it.

Kinda puts a different spin on it!

He has made us a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people with a great commission.  We are to minister the very infinite grace He has given us - to others.  We literally get to share the joy and Life He has given us with others that they may know Him too.  This is surely very good news for us - and for those He will reach through our formerly miserable (now abundantly joyful!) lives.

So, we should have no fear when we are on mission to help and minister to others.  The position we are in has nothing to do with us.  We are priests, put into positions bought by the only Real Power-broker in the universe.  Those we reach out to help, may even lash out at us as we reach into their lives.  They may see us as a threat to the status-quo in their lives.  And, oh by the way, we are no threat - but the Jesus we manifest is indeed a threat to anyone's current way of living.  

He does indeed have a way of totally ending our old life and making everything new!

Are we getting this?  We have been rescued out of a death-pit by the valid purchase of G_d Himself.    And in His doing this, He has made ministers of this same rescuing power to others.

You are a royal priest of the very goodness of a very Good G_d!

Would that we might all, by His grace, ever walk in this truth. – Makala Doulos is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Motivations: The word layman has crept into our vocabulary to describe the laity, that is, the vast majority of Christians who do not belong to the "professional" ministry known as the clergy. The use of this distinction has crippled the impact of the church on the world. Thousands of Christians have shirked their God-given responsibilities because they expect their pastor, minister, or priest (or whatever designation their church adopts) to perform all spiritual functions. The minister is expected to execute his duties so well that the people need not have any meaningful involvement in the church of Jesus Christ. The more competent the minister, the better, so that fewer requirements fall on the shoulders of the congregation.
~Erwin W. Lutzer (1941- )

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:14-15; Level 2: Ephesians 3:8-13

Powered Up:  We say we believe God is to be omniscient; but a great deal of prayer seems to consist of giving Him information. C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Claiming Chapter Eleven

                                       Claiming Chapter Eleven?

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”  James 2:14-17 (ESV)

Having to file Chapter Eleven is never a real good thing. The way things are for some of us in these present days, filling that gas tank up, just to get to work, feels as if we are going to exhaust any resources we have. And if we have one of those big trucks, we just might be keeping the papers we need to file Chapter Eleven in our glove boxes just in case our wallets are emptied at the gas pump. The way our national economy is going it would behoove us all to trim back on things and brace for the coming “Economic Armageddon”. On the flip side of this, to claim you are bankrupt, but able to pay off your debt, and all your claim is based on is your own "stick it to them" everyday greed you could be as wrong as someone who does their good deeds without the proper faith based motivation.

If we look at the entirety of James 2:14-26 we can see how real faith shows up in the life of the Christian. However, there has apparently been a sticking point that the smartest of theologians used to (and just may still) stumble over. It is in verse 14 where we read "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him”?  Somehow this gets interpreted that there is justification before God by faith PLUS works. (Didn't Martin Luther have a problem with this?)  James warned about proclaiming faith without having true faith. It was Paul that warned about adding works to faith.

What we need to keep in mind is that the New Testament teaches that your salvation comes by grace THROUGH faith. AND the same Holy Spirit that dwells within us, because of this, is the same Holy Spirit that guided the pens of both Paul and James. So, why would there be any contradiction to the leading of the Holy Spirit? To ask that question today just raises an eyebrow. But in Luther's time to even ask such a question would have landed you on the rack after spending a lovely afternoon with "The Inquisition." I guarantee they weren't serving you tea and biscuits to go along with “The Rack” back in those days.

In his book, "Blessed Reassurance", John Woodward brings up this point. "Can real faith be isolated from outward words actions? An imaginary objector could say: "You have faith, and I have works.' [James replies] 'Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." Notice again the show me emphasis. The only way real faith can be detected by people is if it is manifested in corresponding works." He also adds that, “Saving faith goes beyond this intellectual agreement; it includes repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus”. 

We can claim a lot of stuff out of our mouths. It is as if sometimes we can just speak things into existence and they become real but it is the backing up of what we say where the rubber meets the road. When it comes to faith we should bear the fruit and not really have it asked for it…ever. Luther considered the Epistle of James as "a letter of straw", and "unworthy of the apostolic Spirit", but I think it has bared much fruit. I consider this Epistle one of you better understand your faith and how to incorporate it into your everyday living or else you will caught with your gas tank empty with no paperwork to file. Pray that you do not bankrupt on your faith. Amen? – Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a Freedom Fighter contributor

Motivations: “Faith is the root and goods works are the fruit. Christ does the saving: ‘Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works’. (Titus 2:14)”---John B. Woodward.

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:14-15; Level 2: Ephesians 3:8-13

Powered Up:  It is necessary that in our general prayers for others we should not exclude our enemies. Thomas Aquinas

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Salty Light Bulb

Mr. & Mrs. Salty Light Bulb

"You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”                                                                                                           Matthew 5:13-16 (ESV)

Even though I have my moments where I walk into my office, put my head down on the desk and ask God, "WHY" it is often offset by those moments where some of the work crew want to discuss Biblical principles with me. I am also blessed to be in an environment where it is okay to listen to Christian radio. I do have a few guys who work on the production lines who have Christian music playing. I have been with the Plant Manager in those times where he has asked for forgiveness if thinks he is taking The Lord's name in vain. He has told me he is half Jewish, half German and he finished the statement with..."Now wrap your head around that one!" So I think it is safe to say it is okay to be a Christian where I work without secular repression.

As I was praying with my wife, Kathy, one morning I had asked that God use us as "Mr. & Mrs. Salty Light Bulb". She asked me what I meant by that and I told her that I had been listening to a message on my office radio from Pastor Greg Laurie. I really have been into HOPE F.M. out of Medford Lakes New Jersey (90.5 on your dial) and on this day Pastor Greg's message was based on being the salt and light of the world. He said the measure of a Christian is what happens when they walk into a room. Such as, if a naughty joke was being shared at work by your co-workers and you walk in on it and it suddenly stops because "Mr. Salty Light Bulb" has just walked in, this is a good thing.

When we take a look at what Jesus says in His Sermon on the Mount concerning being the salt and light of world we should focus in on His encouraging us to maintain being as such. Basically don't allow your saltiness to lose its taste. Pastor Greg shared that our salt should rub off onto others so that they get thirsty. Like eating movie theater popcorn, we should make people thirsty for the word of God. It is to us to make sure that those who thirst partake of the Living Water that Jesus provides. This water is better than the soda that the local Regal theater provides...did you ever drink that stuff? Let alone try to buy a size that is suitable to your thirst...impossible I tell you!!!

It is also likewise concerning our light. As the light we need to be like a city on a hill. If we are truly the light of the world we need not to walk into any secular environment wearing a lamp shade. Now during my times as a disobedient, drunken, drug-riddled basket case wearing the lamp shade wasn't a bad idea. Too bad in those moments all people saw of me was the idiot within but now to wear the lamp shade is sign that I might be embarrassed of the Holy Spirit within me. Jesus is quite clear that if we are embarrassed by Him, He will be embarrassed of us in front of His Father while we stand in front of the Bema seat. Not good I tell you!!!

So here is the crux of the not be embarrassed if you are called Mr. Salty Light Bulb. If your wife turns out to be Mrs. Salty Light Bulb she should be just as blessed as you. Don't hide your heads if you are in the supermarket and someone greets you and your family as “The Salty Light Bulbs"(guess I am kinda asking for it now huh). If we are hanging the plaque that says “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” we should be able to illuminate with our Salty Light Bulb’s shouldn’t we? Could someone pass the water? Ah…thank you Jesus, thank you. Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a Freedom Fighter contributor

Motivations: We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for all. Dorothy Day

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:14-15; Level 2: Ephesians 3:8-13

Powered Up:  We cannot expect too little from man, nor too much from God. Matthew Henry

In a few days we will be launching brand new ministry to equip and train you in walking in victory. DISCOVERING VICTORY! is a monthly podcast of a message shared by one of America's outstanding expositors of the Word of God. Watch for information and join is in DISCOVERING VICTORY!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Being Right or Having Peace


“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  (Romans 12:18)
            VICTORY is that moment in time when WAR ends and PEACE begins.

Victorious Christian living should not be a constant warfare. The great apostle says that we should choose peace over being declared right. Many a relationship is destroyed by the insistence on being right.

            You can be right and know you are right without anyone else recognizing it. We need not insist on having our way as much as just telling the truth.

            When our children are very small we can “make” them do what we want. As they older grow we lack the power to control so that is not our task. BUT it is always our task to warn (speak the truth).

            We had a bad accident on the railroad involving 127 cars but no injuries. At the trial, the engineer was asked about running the red-light. He admitted to knowingly disobeying. The fireman, who was in the engine, was asked but before he could answer the engineer said, “He warned me but I told him to go to He...!”

            Now the Conductor was 127 cars away. They asked him if he had heard the conversation on the train radio. He said he had.

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            They asked, “Did you warn him?”


            “Why not?”

            “You heard what he told his fireman. He wouldn’t listen to me,” was the conductor’s reply.
            “It was not for you to control the engineer but to warn him!”
            The Engineer and the Conductor were given 30 days suspension.
            I thought, pastors, teachers, parents and partners are not responsible to control but they are to warn. 

We must speak the truth, not enforce it.

I know the truth but if I speak it they’ll not change their ways,
So let me keep silent all of my days.
“Not so,” said our Master.” the truth must be heard.”
We must speak, in love, all of God’s word.
Not to cause conflict, debate, war or strife
But that they might know how to live a Godly life.
They must not be able to say they were not told.
May God give us courage to speak and be bold,
Not as an enforcer, that’s the Holy Spirit’s work,
Just be the informer and do not ever shirk.

Rev. George H. VanSandt was my pastor growing up and has been a great influencer on my life. He is a contributor to the Keswick Devotional, Real Victory for Real Life

Motivations: Heroes are not the ones that never fail, but the ones who never give up.
Ed Cole

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  Before you pray for a change of circumstances, you should pray for a change in character. John Allan Lavender

Thursday, February 23, 2012

God's Help in Temptation

God’s Help in Temptation

Good morning, brothers. I have shared a couple of devotionals from this great resource, The Christian Armor Devotional. I would encourage you to add this to your devotional reading. You can order a copy by calling America’s Keswick, or order from I trust this will encourage you today. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

What did Satan get for all the energy he spent on Job, but to let that holy man know at last how dearly God loved him? God makes Satan's temptations the courier of His love to the saints. The devil thought he had the game in his own hands when he got Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. He supposed he now had man in the same predicament as himself. But did he catch God by surprise? Of course not! God knew the outcome before the match was ever begun and used Satan's temptation to usher in that great gospel plot of saving man by Christ
order your copy today
At God's command, Christ undertook the charge of wrestling His fallen creatures from Satan's clutches and reinstating them to their original glory, with access to more than they ever had at first. And what did Satan get for all the energy he spent on Job, but to let that holy man know at last how dearly God loved him?

When he foiled Peter so shamefully, do we not find Christ claiming Peter with as much love as ever? Peter was the only disciple to whom Christ sent the joyful news of His resurrected by name-as if He had said, "Be sure to comfort Peter with this news. I want him to know I am still his friend, despite his cowardice."

God never condones wickedness in His saints, but He does pity their weakness. He never sees a saint in mourning without planning to clothe him in the sunlight of His love and mercy. God can, in fact, use His saints' failures to strengthen their faith, which, like a tree, stands stronger for the shaking.
Times of testing expose the heart's true condition. False faith, once foiled, seldom comes on again; but true faith rises and fights more valiantly, as we see in Peter. Temptation is to faith as fire is to gold (1 Peter 1:7). The fire not only reveals which is true gold, but makes the true gold more pure. It comes out less in bulk, being separated from the dross that was mixed with it, but is greater in quality and valueWilliam Gurnall. The Christian in Complete Armour (Kindle Locations 713-718). Kindle Edition.

Motivations: “Therefore the godly heart feels in itself a division because it is partly imbued with sweetness….partly grieves in bitterness…partly rests upon the promise of the gospel, partly trembles at the evidence of its own iniquity; partly rejoices at the expectation of life, partly shudders at death.  This variation arises from imperfection of faith, since in the course of the present life it never goes so well with us that we are wholly cured of the disease of unbelief and entirely filled and possessed by faith.”
John Calvin

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  Quality prayer is prayer that seeks God first and “answers” second. Dick Eastman

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Abandonment's Cost

Abandonment’s Cost

We'll hardly get our feet out of time into eternity and gaze on eternity and that we bow our heads in shame and humiliation and say:  My God, look at all the riches there were in Jesus Christ, and i come to the judgment seat almost a pauper." ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. ~
Matthew 10:34-39

Have no doubt beloved, life on the other side of absolute surrender is a trip.  
He will take you places you never expected.
He will tell you things you've never heard.
He will give you emotions you never knew existed.
He will imbue you with infinite power to do His will.
He will Love you like you have never been Loved.
He will give you peace that words cannot describe.
He will comfort you so profoundly that you can actually comfort others.

And He will make you an enemy of many of the ones you once thought were closest to you.

What? Yeah, this is a tough one.

The requirements of absolute surrender are, well..., absolute.  And some of the things He has us do as His Word and Spirit inform our lives are simply not going to be well-received, or even understood by many of our friends and family.

Some will reject us for a time.  Some will even reject us for life.

Perhaps some of this is because those closest to us, know the hot, juicy messes we were in our (and their) past.  And, perhaps they have a hard time believing that the profound changes in our lives are anything other than some swing from one polar opposite to another.  Concerns about "balance" in our lives come across in either gentle rejoinder or blatant rebuke and rejection.

What to do?

Do what He says.  Do it.  Do it now.  Do it always.  Don't even ever question that G_d is big enough to handle the fact that many of those dearest to us will not understand.
Be convinced; be persuaded that the full council of the manifold wisdom of the very G_d of the universe has been meted out on the circumstance in which you now live.  Said more simply:  G_d did not say "oops" when your friend or father or daughter suddenly thinks and says that you are a crazy Jesus freak. Rather, G_d knows fully what is happening - and cares deeply about the same.

Be even more convinced that all of this is WAY bigger than we can see.  The plans and purpose of G_d pertain to Him receiving His own glory.  AND, do not be deceived, the best path to the glory of G_d is the path that brings Life and righteousness and joy and peace to the greatest number of people throughout the ages.  And the bleeding edge of bringing this Life and righteousness and joy and peace roils with the turbulence of loss and suffering and pain.  There is no other way.  

This writer is going through some of this right now.  This is not some philosophical exercise by some adroit blogger in the blogosphere.  No, this writer can smell the sharp smell, and taste the salty taste of the blood on this bleeding edge cutting towards G_d's glory.  It hurts.  It hurts in ways that i never knew that i could hurt.  

However, i am convinced that i can trust this same G_d to bring these situations to a conclusion that brings about the most glory for Himself.  And in bringing about His own glory, He will most definitely bring about the greatest good for those who currently see themselves as my enemy - and for me. 

Absolute surrender is not a game.  It is a transaction of very heavy cost in our lives.  He wants everything we have and everything we are.  And let us not ever forget something here: He has already done the same thing for us. – Makala Dulous is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a new contributor to Freedom Fighter

Team YOU: Num. 3-4; Prov. 22; Mark 3:20-35

Motivations: That which one sacrifices is never lost. ~German Proverb

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  You must pray with all your might. That does not mean saying your prayers, or sitting gazing about in church or chapel with eyes wide open while someone else says them for you. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God...This kind of prayer be sure the devil and the world and your own indolent, unbelieving nature will oppose. They will pour water on this flame. William Booth - Founder of Salvation Army

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blogging and Facebook

Blogging and Facebook

“Oh, that my words could be recorded. Oh, that they could be inscribed on a monument…” Job 19:23

Like many of you I receive a number of blogs and I have a Facebook account. One of the things that has bugged me lately is the way that I see people using their words to tear down rather than build up.
I have found that there are many people who find themselves called to correct everyone and everything. Blogs and Facebook entries have become a place to attack, criticize and tear down rather than to encourage, praise and build up.

There is a place to exhort and teach and to make sure that what we are saying and teaching is doctrinally correct. That is certainly Scriptural and I can’t argue with that.

However, why do we not see more blogs and Facebook entries sharing positive things that people are saying and doing? Why are we not using our words to lift others up rather than using them as weapons of mass destruction.

I have often said that when I retire I am going to write a book about the other side of conference ministry. Some of the men who I have sat under over the years have used the pulpit as their vehicle to tear down other pastors/teachers and authors and to point out all their flaws.

But I have also had to observe them off the platform, and quite frankly, I have embarrassed by their behavior when they are not in front of people. Some of the greatest public speakers have been the most obnoxious, arrogant people I have ever worked with.

I find myself using the DELETE button more often on Facebook and cleaning up the blogs I read.
It is a good reminder to me that my words have power – power to destroy or power to bring life. Job wanted his words to be recorded – to even be inscribed onto a monument. I have a long way to go before I want some of my words recorded like that! I am still growing in that area. How about you? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: When you are in the furnace, your Father keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat. He knows just how much we can take. Warren W. Wiersbe

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  When in prayer you clasp your hands, God opens His. German Proverb

Monday, February 20, 2012

Comfort in Fellowship with Others

Comfort in Fellowship with Other

This is a great truth to add to your weapons arsenal in understanding who the enemy is and his tactics. The challenge for all of is finding that “trusted friend” will allow us to be open and honest. Take some time this morning and ask God to bring that special someone into your life. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

If Satan continues to hound you, call in help and do not listen to the devil's counsel to the contrary. The very strength of some temptations lies in trying to keep them hidden.

Telling a trusted, godly friend of your struggles often brings relief. Satan knows this too well, so in order more freely to rifle the soul of its peace and comfort, he frightens it into silence. "Oh, my," Satan says, "if your friends knew such a thing of you, they would cast you off. You had better hope they never find out!" He has kept many a poor soul in misery by swearing it to secrecy. You lose two blessings by keeping the devil's secret-the counsel of your fellow brethren, and their prayers. And what a serious loss this is!

Call today to order your copy
You have the assurance of victory if you are armed. We have seen the perilous straits of the unarmed soul; turn your thoughts now to the glorious prospects of a soul fitly armed. Who would decline the honor of serving in the army of the King of kings-especially when victory has already been declared! This is the assurance Paul gives every saint who puts on the whole armor of God: "That ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." With this statement he places the enemy's potential back in proper perspective.
He never intended to scare the saints into cowardly flight or woeful despair of victory when he acknowledged the enemy's might. Rather, he hoped to rouse them to vigorous resistance by promising them strength to stand in battle, and a sure victory afterwards. These two ideas are implied in the phrase "to stand against the wiles of Satan."

Sometimes to stand implies a fighting posture (Ephesians 6:14), sometimes a conquering position-"I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth" (Job 19:25). The earth which today is the field for all the bloody battles between the saints and Satan, will one day be Christ's footstool, when not an enemy shall dare to show his head.
William Gurnall. The Christian in Complete Armour (Kindle Locations 642-653). Kindle Edition.

Motivations: It is He who held the fibers together in times of trial and stress. It is His Son, Jesus, who cleansed them with His precious blood. And it is God's love that made them strong, even when they were assaulted on all sides by foul circumstance. Our lives are a reflection of those things which influence us the most. Lives influenced by the Word of God stand the test of time, and beyond. God puts into you certain things that reflect His nature and character. No one has the distinctive combination of characteristics that God has placed in you -- carefully combining them to create a unique and beautiful creation. Ed Price

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  God’s promises are to be our pleas in prayer. Matthew Henry

Friday, February 17, 2012

Is Discipline Overrated?

Is Discipline Overrated?

God has blessed me with some pretty cool friends that are serving the Lord in ministry. Brother George is a part of the Crown Financial team and has been a part of the Keswick ministry. I want to encourage you to sign up to follow his blog: Have a blessed weekend. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Last Sunday in church the topic of how God uses money in our lives was discussed.  One of the ways that God uses money is to develop discipline.

How important is discipline and where does it come from?

We have all experienced the frustration of not having enough self-discipline to say: “we can’t afford to get pizza tonight; we can’t afford that vacation, or that car, or that house, etc”. And then we have faced the stress and financial consequences of spending money we do not have.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 13:18: “Poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline, but he who regards reproof will be honored” Proverbs 19:27 says “Cease listening, my son, to discipline, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” Good money management includes discipline.

But what makes the importance of discipline really interesting is what I heard a preacher say about 5 years ago. He said that the key to living for Christ boils down to discipline. He went on to say that living for Christ involves the discipline to do what the Bible says and not what the world, flesh and Satan make to look so appealing. This makes a lot of sense; we need discipline to follow God’s Word and not yield to temptations.
So how we handle our money is a teacher for how we are to walk with Christ. The next question is where does this much needed discipline come from?

Jogging or other athletic activities may be helpful in developing discipline. Paul tells us in
 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and 2 Timothy 4:7-8 that strict training and disciplining of our bodies is important so that we can endure the rigors of being a follower of Christ.

But the heart of the answer how to develop self-discipline comes from submitting to the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 says “the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace…and self control”. 2 Timothy 1:7 says: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” (NIV).

So we get discipline as a result of living a Spirit filled life.

If we see the lack of discipline in our lives such as impulse purchases, unpaid bills and an inability of getting our finances in order, we may need to look at our spiritual life. We probably will need to spend more time in God’s Word and more time in prayer and more focus on submitting to the Holy Spirit.

Discipline is not overrated. It is the key to handling our finances, the key to living for Christ and results from submitting to the Holy Spirit.

Motivations: Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee.
James Edmeston

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  If all regenerate church members in Western Christendom were to intercede daily simply for the most obvious spiritual concerns visible in their homes, their workplaces, their local churches and denominations, their nations, and the world … the transformation which would result would be incalculable. – Richard Lovelace

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fret and Friction

Fret and Friction

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong. (Psalm 37:1)

This morning I needed to be reminded that God allows the pressure in my life to teach me more of His grace and mercy. Admittedly I do battle worry and fret at times in my life. I trust that today’s teaching from Streams in the Desert will speak to your heart as it did mine. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick.

Never become extremely upset over your circumstances. If worry were ever justified, it would have been during the circumstances surrounding the writing of this psalm. “Evil men” were “dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day” (Luke 16:19). “Those who do wrong” were ascending to the highest places of power and were tyrannizing their brothers who were less fortunate. Sinful men and women strutted through the land with arrogant pride and basked in the light of great prosperity, while good people became fearful and worried. “Do not fret.”

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Never get unduly upset! Stay cool! Even for a good reason, worrying will not help you. It only heats up the bearings but does not generate any steam. It does not help the locomotive for its axles to become hot; their heat is only a hindrance. The axles become heated because of unnecessary friction. Dry surfaces are grinding against each other instead of working in smooth cooperation, aided by a thin cushion of oil. Isn’t it interesting how similar the words “fret” and “friction” are?

Friction caused by fretting is an indication of the absence of the anointing oil of the grace of God. When we worry, a little bit of sand gets into the bearings. It may be some slight disappointment, ungratefulness, or discourtesy we have experienced—suddenly our life is no longer running smoothly. Friction leads to heat, and heat can lead to very dangerous conditions. Do not allow your bearings to become heated. Let the oil of the Lord keep you cool so that an unholy heat will not cause you to be regarded as one of the “evil men.”
Reimann, Jim; Cowman, Mrs. Charles E. (2008-09-02). Streams in the Desert: 366 Daily Devotional Readings (p. 76). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

Motivations: God does not ask us to like everyone we meet but he does ask us to extend HIS compassion toward them. Kindness is a powerful weapon in the hands of one who has learned to love. Katherine Walden 

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  The key for the empowerment of the church … is the moving of the Holy Spirit in the midst of a worshipping, prayerful community of God’s people. Only then can the church be the church. – Charles Colson

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Joy Amidst Suffering

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
 (1 Peter 1:3)

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Good morning, my brothers. Trust you are excited about the day that’s before you. I appreciate you starting your day with me and trust that the ministry of Freedom Fighter’s is a blessing in your life.

Right now there seems to be so many people hurting and going through times of difficulty. I thought today’s devotional from our REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE would speak to your hearts. It was written by one of my former staff members, Brian McFeaters. Brian and his family live in Lancaster County. Hope it touches your heart. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

            Normally the people that we will have the greatest impact on in this life are our children.  They in effect are our legacy.  The things we teach them and show them about their relationship to Christ will hopefully far outlive us.  When my second daughter was stillborn with only three months remaining until her birth, it was hard to come to the realization that she would not become part of my legacy.  However, what I soon began to realize is that I was now to be part of her legacy.  The Lord will use her death to change me, and this will be part of how He conforms me to the image of His Son.

            So it is with the difficulties, trials, struggles, and pain we face in this life.  In First Peter chapter one, Peter tells us that we can greatly rejoice even though now we suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  The reason we can rejoice, Peter goes on to tell us in verse seven, is because suffering proves our faith.  The proving of our faith results in praise, glory, and honor going to Jesus.  And the end result of this process, as we see at the end of verse nine, is joy, because we are receiving the goal of our faith -- the salvation of our souls.

            We really only have one choice when we experience the difficulties, trials, struggles, and pain in this life.  The experience can crush us and leave us bitter and useless, or it will prove our faith which is more valuable than gold.  We really never know how strong or real our faith is until we face something we know we ourselves cannot handle.  Let the thing that you are facing today prove that your life is lived in Faith to Jesus Christ. Brian McFeaters

Motivations: Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy. Tim Hansel

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  We’re under instructions to change the world. Once you’ve been rescued from it, you’ll need power to become a threat to it. The world contained you in its grasp until now will not release its hold on others without a fight. Power is the key to victory, and prayer is the pathway to power. Jack Hayford

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Sin is Wrong


How often they rebelled against him ... and grieved him! (PSALM 78:40)

Here’s a good word from Dr. Jerry Bridges’ devotional: Holiness. I needed to be reminded of this truth today. How about you?

The verb mortify, or put to death, is used eleven times in the New Testament. In nine of those instances it refers to a literal putting to death of a person; each of those is in the context of an underlying hostility toward what that person stood for. For example, in Matthew 10:21: "Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death" (NIV). The hostility is not only toward the parents but also toward their authority. Likewise Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was put to death because of his bold, uncompromising witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 7).

Now apply that sense of hostility toward the sin you wish to mortify. See your sin for what it is and what it stands for - a rebellion against God, a breaking of His law, a despising of His authority, a grieving of His heart. This is where mortification actually begins, with a right attitude toward sin. It begins with the realization that sin is wrong, not because of what it does to me or my spouse or child or neighbor, but because it is an act of rebellion against the infinitely holy and majestic God who sent His Son to be the propitiation for my sins.

Think of an unusually persistent sin in your life - perhaps some secret lust that lies in your heart that only you know about. You say you cannot overcome it. Why not? Is it because you exalt your secret desire above the will of God? If we are to succeed in putting sin to death, we must realize that the sin we are dealing with is none other than a continual exalting of our desire over God's known will.

Gerald Bridges; Jerry Bridges. Holiness Day by Day: Transformational Thoughts for Your Spiritual Journey Devotional (p. 229). Kindle Edition.

Team You: We cannot live with bitterness because it will first manifest itself in our spirit, then in our emotions, and finally in our bodies. Tom Drout

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  Luther and his companions were men of such mighty pleading with God, that they broke the spell of ages, and laid nations subdued at the foot of the Cross. John Knox grasped all Scotland in his strong arms of faith and his prayers terrified tyrants. Whitefield, after much bold, faithful closet pleading, went to the devil’s playground and took more than a thousand souls out of the paws of the lion in one day. D. L. Moody

Monday, February 13, 2012



I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)

I have always had a fascination with hands. Maybe it’s because my hands and fingers are small and I have observed men with really big hands. I can remember the feel of my little hands in the big hands of my Dad.

My dentist has HUGE hands. And my son-in-laws grandfather had hands that seemed like the hands of a giant.

The picture of God’s hand in Scripture is amazing, especially when we read that He holds us by his right hand which has HUGE significance. Listen to what Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes about these hands:

Fear of falling is wholesome. To be venturesome is no sign of wisdom. Times come to us when we feel that we must go down unless we have a very special support. Here we have it. God's right hand is a grand thing to lean upon.

Mind, it is not only His hand, though it keepeth heaven and earth in their places, but His right hand: His power united with skill, His power where it is most dexterous. Nay, this is not all; it is written, "I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." That hand which He uses to maintain His holiness and to execute His royal sentences — this shall be stretched out to hold up His trusting ones. Fearful is our danger, but joyful is our security. The man whom God upholds, devils cannot throw down.

Weak may be our feet, but almighty is God's right hand. Rough may be the road, but Omnipotence is our upholding. We may boldly go forward. We shall not fall. Let us lean continually where all things lean. God will not withdraw His strength, for His righteousness is there as well. He will be faithful to His promise, and faithful to His Son, and therefore faithful to us. How happy we ought to be! Are we not so?

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (2009-06-18). Works of Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon. According to Promise, All of Grace, Faith's Checkbook, Morning and Evening: Daily Readings, A Puritan Catechism & more (Mobi Spiritual) (Kindle Locations 2909-2914). MobileReference. Kindle Edition.

I am very thankful today that my heavenly Father holds me with His powerful right hand. How about you? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: It is a great deal easier to do that which God has given us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it. J R Miller

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  Prayer is receiving what God has promised. E. F. Hallock

Friday, February 10, 2012

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

This is a good word for you to hear today. I trust it will be helpful.  (Bill Welte)

Everything transacted in heaven or hell passes through Christ's hands. The Son knows all the Father knows, and He is ready to reveal to His saints all they need to know in this life (John 15:15). We live in days of high political intrigue. Only the few who stand on the upper end of the world understand the mysteries of state; the rest of us know little more than what we read in the newspaper.

It is the same with regard to the plots which Satan is furtively weaving against the souls of men. Only a few have an inkling as to the purpose of Satan's designs against them. These are the saints, to whom God's Spirit reveals not only what He has prepared for them in heaven but also the warp and woof of Satan's deadly schemes here on earth.

Know your heart. Be intimately acquainted with yourself, and you will better know Satan's design against you. He takes his method of tempting from the inclination he finds there. As a general walks about the city and views it well, then directs his assault where he has the greatest advantage, so Satan surrounds and considers the Christian in every part before he tempts.

Read God's Word attentively. It gives a history of the most remarkable battles between the great soldiers of Christ and their adversary Satan. You can read how Satan has foiled them, and how they recovered lost ground. There is not a lust of which you are in danger, but you have it disclosed; there is not a temptation which the Word of God does not arm you against.

It is reported that a certain man planned to poison Martin Luther, but Luther was forewarned by a faithful friend who sent him a picture of the would-be murderer. The Bible shows you, Christian, the faces of those lusts which Satan hires to destroy your precious soul. "By them is thy servant warned" (Psalm 19:11). William Gurnall. The Christian in Complete Armour (Kindle Locations 512-523). Kindle Edition.

Motivations: The church that ceases to be evangelistic will soon cease to be evangelical.Oswald J. Smith

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  When you pray you get in God’s will before it happens. Delores Jarvis