Monday, February 13, 2012



I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)

I have always had a fascination with hands. Maybe it’s because my hands and fingers are small and I have observed men with really big hands. I can remember the feel of my little hands in the big hands of my Dad.

My dentist has HUGE hands. And my son-in-laws grandfather had hands that seemed like the hands of a giant.

The picture of God’s hand in Scripture is amazing, especially when we read that He holds us by his right hand which has HUGE significance. Listen to what Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes about these hands:

Fear of falling is wholesome. To be venturesome is no sign of wisdom. Times come to us when we feel that we must go down unless we have a very special support. Here we have it. God's right hand is a grand thing to lean upon.

Mind, it is not only His hand, though it keepeth heaven and earth in their places, but His right hand: His power united with skill, His power where it is most dexterous. Nay, this is not all; it is written, "I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." That hand which He uses to maintain His holiness and to execute His royal sentences — this shall be stretched out to hold up His trusting ones. Fearful is our danger, but joyful is our security. The man whom God upholds, devils cannot throw down.

Weak may be our feet, but almighty is God's right hand. Rough may be the road, but Omnipotence is our upholding. We may boldly go forward. We shall not fall. Let us lean continually where all things lean. God will not withdraw His strength, for His righteousness is there as well. He will be faithful to His promise, and faithful to His Son, and therefore faithful to us. How happy we ought to be! Are we not so?

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (2009-06-18). Works of Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon. According to Promise, All of Grace, Faith's Checkbook, Morning and Evening: Daily Readings, A Puritan Catechism & more (Mobi Spiritual) (Kindle Locations 2909-2914). MobileReference. Kindle Edition.

I am very thankful today that my heavenly Father holds me with His powerful right hand. How about you? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: It is a great deal easier to do that which God has given us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it. J R Miller

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  Prayer is receiving what God has promised. E. F. Hallock

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