Thursday, February 23, 2012

God's Help in Temptation

God’s Help in Temptation

Good morning, brothers. I have shared a couple of devotionals from this great resource, The Christian Armor Devotional. I would encourage you to add this to your devotional reading. You can order a copy by calling America’s Keswick, or order from I trust this will encourage you today. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

What did Satan get for all the energy he spent on Job, but to let that holy man know at last how dearly God loved him? God makes Satan's temptations the courier of His love to the saints. The devil thought he had the game in his own hands when he got Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. He supposed he now had man in the same predicament as himself. But did he catch God by surprise? Of course not! God knew the outcome before the match was ever begun and used Satan's temptation to usher in that great gospel plot of saving man by Christ
order your copy today
At God's command, Christ undertook the charge of wrestling His fallen creatures from Satan's clutches and reinstating them to their original glory, with access to more than they ever had at first. And what did Satan get for all the energy he spent on Job, but to let that holy man know at last how dearly God loved him?

When he foiled Peter so shamefully, do we not find Christ claiming Peter with as much love as ever? Peter was the only disciple to whom Christ sent the joyful news of His resurrected by name-as if He had said, "Be sure to comfort Peter with this news. I want him to know I am still his friend, despite his cowardice."

God never condones wickedness in His saints, but He does pity their weakness. He never sees a saint in mourning without planning to clothe him in the sunlight of His love and mercy. God can, in fact, use His saints' failures to strengthen their faith, which, like a tree, stands stronger for the shaking.
Times of testing expose the heart's true condition. False faith, once foiled, seldom comes on again; but true faith rises and fights more valiantly, as we see in Peter. Temptation is to faith as fire is to gold (1 Peter 1:7). The fire not only reveals which is true gold, but makes the true gold more pure. It comes out less in bulk, being separated from the dross that was mixed with it, but is greater in quality and valueWilliam Gurnall. The Christian in Complete Armour (Kindle Locations 713-718). Kindle Edition.

Motivations: “Therefore the godly heart feels in itself a division because it is partly imbued with sweetness….partly grieves in bitterness…partly rests upon the promise of the gospel, partly trembles at the evidence of its own iniquity; partly rejoices at the expectation of life, partly shudders at death.  This variation arises from imperfection of faith, since in the course of the present life it never goes so well with us that we are wholly cured of the disease of unbelief and entirely filled and possessed by faith.”
John Calvin

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:8; Level 2: Ephesians 3:1-7

Powered Up:  Quality prayer is prayer that seeks God first and “answers” second. Dick Eastman

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