Saturday, December 31, 2005


Approaching the end of the year is a good time step back and reflect on
the events of the past year. Normally we get involved in the hustle and
bustle of the celebration and neglect to take the time to look back and
review the past year.

In preparation for Ken Brown's memorial service, I took a look through
his Bible and pulled out verses that he had underlined. They are good
verses to use as we bring this year to a close. Take some time to read
them and reflect on this past year. By the way . . . how did you do?

It is because of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because
his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy
faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore I will
hope in him.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to
be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are persecuted,
but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not
destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus,
that the life also of Jesus Christ be made manifest in the body.

You, therefore, endure hardship, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No
man that warreth entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that
he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of
you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring
every work in judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or
whether it be evil.

Therefore by beloved brothers and sisters: be steadfast, immoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labors are
not in vain in the Lord.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith; Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not
to me only, but unto all them who love his appearing.

On behalf of the Board, staff and the Freedom Fighter family, have a
blessed 2006 IN CHRIST. We love and appreciate you.

Friday, December 30, 2005


"Just as the eye converts photons into electrical signals that can be
'seen' by the brain, so the ear converts sound waves into electric
signals that can be 'heard' by the brain -- no less a miracle. In some
ways the ear actually outperforms the eye. It can hear over an even
wider range of sound intensity (one trillion times) than the range of
light intensity over which the eye can see (ten billion times).

The eardrum has the same thickness as a piece of paper and is
exquisitely sensitive to any vibration. It can vibrate as slowly as
twenty times per second. Even sound waves that move the eardrum less
than the diameter of a hydrogen molecule can be perceived by the brain
as a sound. It is this sensitivity that makes it possible to hear a
cricket chirping one-half mile away on a still night.

The sensitivity of the hearing mechanism is very impressive. The reason
'sound' happens at all has everything to do with the sensitivity of the
equipment God has designed for us and almost nothing to do with the
energy of the sound wave itself. A noise loud enough to pain the ear,
for example, measures a mere 0.01 watt of energy.

The sound energy generated by our speaking is likewise negligible. A
person could 'talk continuously for hundred years and still not produce
the sound energy equivalent to the heat energy needed to bring a cup of
water to the boil.' That is the extraordinary sensitivity of the ear
lf that permits hearing.

The ear has a million moving parts and is yet another evidence of the
microprecision of God. Yet as wish so much of life, the creature abuses
the gift. The ear is increasingly assaulted by an epidemic of noise and
commotion. Noise is to the ear what excessively bright lights are to the

Noise is toxic to the sensitive cells of the ear, the cardio-vascular
and nervous systems, and our mental and spiritual health. 'Noise usually
drowns out the voice of God,' maintains Gordon MacDonald. 'Few of us can
fully appreciate the terrible conspiracy of noise there is about us,
noise that denies us the silence and solitude we need for this
cultivation of the inner garden.'

Realizing that EXCESSIVE noise leads to stress, seek to diminish the
ambient noise in your life. 'Regular times of quiet are absolutely
necessary,' wrote Dietrich Bonhoffer. 'After a time of quiet we meet
others in a different and a fresh way,' Adds theologian John Stott:
'I've learned the necessity of stepping back, looking where I was going,
and having a monthly quiet day to be drawn up into the mind of God.'"
Swenson and published by our good friends at NavPress.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


It happened this morning like it has happened hundreds of times during
my quiet time -- everything I read tied together. It is an amazing thing
when that happens. Today's reading of Scripture from the DAILY LIGHT
were these: "Understand what the will of the Lord is. This is the will
of God -- your sanctification. Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at
peace . . . " (Ephesians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Job 22:21)

I am sure you have been there. As you have prayed and opened your heart
to Abba Father, asking Him for clear direction for your life, it has
come in unexpected ways. It is crystal clear what HE wants you to do.
But the question is -- do I just listen to it and do nothing, or do I,
by faith, accept it and do it -- not just in the "big" things, but as He
reveals how I should live daily in my walk with Him -- do I revel in the
revelation only -- or do I apply the truth to my heart, and as NIKE says

Oswald Chambers said today: "When God, by His Spirit through His Word,
gives you a CLEAR vision of His will, you must 'walk in the light' of
that vision. Even though your MIND and SOUL may be thrilled by it, if
you don't 'walk in the light' of it you will sink to a level of BONDAGE
never envisioned by our Lord. MENTALLY DISOBEYING the 'heavenly vision'
will make you a slave to ideas and views that are completely foreign to
Jesus Christ . . . Our tendency is to lie back and bask in the memory
of the wonderful experience we had when God revealed His will to us. But
if a New Testament standard is revealed to us by the light of God, and
we don't try to measure up, or even feel inclined to do so, then we
begin to backslide. It means your conscience does not respond to the
truth. You can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth. That
moment marks you as one who either continues on with even more devotion
as a disciple of Jesus Christ, or as one who turns to go back as a

What will it be today? As my good friend, Pastor Ron Schmidt, Senior
Pastor of Davisville Baptist says, "It's never too late to do what He
reveals to you to do." Understand the will of the Lord and JUST DO IT."

"Love the Lord, love people, and keep your life clean, and the Lord will
give you so many open doors you will not be able to fill them!" (Jack
Wrytzen) as quoted in a recent newsletter from Billy and Paula Speer.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


"If you think you know it all, you're a fool for sure; real survivors
learn wisdom from others." (Proverbs 28:26)

One of the ways that you can grow in life is to find yourself a mentor
who can disciple you. I have been blessed over the years to have several
men in my life who have been willing to come alongside of me to help me
develop in different areas of my life. When I was 12 years old, Bill
Winterberg from our home church, put his arm around me and encouraged me
to serve the Lord in our church using my musical gifts. Each Sunday he
would pull me aside and share some words of insight with me. Years later
I would consider him a respected counselor and friend and would often
seek his advice.

For over 30 years, Neil Fichthorn, former President of Sandy Cove
Ministries has mentored me in my professional life. He took the time to
teach me the ropes of Christian conference ministry. What I learned from
him could never be bought through a college course. We still chat on a
regular basis and compare notes. Our Board Chairman, Howard Bateman
talks with me every day. Most people would think that is
micro-management. Howard has been more than a "boss" -- he has been a
friend who has invested time in my life. I have learned volumes about
family, finances, and integrity from observing this man's life and walk.

Over the years, the Lord has brought into my life men who have mentored
me spiritually -- Newton Conant, Joe Dariano, George VanSandt, Bill
Raws, Pastor Bob Alderman -- men whom I have had the privilege of
getting "up close and personal" with to learn from them. I am so

One of the sad things about my generation and those below me, is buying
into the lie that we can make it on our own. Well guess what -- you can
save yourself a lot of pain and unnecessary difficulty by drawing close
to a "seasoned" saint who you can learn from. I challenge you today --
find a mentor. Get up close and personal with a godly man who will teach
you from his own life! It is an investment that will pay rich dividends.
Don't be a know it all!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


"Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at
you. Christ himself wrote it -- not with ink, but with God's living
Spirit; not chiseled in stone, nut carved into human lives -- and we
publish it . . ." 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 from The Message

You might remember the old saying, "My life is an open book!" Well that
is what transparency is all about, my friend. I've learned lots of
lessons from rubbing shoulders with the men of the Colony of Mercy --
and one of the major lessons is the value of transparency. Transparency
is the ability to share the REAL you with another brother who is willing
to hold you accountable. We all struggle in some area of our lives -- if
that were not true, why would the writer of Hebrews talk about
"besetting sins -- those sins that easily entangle us . . ." (Hebrews

God brings into our lives those people who can read us and can figure us
out by just looking at us. They read our body language or detect from
our speech that something is troubling us. Unfortunately for most of us,
being transparent is difficult. Transparency can bring condemnation and
judgment. Sometimes people turn our transparency into cause for gossip
and slander. And so we keep stuff bottled up inside, and for some, it
causes us to go deeper and deeper into our struggles.

That's not the way I believe Christ designed the church. The church
should be a place where brothers can reach out when they are struggling
and share their hearts openly without fear of condemnation -- a place
where they will receive loving exhortation and admonition from the
Scriptures, not wagging tongues that will gossip and spread bad reports
to others.

Several years ago I started a journey to lose weight for health reasons.
It has been a very hard and difficult battle for me. Why? I love to eat!
I enjoy food. I don't always eat food for the right reasons. And by
God's grace I lost a significant amount of weight. I learned much about
why I eat. Most times it isn't because of hunger -- I eat when I am
stressed or when I am overwhelmed. I eat when I am hurting. Not good
reasons to eat and the result is extra pounds and tight fitting clothes.
I learned that in order to maintain my weight loss, I needed to exercise
and eat right constantly -- no room for fudging. I discovered that when
I was disciplined in this area, the other areas of my life were also
much more disciplined.

The past several months have been stressful and I have found myself
slipping backwards. The pounds have slowly crept up, the exercise has
diminished. Last week a dear brother pulled me on the carpet and called
me on it. I am so thankful that he had the courage to say, "What's the
deal?" And because of his love for me and feeling safe, I could share
openly my struggle without the fear of condemnation and judgment. I was
safe with him.

Today I am starting back on the journey. It is a tough road -- but
necessary. I can't do it alone! I covet your prayers and encouragement.
And if you catch me eating something that I am not supposed to (the list
is way too long . . .) I ask you to hold me accountable! The one thing
about this struggle is that is is easy to tell when I am in it . . .
"Your very lives are a letter than anyone can read by JUST LOOKING AT
YOU!" Let your life be transparent. It is worth it.

Monday, December 26, 2005


We made it through another Christmas with our nine year old son, Zach,
still believing in Santa Claus. Please don't write me nasty letters --
don't be upset with me. It has been fun to see a kid with an
imagination, and yet, able to keep it all in perspective. When he spins
his stories about Santa, most often, people will sing "Santa Claus is
Coming to Town" to him. They will remind Zach that "he sees you when
your sleeping, he knows when you're awake -- he knows if you've been bad
or good, so be good for goodness sake . . ." -- to which Zach quickly
replies -- "Not Santa -- only God knows when you are awake or asleep or
if you've been bad or good."

On Christmas Eve he set out his usual cookies, milk, a bottle of coke,
and some carrots for the reindeer. After climbing into bed and
eventually turning off the lights, our daughter and son-in-law rang a
set of bells. He was so excited -- and wanted to go downstairs. I wish
you could have seen his face when he saw the stockings filled, the
cookies and milk gone, and a box under the empty plate of cookies. The
box was wrapped in brown paper and had a note from Santa: "Thanks, Zach,
for still believing!" His eyes lit up and with the biggest smile
exclaimed, "Yes! I knew it! I know he's really real!"

As I watched this scene unfold, I was reminded that for all of us who
love the Savior -- that's a wonderful picture of faith! The writer of
Hebrews said, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen!" While we have not SEEN Jesus, by faith
we believe that He IS -- "And without faith, it is impossible to please
Him, for he who comes to God, must believe that He IS and that He is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6). Peter wrote
-- " . . . And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though
you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with JOY
inexpressible and full of glory!" (1 Peter 1:8)

May our lives be filled with child-like faith and abandon with joy and
love as we worship and adore the Christ of CHRISTMAS! May we be filled
with that inexpressible joy that says like Zach, "Yes! I KNOW IT! HE'S

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Joy to the world! the Lord IS come; Let earth receive her King;
Let EVERY heart prepare HIM room,
And heav'n and nature sing!

Joy to the earth! the SAVIOR reigns; Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat their sounding joy!

No more lets and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground;
HE comes to make HIS blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.

HE rules the world with TRUTH and GRACE;
And makes the nations prove
The glories of HIS righteousness
And wonders of HIS love -- and wonders of HIS love.

On behalf of the Board and staff of America's KESWICK -- Merry

Saturday, December 24, 2005

T'was the night before Christmas

Comedian, Gordon Douglas and is used with his permission:

T'was the night before Christmas- and throughout Galilee

The people were traveling- Caesar made a decree!

To Bethlehem they went and it was no easy ride

For Joseph and Mary, his pregnant young bride.

They were tired and weary, it was such a long trip

The hotels were brooked up- then they got a tip!

"A stable? for my wife?" Joseph asked with a frown

"But Mary's in labor - she's got to lie down!"

But out with some cattle, the sheep, and the straw-

Came the birth of the Savior, the KING, LORD OF ALL!

The shepherds were gathered on the side of a hill

As sheep nestled together , it was so run of the mill.

When the Glory of God, and His angels appeared

The shepherd were speechless, the trembled and feared.

"All glory to GOD, and peace on the earth!"

Came this message of Joy, announcing Christ birth

SO off to their stables their courses they flew

The Messiah, a manger?, and swaddling clothes too?

OH they found the young parents, so humble and mild

They knew in a moment, this was the Christ child

Now, over in Persia, there arose such a clatter

The magi were summoned, to see what was the matter

And what to their studious eyes should appear?

But a new star in heaven- so bright and so clear.

Over mountains, through deserts , no armies or beasts

Could hinder the journey of these kings from the east.

They stopped in at Herods and shared the good news-

"We've just seen the star of the king of the Jews!"

HMMM Satan heard too, and he went right to work-

He called a big meeting then turned with a jerk,

The demons then plotted a sssssinister plan

"We'll kill all the children, using Herod our man."

But while Joseph was sleeping a long winter snooze.

An angel said "GETUP! There is no time to lose.

They ran out at once and to Egypt they fled

Where they waited and waited.. Till Herod was dead

Well Jesus grew up, he was a godly young man

He was now ready to fulfill God's plan.

The gospel, God's kingdom, is what Jesus taught

And many a miracle, from His hand was wraught.

Then came a strange day, it was the Passover feast.

Satan used a disciple- that devious beast.

Betrayed and beaten, oh the sorrow and grief

The thorns they encircled Christ's head -like a wreath

Mary's precious young baby, the fruit of her womb

Lay lifeless, and still, in a cold borrowed tomb.

Then after three days- He arose, in a flash

He loosed those who were captives and tore the temple sash.

And then He proclaimed as He rose out of sight-



"And love one another till I come again

You better be ready, you won't know just when!"

Well it's a few nights before Christmas, now what would He say

If the King of Glory were to come back today?

Friends there's no need for the guilt and the strife

The Messiah has come offering eternal life.

The Bible is true- He'll return with a shout

So receive Him today and you won't be left out

When He opens His book, will He find your name

Or will you stand condemned, wit your head hung in shame

These days before Christmas the angels still sing

Each time that a person makes Jesus their king

He reigns up in heaven from His throne up above

Still offering to each one the gift of His love.

Forgiveness? And heaven? It is hard to conceive,

But that's what God promised to those who believe

OH , trust Him my friends and He'll make your life right

It is the Christmas God longs for,

God Bless you and Good Night!

for more information about Gordon Douglas, visit

On behalf of the ministry team of America's KESWICK, may you and your
have a blessed Christmas! "O Come, Let us adore HIM"-- the Christ of

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Friday, December 23, 2005


Today's Freedom Fighter is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE -- 365 -
Daily Devotions. It is available from the Keswick Bookstore.



"The LORD is exalted above all the nations, His glory above the heavens.
Who is like the Lord our God - the One enthroned on high, who stoops
down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the
dust and lifts the needy from the garbage heap in order to seat them
with nobles - with the nobles of His people. He gives the childless
woman a household, [making her] the joyful mother of children.
Hallelujah! (Psalm 113:4-9)

In this descriptive praise psalm, two great themes will echo
for eternity through the halls of heaven: God's greatness (vv. 4-5) and
His grace (vv. 6-9).

God is great. There is no lord like our Lord. He is
unique, over all, above all. He sits enthroned on high (literally: "who
makes high with respect to sitting"). In this context, study the
magnificent lyric poetry of Isaiah 40:12-41:4. Our view of man tends to
be overblown and our view of God to be disproportionately small. When
our vision of God enlarges, our problems will shrink to size.

God is grace (unmerited favor). He manifests grace to us in
three ways:

First, from His exalted position in the heavens, He stoops
to survey all of creation. The greatest act of divine stooping would
come when God the Father emptied Himself by assuming the form of a
slave, taking on the likeness of men" (Philippians 2:6-7).

Second, God honors the poor and seats them with the
nobility. Our position in the heavenly community will not depend on
earthly status or recognition by our peers but on His grace.

Third, God settles the barren woman in her home "as a happy
mother of children." Sarah's miraculous pregnancy was the joy of the
ancient world (Genesis 18, 21). Hannah's humiliation was transformed
into jubilation (1 Samuel 2). These great ladies were the motifs
preparing for the grand theme of Mary, the Jewish peasant girl, who bore
the Messiah. This psalm links the song of Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1-10) with
the Magnificat of Mary (Luke 1:46-55).

The psalm concludes with a final hallelujah - praise the
Lord! God's glory differs sharply from man's glory. Who is like the
Lord, our God? He is unique - equally at home above the heavens or at
the side of the lowliest and loneliest creature.

Personal Prayer

I praise you, Lord, for stooping to lift me up, for seating me at your
banquet table, and for settling me forever in your home in glory.

Dr. Don Wyrtzen

Scripture Reading: Habakkuk; Revelation 15

Have a great day IN CHRIST.