Saturday, December 24, 2005

T'was the night before Christmas

Comedian, Gordon Douglas and is used with his permission:

T'was the night before Christmas- and throughout Galilee

The people were traveling- Caesar made a decree!

To Bethlehem they went and it was no easy ride

For Joseph and Mary, his pregnant young bride.

They were tired and weary, it was such a long trip

The hotels were brooked up- then they got a tip!

"A stable? for my wife?" Joseph asked with a frown

"But Mary's in labor - she's got to lie down!"

But out with some cattle, the sheep, and the straw-

Came the birth of the Savior, the KING, LORD OF ALL!

The shepherds were gathered on the side of a hill

As sheep nestled together , it was so run of the mill.

When the Glory of God, and His angels appeared

The shepherd were speechless, the trembled and feared.

"All glory to GOD, and peace on the earth!"

Came this message of Joy, announcing Christ birth

SO off to their stables their courses they flew

The Messiah, a manger?, and swaddling clothes too?

OH they found the young parents, so humble and mild

They knew in a moment, this was the Christ child

Now, over in Persia, there arose such a clatter

The magi were summoned, to see what was the matter

And what to their studious eyes should appear?

But a new star in heaven- so bright and so clear.

Over mountains, through deserts , no armies or beasts

Could hinder the journey of these kings from the east.

They stopped in at Herods and shared the good news-

"We've just seen the star of the king of the Jews!"

HMMM Satan heard too, and he went right to work-

He called a big meeting then turned with a jerk,

The demons then plotted a sssssinister plan

"We'll kill all the children, using Herod our man."

But while Joseph was sleeping a long winter snooze.

An angel said "GETUP! There is no time to lose.

They ran out at once and to Egypt they fled

Where they waited and waited.. Till Herod was dead

Well Jesus grew up, he was a godly young man

He was now ready to fulfill God's plan.

The gospel, God's kingdom, is what Jesus taught

And many a miracle, from His hand was wraught.

Then came a strange day, it was the Passover feast.

Satan used a disciple- that devious beast.

Betrayed and beaten, oh the sorrow and grief

The thorns they encircled Christ's head -like a wreath

Mary's precious young baby, the fruit of her womb

Lay lifeless, and still, in a cold borrowed tomb.

Then after three days- He arose, in a flash

He loosed those who were captives and tore the temple sash.

And then He proclaimed as He rose out of sight-



"And love one another till I come again

You better be ready, you won't know just when!"

Well it's a few nights before Christmas, now what would He say

If the King of Glory were to come back today?

Friends there's no need for the guilt and the strife

The Messiah has come offering eternal life.

The Bible is true- He'll return with a shout

So receive Him today and you won't be left out

When He opens His book, will He find your name

Or will you stand condemned, wit your head hung in shame

These days before Christmas the angels still sing

Each time that a person makes Jesus their king

He reigns up in heaven from His throne up above

Still offering to each one the gift of His love.

Forgiveness? And heaven? It is hard to conceive,

But that's what God promised to those who believe

OH , trust Him my friends and He'll make your life right

It is the Christmas God longs for,

God Bless you and Good Night!

for more information about Gordon Douglas, visit

On behalf of the ministry team of America's KESWICK, may you and your
have a blessed Christmas! "O Come, Let us adore HIM"-- the Christ of

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