Wednesday, December 28, 2005


"If you think you know it all, you're a fool for sure; real survivors
learn wisdom from others." (Proverbs 28:26)

One of the ways that you can grow in life is to find yourself a mentor
who can disciple you. I have been blessed over the years to have several
men in my life who have been willing to come alongside of me to help me
develop in different areas of my life. When I was 12 years old, Bill
Winterberg from our home church, put his arm around me and encouraged me
to serve the Lord in our church using my musical gifts. Each Sunday he
would pull me aside and share some words of insight with me. Years later
I would consider him a respected counselor and friend and would often
seek his advice.

For over 30 years, Neil Fichthorn, former President of Sandy Cove
Ministries has mentored me in my professional life. He took the time to
teach me the ropes of Christian conference ministry. What I learned from
him could never be bought through a college course. We still chat on a
regular basis and compare notes. Our Board Chairman, Howard Bateman
talks with me every day. Most people would think that is
micro-management. Howard has been more than a "boss" -- he has been a
friend who has invested time in my life. I have learned volumes about
family, finances, and integrity from observing this man's life and walk.

Over the years, the Lord has brought into my life men who have mentored
me spiritually -- Newton Conant, Joe Dariano, George VanSandt, Bill
Raws, Pastor Bob Alderman -- men whom I have had the privilege of
getting "up close and personal" with to learn from them. I am so

One of the sad things about my generation and those below me, is buying
into the lie that we can make it on our own. Well guess what -- you can
save yourself a lot of pain and unnecessary difficulty by drawing close
to a "seasoned" saint who you can learn from. I challenge you today --
find a mentor. Get up close and personal with a godly man who will teach
you from his own life! It is an investment that will pay rich dividends.
Don't be a know it all!

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