Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God's Economy in Cliff Notes Version

This blog written by our Board member, George Hutchison, was too good to not share with you.

Larry Burkett used to say there are over 1000 verses on money in the Bible. Howard Dayton would say there are over 2,000 verses on money and possessions. Both of these perspectives make a powerful statement as to the importance that God places on how we should handle our money and possessions. We call this God's Economy.

But how do we take all those verses and understand God's Economy in a quick and concise form? I think Paul takes care of this in his first letter to Timothy. First Timothy 6:17-19 gives a pretty clear and concise understanding of what God's Economy should look like. I thought it might be interesting over the next two posts to take these three verses and break them down phrase by phrase. I think you will agree that once we complete this little exercise, we will see that Paul has provided a pretty clear picture of what God's Economy should look like.

Before we look at what Paul says, we have to look at who these verses are written to. He addresses these verses to "Those who are rich in this present world". Do you think you are rich? Probably not, but if you live on more than $10 a day or $3650 a year, according to Global issues (and other sources) you are in the top 20% of wealthiest people in the world. So how does it feel to be rich? If you are reading this, you are most definitely included in the category of "rich in this present world".

After we accept the fact that these verses are written to us, Paul starts by saying: "Don't be conceited". This is a very concise way of saying that everything we have belongs to God and comes from God. This includes even our ability to make wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:17-18). Once we acknowledge the fact that it is all God's and what we possess is through His grace and His grace alone, we quickly realize we have no right to be conceited. Step #1 is to humbly accept the fact that we are stewards and not owners.

The next phrase warns us "not to… fix our hope on the uncertainly of riches, but on God". If you are a "Baby Boomer" and you have been watching your portfolio go up and down like a yo-yo over the last few years, you certainly understand the meaning of this phrase. God wants us to be secure by trusting Him; not by trusting in a pension, portfolio or employer. Step #2 is to trust God and not money.

The third phrase is a very interesting phrase. It is not only interesting for what it says, but where it is in the passage. What it says is this: "Who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy". If God has blessed us with money and the things money can buy, we should enjoy these things. Yes, that is what that phrase says. Step #3 is to enjoy His gifts and provisions. 

But did you notice where the phrase is? It is right smack in the middle of First Timothy 6:17-19. Do you think this is a coincidence? I don't think so. I think what Paul is saying is make sure you have the instructions before, and the instructions after this phrase clear in our mind and evident in our life before we start camping on enjoying God's blessings. If our enjoyment of the things God has given us gets in the way of the rest of our journey to live by God's Economy, we have missed the whole point. 

Take some time and meditate on First Timothy 6:17-19. It is a very concise presentation of the many verses in the Bible that deal with God's Economy. See if you can identify at least four more foundational blocks to living by God's Economy. They are not that hard to find. Lord willing, we will cover them in the next post. – George Hutchison serves on the Board of America’s Keswick and is a instructor with Crown Financial.

Dig This Quote: If you come to worship for any reason other that the joy and pleasure and satisfaction that are to be found in God, you dishonor Him. To put it in other words, worship is first and foremost a feasting on all that God is for us in Jesus. This is because God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him. Or again, you are His pleasure when He is your treasure. Which is to say that God's greatest delight is your delight in Him. Sam Storms

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:27; Level 2: Matthew 6:25-29

Determined Praying:  The chief purpose of prayer is that God may be glorified in the answer. J Hudson Taylor

Monday, November 29, 2010

How Does Nothing Explode?

How Does Nothing Explode?

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”  Romans 1:18-20 (ESV)

Just recently I had attended a creation seminar at The Pilgrim Academy in Galloway Township, NJ. This presentation was led by James L. Gardener of Canopy Ministries. This is the second year I’ve attended and I’ll tell you that I fully enjoy going to it. Not only is the fellowship with other members of other churches a superb by-product but it is the information I get from going that is of greatest benefit. I come away from that seminar with a good feeling that God has placed me on the right path in my quest to understanding His truth and it is for me to remain obedient in its direction. And when I say His truth that means my understanding has to start “In the beginning” and then encompass the whole systematic way to defend His truth in the court of a fallen world.

One of the subjects that Mr. Gardener covered was that of aliens visiting our planet from another world. I just happen to be watching a series on the History channel titled “Ancient Aliens”. This show is doing a great job of debunking the notion that we evolved from apes. That’s right my Brothers we are no longer part of the King Kong lineage. We are no longer burdened with the ugly argument that somewhere along the monkey DNA trail we lost our tails and now walk upright. We are now related to Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes!! Where did I put that Uranium P-32 Space Modulator? Maybe we can find it the Book of Ezekiel?

One of the theories that “Ancient Aliens” looks at is the in the first chapter of Ezekiel where they say we have a description of an UFO sighting. Based on all the smoke, loud noise and fire what else could it be? Well Mr. Gardener reminded us that our adversary, Satan who was once Lucifer, has no problem disguising himself as an angel of light. And further more if we know our history about the war that went on in Heaven, one third of the angels fell with Lucifer during his rebellion. I believe that one of those angels is…Marvin the Martian. After all if we know our Looney Tunes he has been trying to blow up the earth for decades.

I think it is those fallen angels that are pulling our leg because they know there was no provision made for them in the new earth so they have been masquerading as these ancient aliens. I am making light of this because we are living in a world that cannot face the Truth. It would rather have all of us put our faith into an unproven theory than face the Truth. I have also recently watched “Expelled” and it is an eye opening movie. Folks in the scientific field are being black listed simply for mentioning that there may be an intelligent design to our universe. And in this movie there is not much mentioning of God either but there are some outrageous arguments against Him.

In the Book of John we see there is a bigger debate over truth. In the Praetorium Pilate has come face to face with the Truth Himself and He has finished His reply to the Pilate’s question “So you are a king?” by saying “Everyone that is of the Truth hear my voice.” This has vexed Pilate who can only look at Jesus and ask “What is truth?” 72% of Americans don’t believe in an absolute truth and out of that number 65% of them pray to some sort of god either they be a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jew and yes even Christians. Are we becoming like frogs in a pot? First they would have us swim around in “It’s just a theory” like lukewarm water but as time goes by they slowly turn up the heat until we are cooked? If we allow ourselves to buy into these new ideas on our beginnings then we too will know how nothing explodes. Arm yourselves Brothers. Get to understand His truths. – Chris Hughes is a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter and is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

Dig This Quote: “Concerning the topic of origins, one may often discern whether Scripture or the opinion of men is being used as the ultimate standard for truth. The remark, “Science says,” is a tip-off that man’s opinion is the test of truth rather than Scripture. When the term “Science says” is used, it is almost a certainty that “science” is being equated with naturalism. On the other hand, when someone says, “Scripture says,” it is probable that the person is using the Creator’s word as standard for truth.”
The Puzzle of Ancient Man  Donald E. Chittick

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:27; Level 2: Matthew 6:25-29

Determined Praying: To pray is to expose the shores of the mind to the incoming tide of God. – Ralph W. Stockman

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanks for God's Bounty

Prayer Reflecting Thanks for God’s Bounty

Here is a great Puritan prayer to prepare your heart to be thankful on this Lord’s Day:

Thou Great and Only Potentate,
Thou hast made summer and winter, day and night;
Each of these revolutions serves our welfare and is full of Thy care and kindness.
Thy bounty is seen in the relations that train us,
The laws that defend us,
The homes that shelter us,
The food that builds us,
The continuance of our health, members, senses, understanding, memory, affection, will.
But as stars fade before the rising sun,
Thou has eclipsed all these benefits in the wisdom and grace that purposed redemption by Jesus Thy Son.
Blessed me Thy mercy that laid help on one that is mighty and willing,
One that is able to save to the uttermost.
Make us deeply sensible of our need of His saving grace, of the blood that cleanses, of the rest He has promised.
And impute to us that righteousness which justifies the guilty, gives them a title to eternal life, and possession of the Spirit.
May we love the freeness of salvation, and joy in its holiness;
Give us faith to grasp Thy promises, that are our hope, provide for every exigency,
And prevent from every evil;
Keep our hearts from straying after forbidden pleasures;
May Thy will bind all our wishes;
Let us live out of the world as to its maxim, manners, but live in it as the sphere of our action and usefulness;
May we be alive to every call of duty, accepting without question Thy determination of our circumstances and our service. Amen

Reflect on His bounty and goodness this morning as you prepare your hearts for worship.  – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: Lay any burden on me, Lord, only sustain me. Sever any tie, but the tie that binds me to Thyself. David Livingstone

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:27; Level 2: Matthew 6:25-29

Determined Praying:  The goal of prayer is the ear of God. C. H. Spurgeon

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A to Z Thanksgiving

A to Z Thanksgiving

Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (Holman Christian Standard Bible – Thanks to Dr. Roger Willmore)

I came across this little write-up on Thanksgiving and thought it would be good to share as we wind down this Thanksgiving weekend:

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame.
Even when times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know.
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee.
Move out of Camp Complaining
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone.
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To thank is a command.
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We’ll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high.
Yes, there’ll be good times and yes some will be bad, but …
Zion waits in glory, where none are never sad!

Good reminder for you and me today. Happy Thanksgiving Weekend! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick


Dig This Quote: It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor. – George Washington

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying: Prayer should be definite. What a lot of praying there is that prays for everything in general and nothing particular! C. H. Spurgeon

Friday, November 26, 2010

Respecting God's Name

Respecting God’s Name

I’ve got an example of how you can break the third commandment that you probably weren’t taught in elementary Sunday School. If you remember, the third commandment reads thus: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)

Before I give the example, I need to ask you what it means to take his name in vain. What do you think? The NIV’s translation is helpful here. It says, “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God.” I submit there are many ways to misuse the LORD’s name.

Whatever else this commandment teaches us, it should be very evident that God is very protective of his name. In Exodus 3 we read the story of the burning bush and notice that God reveals his holy name to Moses. This is a BIG deal. Think of it—God trusting his holy name to a corrupted race of people knowing full well that they would drag it through the mud and profane it among the nations.

This in fact did happen and we can read about it in Ezekiel 36. Here God says of Israel, “And whenever they went among the nations they profaned my holy name, for it was said of them, ‘These are the LORD’s people, and yet they had to leave his land.’ I had concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they had gone…I will show the holiness of my great name…then the nations will know that I am the LORD.” (vs 20-23)

This example shows us the anger of the LORD at the actions of Israel because his name was losing respect among the nations. As Christians we should pay attention. We often do the same.

Here is my example: I was at a traffic light the other evening with my family in the car. From the left a minivan made a swerving left hand turn nearly hitting the curb before the light changed. We then followed this erratic driver to the next light at which we noticed him roll down his window to toss a smoldering cigarette out onto the pavement. My annoyance turned to anger when my eyes caught the Jesus fish on the back of the vehicle. God’s name was profaned by that man in that moment. And he never said a word. Where’s the respect?

We must guard our words and actions carefully. The name of the LORD is not to be trifled with. And, with all he has done for us shouldn’t we long to see it lifted high? See Philippians 2:9-11 – Pastor Jason Walsh serves as Youth Pastor at Whiting Bible Church

Dig This Quote: Gentle us, Holy One, into an unclenched moment, a deep breath a letting go of heavy expectations, of shriveling anxieties, of dead certainties, that, softened by the silence, surrounded by the light, and open to the mystery, we may be found by wholeness, upheld by the unfathomable entranced by the simple, and filled with the joy that is you. Ted Loder

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying: A prayer which only contains thanksgiving and profession and asks nothing , is essentially defective. It may be suitable for an angel, but it is not suitable for a sinner. J. C. Ryle

Join us tomorrow night at America's Keswick for the Celebration Choir presentation of ONE INCREDIBLE MOMENT. 7:00 PM in the Activity Center. Come early and enjoy the beautiful 25 Trees of Christmas. We will also be livestreaming the concert: www.americaskeswick.org

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

On behalf of the Freedom Fighter team, and the Board and Staff of America’s Keswick, Happy Thanksgiving.

The following prayer was written by the late Peter Marshall who served as the Chaplain of the United States Senate for many years.

Father, we around this table thank Thee:

For the great gift of life, that Thy love for us is not dependent upon any unworthiness of ours,
For good health, that we know neither hunger nor want,
For warm clothes to wear,
For those who love best,
For friends whose words of encouragement have often chased away dark clouds,
For the zest of living,
For many an answered prayer,
For kindly providences that have preserved us from danger and harm.

We thank Thee that still we live in a land bountifully able to supply all our needs, a land which still by Thy Providence knows peace, whose skies are not darkened by the machines of the enemy, who fields and woodlands are still unblasted by the flames of war, a land with peaceful valleys and smiling meadows still serene.

O help us to appreciate all that we have, to be content with it, to be grateful for it, to proud of it – not in an arrogant pride that boasts, but in a grateful pride that strives to be more worthy.

In Thy name, to whose bounty we owe these blessings spread before us, to Thee we give our gratitude. Amen.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: “The solution to our need for holiness is Jesus. He alone has clean hands and a pure heart. He suffered an innocent death to remove our sin, as a substitute for any who will trust in him. At the moment of true belief, a believer’s sin is transferred to his account. Jesus also transfers to us his innocence. By faith in him God accepts us as holy before him. Now we dare to approach God’ holy presence—with boldness! Forgiven of sin, covered with Jesus’ innocence, our wings are now made of the right stuff! We not only ascend to God’s holy presence. We live there continually: “We are not seated with Christ in heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 2:6)”

Ancient Prayer, John F. Smed

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Prayer: The childish idea that prayer is a handle by which we can take hold of God and obtain whatever we desire, leads to easy disillusionment with both what we had thought to be God and what we had thought to be prayer.  Robert L Short

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Come, Ye Thankful People Come

“Sing to the Lord a song of thanksgiving, sing psalms to the lyre in honor of our God.” Psalm 146:7

I love this traditional Thanksgiving hymn written by Henry Alford I the late 1800’s:

Come, ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of harvest home;
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin;
God, our Maker, doth provide
For our wants to be supplied;
Come to God’s own temple, come,
Raise the song of harvest home.

All the world is God’s own field,
Fruit unto His praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown,
Unto joy or sorrows grown;
First the blade, and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear;
Lord of harvest, grant that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.

For the Lord our God shall come,
And shall take His harvest home;
From His field shall in the day
All offenses purge away,
Give His angels charge at last,
In the fire the tares to cast,
But the fruitful ears to store
In His garner evermore.

Even so, Lord, quickly come,
Bring Thy final harvest home;
Gather Thou they people in,
Free from sorrow, free from sin,
There, forever purified,
In Thy presence to abide;
Come, will all Thine angels, come,
Raise the glorious harvest home!

Brothers, reflect on these words this morning. Sing them back to the Lord and prepare your heart for this 2010 Thanksgiving day! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: He is a Christian who follows Christ, who measures all things by the standard of His approbation[official approval], who would not willingly say a word which he would not like to have Christ hear, nor do an act which he would not like to have Christ see. He is a Christian who tries to be the kind of neighbour Christ would be, and the kind of citizen Christ would be, and who asks himself in all the alternatives of his business life, and his social life, and his personal life, what would the Master do in this case? The best Christian is he who most reminds the people with whom he lives of the Lord Jesus Christ. He who never reminds anybody of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a Christian at all. George Hodges

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying: True prayer is born out of brokenness. Frances J. Roberts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Now Thank We All Our God

Now Thank We All Our God

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted. Isaiah 12:4

Today’s hymn was written by a German pastor, Martin Rinkart, during the Thirty Year’s War. Rinkart faithfully served the Lord during those difficult times and in 1637, when hunger and plague were chronic problems, he conducted funerals for five thousand residents, including his wife. He penned these awesome words:

Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things hath done,
In whom this world rejoices;
Who, from our mother’s arms,
Have blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours today.

O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us;
And keep us in His grace,
And guide us when perplexed,
And free us from all ills,
In this world and the next.

All praise and thanks to God
The Father now be given,
The Son, and Him who reigns
With them in highest heaven,
The one eternal God.
Whom heaven and earth adore;
For thus it was, is now,
And shall be evermore. Amen

A great hymn to prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving!

On Sunday afternoon, a dear friend of our family went home to be with the Lord. Rev. Len Chanoux, former director of the Boardwalk Chapel, died at age 80. Rev. Chanoux played a significant role in our lives during my parent’s involvement at the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ for over 30 years. He also served as an Elder in the OPC and was often preaching in churches filling the pulpit. During his years at the Boardwalk Chapel many young men who were seminary students served as interns. One of those young men was Dr. Tim  Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.  Thank You, Lord, for the impact of Rev. Chanoux’s life. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God's estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. That is his motto.
A. W. Tozer

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying: Prayer is a swift messenger, which in the twinkling of an eye can go and return with an answer from heaven. William S. Plumer

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks to God for My Redeemer

Thanks to God for My Redeemer

O give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name … Psalm 105:1

This is Thanksgiving week and I want to share with you some great hymns that we tend to only sing at this time of year. The Scripture makes it very clear – we are not to just give thanks for some things, most things, the things that we deem to be thankful for – but in all things!!!

I love fall. This fall has been spectacular in terms of the brilliant yellows and reds. I am thankful for this display of God’s creative hand. But I sure have not been thankful for those same leaves I have had to rake!

But if I were to really stop and analyze my ungrateful heart, I need to be thankful that I can still see the leaves that need to be raked. My arms and hands still can rake the leaves. I can still lift, push the wheelbarrow and smell the leaves (though I’d love to be able to burn them …)

The writer of this hymn wrote this hymn when he was 29 and working for the Salvation Army. Eight years later he had a back problem that crippled him for the rest of his life. Despite the pain, he still served the Lord with the Salvation army for many years:

Thanks to God for my Redeemer,
Thanks for all Thou dost provide!
Thanks for times now but a memory,
Thanks for Jesus by my side!
Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime,
Thanks for dark and dreary fall!
Thanks for tears by not forgotten,
Thanks for peace within my soul!

Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered,
Thanks for what Thou dost deny!
Thanks for storms that I have weathered,
Thanks for all Thou dost supply!
Thanks for pain and thanks for pleasure,
Thanks for comfort in despair!
Thanks for grace that none can measure,
Thanks for love beyond compare!

Thanks for roses by the wayside,
Thanks for storms their stems contain!
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside,
Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain!
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow;
Thanks for heavenly peace with Thee!
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow,
Thanks through all eternity!

Are you thankful today? Make this week the beginning a lifetime of a thankful spirit. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 22;  Ezekiel 18-19; James 4

Dig This Quote:  Thanksgiving is the vibration of the soul’s heart-strings under the soft touch of God’s benevolence.

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying: Prayer is not designed for the furnishing of God with the knowledge of what we need, but it is designed as a confession to him of our sense of need. A. W. Pink

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Worshipping God

Worshipping God

“Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. 1 Chronicles 16:29
Dr. Jerry Bridges, popular author and speaker who served with The Navigators, provides some practical insight to help us prepare our hearts for the Lord’s Day:

An essential part of our practice of devotion to God is worship. By worship I mean the specific act of ascribing glory to God the glory, majesty, honor, and worthiness which are His. Revelation 4:8-11 and 5:9-14 give us clear illustrations of the worship that goes on in heaven and should be emulated by us on earth.

I almost always begin my daily quiet time with a period of worship. Before beginning my Bible reading for the day, I take a few minutes to reflect upon one of the attributes of God or meditate upon a passage about His majesty and holiness, and then ascribe to Him the glory and honor due to Him.
I find it helpful to assume a kneeling position as a physical acknowledgement of my reverence, awe, and adoration of God. Worship is a matter of the heart, not of one’s physical position; nevertheless, the Scriptures do frequently portray bowing the knee as a sign of homage and adoration.

David said, “In reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.” (Psalm 5:7 NIV). The write of Psalm 95 said, “Come, let us worship and bow down in worship, let is kneel before the Lord our Maker (vs. 6 NIV). And we know that one day every knee shall bow before Jesus as a sign of homage to His Lordship (Philippians 2:10).

Obviously, it’s not always possible to bow before God in our times of worship. God understands this and surely allows for it. But when we can do so, I strongly recommend bowing before God, not only as a sign of reverence to Him but also for what it does I helping us prepare our minds to worship God in a manner acceptable to Him.

I often wondered what might happen in our worship services if instead of just standing in worship, we had the freedom to be biblical and get on our knees and bow down. Hmmm … I’ll leave it right there. “Come, let us worship and bow down!” Take some time to prepare your heart for worshipping Him corporately tomorrow. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper:  Proverbs 21; Ezekiel 16-17; James 3

Dig This Quote: Satan is allergic to praise. So where there is massive, triumphant praise, Satan is paralyzed, bound and banished.Paul E. Billheimer

Determined Praying: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying:  Correction: Friday’s quote should have read: The great secret of a right waiting on God is be brought down to utter impotence. – Andrew Murray

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Praying at All Times

Praying at All Times

Praying at all times in the Spirit. Ephesians 6:18

I am still learning much about prayer. Prayer is such an incredible privilege give to us by our Father in heaven. Yet so few of us grasp the fact that we can be praying throughout the day and be in constant communication with the Father.

Puritan preacher, George Swinnock shares insight into “praying at all times in the Spirit”:

Prayer should be constant. It is your duty [and joy] to give yourself to prayer. It is like the fire on the altar – it must never go out day or night. It is like a saint’s breathing. A Christian’s prayer may have an intermission, but never a cessation. There is no duty give to a Christian for his constant attention so much as prayer; pray always, pray constantly, pray without ceasing, pray with perseverance, and pray forevermore.

To pray without ceasing means:

1. To be in a praying frame all the time. The soldier always has his weapon ready, though he is not always at battle. Your heart should always be in tune so you can make heavenly music. The believer’s spirit is like fire upon the hearth; though it is not blazing, it is ready upon any opportunity to be blown up into a flame.

2. No important business is undertaken without prayer. You are God’s servant, and must ask permission in all that you do. When you rise up or lie down, when you go out or come in, prayer is with you. The world’s poison can be expelled with this antidote.

3. Set a regular time aside every day for prayer. The Christian has his set meals for his soul every day, as well as for his body. With the marigold, he opens himself in the morning for the sweet dew’s of heaven’s grace and blessing. At night he finds the opportunity to conserve, as a lover, though hindered during the day by business.

4. Prayer is the key of the morning to open the door of mercy, and prayer is the bolt at night to secure him in safety. He that prays continually will lift up his supplication to God even during the day. Prayer has its internal arrows and apostrophes, which it shoots heavenward during the course of the day. Some seasons for prayer should never be slighted – when the Spirit of God stirs within us to come, we should make haste to come to God in prayer. (Adapted from VOICES FROM THE PAST – Banner of Truth)

I want to be a man who prays continually throughout the day. I am not there yet, but I am working on it. Will you join me on the journey? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 20; Ezekiel 14-15; James 2

Dig This Quote: God is often disappointed that we are so busy doing things for Him, that we have no time to talk to Him... I have to guard against being so busy for God that I have no time for God Himself; and God created man for His glory...What is the ideal of human life? That he may enter into the secrets of God, and be the friend of God; and if God's friends never visit Him, never talk to Him, even though they are busily occupied in His work, they are robbing Him. G. Campbell Morgan

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: Prayer is not some mystic reasoning after the unknown; it is response to the God who speaks in Scripture, the God who personally acts in the lives of His people. – Iain H. Murray

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Well-Thought Out Gospel

A Well Thought-out Gospel

“As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead.”
                                    -Acts 17:2-3a

I jumped in the church van this morning to pick up pumpkins for a hayride event we’re doing this Saturday at the church. I didn’t feel like listening to the radio, so I brought along some dusty cassette taped messages from Dr. J. P. Moreland. The title of the first tape was “The Menace of Mindless Christianity.” So I pushed it in to the deck and shifted the van into gear.

Dr. Moreland had many insightful things to say, but there was one particular point that stuck out in my mind. After making the case that, as a whole, Christians don’t value the life of the mind like they should; he explained how this problem has severely hampered our ability to win souls for Christ. I shifted in my seat. He had my attention.

He went on to argue that we have traded in the Gospel as a body of  truth that stands the test of reason (and therefore must be dealt with), for a lesser gospel that is presented merely as a means of solving life’s problems. It sounds like something you would find in the self-help section of Barnes and Nobel. We tell people, “Is your life a mess? Do you have problems in your marriage, finances, parenting or work? Come to Jesus and he will straighten you out.” That’s fine for people at the end of their rope, but for the majority of American’s life seems to be going along well enough without Jesus as life-coach.

Is this the approach of the greatest missionary of all time? Over and over again in the New Testament the Apostle Paul used careful and patiently presented persuasive language to confront the thinking errors of those he met. He studied the ways of the people he was trying to reach and he was familiar with their favorite poets and philosophers (Acts 17:16-34). He was able to answer the questions that seekers presented him and many came to Christ.

Did he use personal experience? Absolutely. He had a powerful testimony like many who have come through the Colony of Mercy. I would encourage anyone who has experienced the power and deliverance of God in their life to weave it into their testimony. But, don’t forget to study! Be knowledgeable about how the message of the Gospel answers the burning questions of our time. -- Welcome Pastor Jason Walsh to the team of Freedom Fighter contributors. Pastor Jason serves as Youth Pastor at Whiting Bible Church

Digging Deeper – Proverbs 19: Ezekiel 11-13; James 1

Dig This Quote – “Jesus claimed to come in fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies about who the Christ would be, where he would be born, how he would die. Have you ever looked into it? This kind of apologetic enquiry is as important to the Christian trying to understand his or her faith as it is to the non-Christian, who is honestly moved to examine these kinds of issues.” -Michael Ramsden, Beyond Opinion, p141. Ravi Zacharias, ed.  
Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying:  The great secret of a right waiting upon God is to be brought down to utter importance. Andrew Murray

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Eternal Goal

The Eternal Goal

By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing . . . I will bless you . . . —Genesis 22:16-17

Devotional writer, Oswald Chambers, has been speaking to my heart for years. I have been reading his daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, since 1996. Over and over God has used him to speak to my heart. This is a powerful word for us today:

Abraham, at this point, has reached where he is in touch with the very nature of God. He now understands the reality of God.

My goal is God Himself . . .
At any cost, dear Lord, by any road.

“At any cost . . . by any road” means submitting to God’s way of bringing us to the goal.
There is no possibility of questioning God when He speaks, if He speaks to His own nature in me. Prompt obedience is the only result. When Jesus says, “Come,” I simply come; when He says, “Let go,” I let go; when He says, “Trust God in this matter,” I trust. This work of obedience is the evidence that the nature of God is in me.
God’s revelation of Himself to me is influenced by my character, not by God’s character.

’Tis because I am ordinary,
Thy ways so often look ordinary to me.

It is through the discipline of obedience that I get to the place where Abraham was and I see who God is. God will never be real to me until I come face to face with Him in Jesus Christ. Then I will know and can boldly proclaim, “In all the world, my God, there is none but Thee, there is none but Thee.”

The promises of God are of no value to us until, through obedience, we come to understand the nature of God. We may read some things in the Bible every day for a year and they may mean nothing to us. Then, because we have been obedient to God in some small detail, we suddenly see what God means and His nature is instantly opened up to us. “All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen . . .” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Our “Yes” must be born of obedience; when by obedience we ratify a promise of God by saying, “Amen,” or, “So be it.” That promise becomes ours.

Brothers, is there an area of YOUR life where you need to obey? Can you say today, “My goal is HIMSELF, at any cost, dear Lord, by any road?” Take a few minutes and think it through. The purpose to obey! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: Slowly, slowly, if we plug ourselves into the socket of God's way, God's truth and God's life, we will begin to see God's plan for our lives and for the world. If we are attentive to God, and make ourselves present to him, we will begin to know what to pray for in our intercessory prayer. As we begin to plug ourselves into God, we will start to ask for the right things, and our prayers will start to be answered. As Jesus says in the Gospel, "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it." But to ask for anything in Jesus's name means we must first be plugged into God's way, his truth and his life. Benjamin J King

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not the definition of helplessness, but the feeling of it. Hannah Moore

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



“ … because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:3-4

Are you a quitter or do you forge ahead despite the challenges you face in life? Here are just a few examples of men who didn’t run away from their defeats, failures and frustrations:

Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by twenty-three publishers. When he finally found a publisher, his first book alone sold six million copies.

During their first year of business, Coca-Cola only sold four hundred Cokes!

In his first three years in the automobile business, Henry Ford went bankrupt twice.

After years of unsuccessful experiments, imprisonment for debt, and ridicule from family and friends, Charles Goodyear finally developed a type of rubber that would not be affected by temperature extremes.

Abraham Lincoln failed at most of his attempts in business and politics.

John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress during a long stay in prison.

Moses experienced forty years in the desert before he led God’s people out of Egypt.

David ran for his life for years before finally becoming king of Israel.

The apostle Paul had enough scars to make any man want to quit. (adapted from The Power of Desperation – Michael Catt/Broadman Holman)

Often times God uses setbacks, disappointments, discouragements and failure as His school to drive us deeper into Him. He will sometime allow this situations to develop in us the character quality of perseverance. We can either try and skip this class, or allow Him to use it in our lives for His glory.

Maybe you are there today? What does God want to teach you right now? Rather than run from it, embrace it and allow God to use it for His glory and your good. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: "When we reach out to celebrate and appreciate others, we will always receive more than we give." ~Barbara Glanz

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: We talk about heaven being so far away. It is within speaking distance to those who belong there. D. L. Moody

Determined Praying: We talk about heaven being so far away. It is within speaking distance to those who belong there. D. L. Moody

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

God will not command us to do what we cannot do.
            He promises us that He will see us through,
So how can we learn that we can rejoice?
            His command takes away our chance for choice.

We can rejoice for a little while if we try,
            We can let some problem go by,
But sooner or later the time will run out
            And we will give up and begin to pout.

If we try, with all of our might,
            We can somehow make it through a night,
But as sure as there arises the morning sun
            Our great rejoice is suddenly done.

To always rejoice, we must remain “in the Lord.”
            We need to focus on God’s Word.
Remember that “weeping may endure for a night”  (Psalm 30:5)
            But Joy comes with the morning light.

All of our “problems” will come and go
            So don’t let them hurt you so.
It may appear that they will last a while
            But like all the storms of life, just smile,

For they will pass like a summer shower.
            (Now it rarely rains for even one hour)
But when it is over you will see once more
            That our land is better than it was before.               

Move out from under life’s circumstances.
            While you may not feel like doing dances
You’ll find that the moments of each day
            Will help you to rejoice along life’s way.

And joy will be yours if you only do
            What this song bids you to
Put Jesus First for His will is best
            Put Others second then you’ll be blest

If you take care to put yourself last
            All of your problems will soon be past
And you will suddenly find that rejoicing is your desire
            And the Joy you find will be from heaven’s fire.

“So, fix your eyes on Jesus
            He’s coming back some day
Just look up and cheer up
            For that’s the only way!”              

Hebrews 12:2 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Dr. Van served this summer as Campus Pastor and is a dear friend of the ministry of America’s Keswick.

Dig This Quote:
As every lord giveth a certain livery (uniform) to his servants, charity is the very livery of Christ. Our Saviour, who is the Lord above all lords, would have his servants known by their badge, which is love. Latimer

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: For what is prayer in the last analysis? It is a conscious spreading out of my helplessness before God. – Al Martin

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rejoice When I Am Sad

Rejoicing When We Are Sad

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice part 2

How do we rejoice when we have reason to be so very sad? Did not Jesus spend all night in prayer at times because His heart was so heavy. Yes! But that was between Jesus and His Father. It was not for the public to see.

When I first read Matthew 6:6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” I thought that Jesus was asking us to be hypocritical. That we should pretend to be what we are not. I wondered why anyone would go in a closet to pray with all of the mothballs my mother had there.

Why should we wash our face and comb our hair and hide our hurts? Unhappy faces seem to attract unhappy faces, while happy faces attract happy faces. We must live in the three words, in the Lord, instead of in the world. When we think of what God has done for us and what God will yet do for us we can never be sad. Let the world live “under the circumstances” while we live above the circumstances where God dwells.

 If we abide in Him and dwell on Him and His promises we can only know joy, real joy. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Learn to “Speak the truth in advance” that is faith. – Dr. Van is a friend of the ministry of America’s Keswick and served this summer as campus Pastor

Dig This Quote: If you don't make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you.
Eli E. Stanley Jones

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-16; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: If you have never had any difficulty in prayer, it is absolutely certain that you have never prayed. – D. Martyn Llyod-Jones