Saturday, November 20, 2010

Praying at All Times

Praying at All Times

Praying at all times in the Spirit. Ephesians 6:18

I am still learning much about prayer. Prayer is such an incredible privilege give to us by our Father in heaven. Yet so few of us grasp the fact that we can be praying throughout the day and be in constant communication with the Father.

Puritan preacher, George Swinnock shares insight into “praying at all times in the Spirit”:

Prayer should be constant. It is your duty [and joy] to give yourself to prayer. It is like the fire on the altar – it must never go out day or night. It is like a saint’s breathing. A Christian’s prayer may have an intermission, but never a cessation. There is no duty give to a Christian for his constant attention so much as prayer; pray always, pray constantly, pray without ceasing, pray with perseverance, and pray forevermore.

To pray without ceasing means:

1. To be in a praying frame all the time. The soldier always has his weapon ready, though he is not always at battle. Your heart should always be in tune so you can make heavenly music. The believer’s spirit is like fire upon the hearth; though it is not blazing, it is ready upon any opportunity to be blown up into a flame.

2. No important business is undertaken without prayer. You are God’s servant, and must ask permission in all that you do. When you rise up or lie down, when you go out or come in, prayer is with you. The world’s poison can be expelled with this antidote.

3. Set a regular time aside every day for prayer. The Christian has his set meals for his soul every day, as well as for his body. With the marigold, he opens himself in the morning for the sweet dew’s of heaven’s grace and blessing. At night he finds the opportunity to conserve, as a lover, though hindered during the day by business.

4. Prayer is the key of the morning to open the door of mercy, and prayer is the bolt at night to secure him in safety. He that prays continually will lift up his supplication to God even during the day. Prayer has its internal arrows and apostrophes, which it shoots heavenward during the course of the day. Some seasons for prayer should never be slighted – when the Spirit of God stirs within us to come, we should make haste to come to God in prayer. (Adapted from VOICES FROM THE PAST – Banner of Truth)

I want to be a man who prays continually throughout the day. I am not there yet, but I am working on it. Will you join me on the journey? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 20; Ezekiel 14-15; James 2

Dig This Quote: God is often disappointed that we are so busy doing things for Him, that we have no time to talk to Him... I have to guard against being so busy for God that I have no time for God Himself; and God created man for His glory...What is the ideal of human life? That he may enter into the secrets of God, and be the friend of God; and if God's friends never visit Him, never talk to Him, even though they are busily occupied in His work, they are robbing Him. G. Campbell Morgan

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: Prayer is not some mystic reasoning after the unknown; it is response to the God who speaks in Scripture, the God who personally acts in the lives of His people. – Iain H. Murray

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