Sunday, November 21, 2010

Worshipping God

Worshipping God

“Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. 1 Chronicles 16:29
Dr. Jerry Bridges, popular author and speaker who served with The Navigators, provides some practical insight to help us prepare our hearts for the Lord’s Day:

An essential part of our practice of devotion to God is worship. By worship I mean the specific act of ascribing glory to God the glory, majesty, honor, and worthiness which are His. Revelation 4:8-11 and 5:9-14 give us clear illustrations of the worship that goes on in heaven and should be emulated by us on earth.

I almost always begin my daily quiet time with a period of worship. Before beginning my Bible reading for the day, I take a few minutes to reflect upon one of the attributes of God or meditate upon a passage about His majesty and holiness, and then ascribe to Him the glory and honor due to Him.
I find it helpful to assume a kneeling position as a physical acknowledgement of my reverence, awe, and adoration of God. Worship is a matter of the heart, not of one’s physical position; nevertheless, the Scriptures do frequently portray bowing the knee as a sign of homage and adoration.

David said, “In reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.” (Psalm 5:7 NIV). The write of Psalm 95 said, “Come, let us worship and bow down in worship, let is kneel before the Lord our Maker (vs. 6 NIV). And we know that one day every knee shall bow before Jesus as a sign of homage to His Lordship (Philippians 2:10).

Obviously, it’s not always possible to bow before God in our times of worship. God understands this and surely allows for it. But when we can do so, I strongly recommend bowing before God, not only as a sign of reverence to Him but also for what it does I helping us prepare our minds to worship God in a manner acceptable to Him.

I often wondered what might happen in our worship services if instead of just standing in worship, we had the freedom to be biblical and get on our knees and bow down. Hmmm … I’ll leave it right there. “Come, let us worship and bow down!” Take some time to prepare your heart for worshipping Him corporately tomorrow. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper:  Proverbs 21; Ezekiel 16-17; James 3

Dig This Quote: Satan is allergic to praise. So where there is massive, triumphant praise, Satan is paralyzed, bound and banished.Paul E. Billheimer

Determined Praying: Level 1: John 14:6; Level 2: Matthew 5:10-16

Determined Praying:  Correction: Friday’s quote should have read: The great secret of a right waiting on God is be brought down to utter impotence. – Andrew Murray

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