Monday, November 29, 2010

How Does Nothing Explode?

How Does Nothing Explode?

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”  Romans 1:18-20 (ESV)

Just recently I had attended a creation seminar at The Pilgrim Academy in Galloway Township, NJ. This presentation was led by James L. Gardener of Canopy Ministries. This is the second year I’ve attended and I’ll tell you that I fully enjoy going to it. Not only is the fellowship with other members of other churches a superb by-product but it is the information I get from going that is of greatest benefit. I come away from that seminar with a good feeling that God has placed me on the right path in my quest to understanding His truth and it is for me to remain obedient in its direction. And when I say His truth that means my understanding has to start “In the beginning” and then encompass the whole systematic way to defend His truth in the court of a fallen world.

One of the subjects that Mr. Gardener covered was that of aliens visiting our planet from another world. I just happen to be watching a series on the History channel titled “Ancient Aliens”. This show is doing a great job of debunking the notion that we evolved from apes. That’s right my Brothers we are no longer part of the King Kong lineage. We are no longer burdened with the ugly argument that somewhere along the monkey DNA trail we lost our tails and now walk upright. We are now related to Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes!! Where did I put that Uranium P-32 Space Modulator? Maybe we can find it the Book of Ezekiel?

One of the theories that “Ancient Aliens” looks at is the in the first chapter of Ezekiel where they say we have a description of an UFO sighting. Based on all the smoke, loud noise and fire what else could it be? Well Mr. Gardener reminded us that our adversary, Satan who was once Lucifer, has no problem disguising himself as an angel of light. And further more if we know our history about the war that went on in Heaven, one third of the angels fell with Lucifer during his rebellion. I believe that one of those angels is…Marvin the Martian. After all if we know our Looney Tunes he has been trying to blow up the earth for decades.

I think it is those fallen angels that are pulling our leg because they know there was no provision made for them in the new earth so they have been masquerading as these ancient aliens. I am making light of this because we are living in a world that cannot face the Truth. It would rather have all of us put our faith into an unproven theory than face the Truth. I have also recently watched “Expelled” and it is an eye opening movie. Folks in the scientific field are being black listed simply for mentioning that there may be an intelligent design to our universe. And in this movie there is not much mentioning of God either but there are some outrageous arguments against Him.

In the Book of John we see there is a bigger debate over truth. In the Praetorium Pilate has come face to face with the Truth Himself and He has finished His reply to the Pilate’s question “So you are a king?” by saying “Everyone that is of the Truth hear my voice.” This has vexed Pilate who can only look at Jesus and ask “What is truth?” 72% of Americans don’t believe in an absolute truth and out of that number 65% of them pray to some sort of god either they be a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jew and yes even Christians. Are we becoming like frogs in a pot? First they would have us swim around in “It’s just a theory” like lukewarm water but as time goes by they slowly turn up the heat until we are cooked? If we allow ourselves to buy into these new ideas on our beginnings then we too will know how nothing explodes. Arm yourselves Brothers. Get to understand His truths. – Chris Hughes is a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter and is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

Dig This Quote: “Concerning the topic of origins, one may often discern whether Scripture or the opinion of men is being used as the ultimate standard for truth. The remark, “Science says,” is a tip-off that man’s opinion is the test of truth rather than Scripture. When the term “Science says” is used, it is almost a certainty that “science” is being equated with naturalism. On the other hand, when someone says, “Scripture says,” it is probable that the person is using the Creator’s word as standard for truth.”
The Puzzle of Ancient Man  Donald E. Chittick

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 14:27; Level 2: Matthew 6:25-29

Determined Praying: To pray is to expose the shores of the mind to the incoming tide of God. – Ralph W. Stockman

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