Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Courageous -- The Resolution Part 2

Courageous – The Resolution  (Part 2)

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Yesterday I shared six of the 12 “I WILL” statements from the book, The Resolution (Broadman and Holman) based on the movie COURAGEOUS. Here are six additional resolutions:

7. I WILL pray for others and treat them with kindness, respect, and compassion.

8. I WILL work diligently to provide for the needs of my family.

9. I WILL forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.

10. I WILL learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God.

11. I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church, obey His Word, and do His will.

12. I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill His resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.

Just think of what could take place if we each started to apply these 12 “I WILL” resolutions. It starts with you and me! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1-3; Psalm 127; Proverbs 7

Compass Pointers: “While in the Old Testament  the mediating roles of prophet, priest and king were fulfilled by separate individuals, all three offices now coalesce in the One Person of Jesus.  It is His glory given Him by the Father, to be in this way the all sufficient Savior.  We who believe are called to understand this and to show ourselves His people by obeying Him as our King, trusting Him as our Priest and learning from Him as our Prophet and Teacher.  To center on Jesus Christ in this way is the hallmark of authentic Christianity.” J.I. Packer,  Concise Theology

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 17:3; Level 2: John 17:1-5

Anchored to the Rock: I can take my telescope and look millions of miles into space, but I can lay it aside and go into my room, shut the door, get down on my knees in earnest prayer, and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth.” Sir Isaac Newton

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