Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nothing the Blood Cannot Cover

Nothing the Blood Cannot Cover

“The blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from ALL sin.” 1 John 1:7b (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
I came across this poem many years ago about the blood of Christ and its power:

There is NOTHING the Blood cannot cover,
Tho’ sin is as black as can be.
Your heart may be darker than midnight,
But grace is ABOUNDING for thee.
Your life may be cursed by its shadow,
And hope has all vanished from view,
But there’s NOTHING the Blood cannot cover,
Since JESUS as shed it for YOU.

There is NOTHING the Blood cannot cover,
Since JESUS has died for us all.
No nation or tongue is excluded,
For all are condemned by the Fall.
On Calvary He cried, “It is finished;
Forgive them, Father, I pray.”
There is NOTHING, the Blood cannot cover,
That was not atoned for that day.

Come now to the fountain of cleansing,
Plunge deep in its life-giving flow,
His mercy and grace are sufficient,
His pardon He longs to bestow.
Say not, “I am too vile and unworthy,”
That fact will not sinners debar,
For there’s NOTHING the Blood cannot cover.

If you’ll come to HIM just as you are.
So come while HIS love and HIS mercy
Is freely extended to you.
Be wise to your need of salvation,
And do what you know YOU should do.
Heed now His sweet call to repentance,
And walk in the Blood-sprinkled way,
For there’s NOTHING the Blood cannot cover,
If you will but trust HIM today.  F. E. Robinson

Take some time to thank Him for HIS BLOOD that was shed for YOU. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Chronicles 6; Psalm 102; Proverbs 20

Compass Pointers: Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God mighty to save, but the Son of man able to feel. J. C. Ryle
Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 16:1; Level 2: Proverbs 16:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer at its best is the expression of the total life, for all things else being equal, our prayers are only as powerful as our lives. A. W. Tozer

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