Thursday, April 21, 2011



“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and His disciples followed Him. Luke 22:39
I want to share to hymn texts to a wonderful hymn that is hardly ever sung. It isn’t in most hymnals, but the text is so rich. My Pastor growing up, Pastor Van, would have us sing this every year around Easter.

The first text was written by William Tappan and sent to music by Willam B. Bradbury:
“Tis Midnight, and on Olive’s Brow

‘Tis midnight and on Olive’s brow
The star is dimmed that lately shone.
‘Tis midnight in the garden now --
The suffering Savior prays alone.

‘Tis midnight, and from all removed,
The Savior wrestles lone with fears;
E’en that disciple whom He loved
Heeds not his Master’s grief and tears.

‘Tis midnight, and for other’s guilt
The Man of Sorrows weeps in blood;
Yet He that has in anguish knelt,
Is not forsaken by His God.

‘Tis midnight, and from heaven’s plains
Is born the song that angels know;
Unheard by mortals are the strains
That sweetly soothe the Savior’s woe.

The great preacher, Charles Wesley, took this tune and penned this text:

‘Tis finished! The Messiah dies,
Cut off for sins, but not His own.
Accomplished is the sacrifice,
The great redeeming work is done!

The veil is rent; in Christ alone
The living way to heaven is seen;
The middle wall is broken down,
And all the world may enter in.

‘Tis finished! All my guilt and pain,
I want no sacrifice beside;
For me, for me the Lamb is slain;
‘Tis finished! I am justified.

The reign of sin and death is o’er,
And all may live from sin set free.
Satan has lost his mortal pow’r;
‘Tis swallowed up in victory!

As we think of these hours before Good Friday, contemplate again these powerful texts. Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Chronicles 7-10; Psalm 103; Proverbs 21

Compass Pointers: Human character and destiny are revealed by contact with Jesus Christ. Men are not saved or lost merely by moral character, but by their attitude toward the Son of God. As of old, He hung on Calvary between two men that represented at once both heave, and hell, so still it is true that the cross of Jesus is the dividing line between lost and saved men. A. B. Simpson

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 16:1; Level 2: Proverbs 16:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: Every prayer should begin with the confession that our lips are unclean! – Friedrich Tholuck

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