Monday, April 11, 2011

Bulldogs in the Spirit

Bulldogs in the Spirit

“The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers that the righteous is taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness.”  Isaiah 57:1-2 (NKJV)

On March 18th of this year my Aunt Patricia passed away suddenly. She was my father’s sister and after my grandmother died she had taken over the matriarchal duties of the family. I remember while growing up being at her and her husband’s, Uncle George, house for the “whatever and anytime” occasions. Those times really drew a crowd. My father’s side of the family is sorta large and I have about 29 cousins, give or take. Uncle George and Aunt Patricia had adopted a child and gave him the name George. Young George died in a car crash some time ago. I was knee deep in my addiction so I don’t even remember the whole story. After his passing life changed for us cousins as we grew up and grew apart.

As my immediate family were sitting (way in the back) in a Catholic church during Aunt Patricia’s viewing and funeral I noticed my cousin, Shaun, even further in the back. I decided to stray on back and tell him that we were the ones really in the back and he needed to change his seat. He did and I found him sitting right next to me. As the service began some of what goes on in a Catholic Church came back to my mind, as it did with Shaun. But at one point everyone else seemed to forget how to, stand, sit and kneel during the service…except for Shaun and I. He leaned over and said, “What did everyone else forget how to do this?” I responded that I really hadn’t but my path has changed and I don’t need to worship in this way anymore.

On March 31st of this year a dear sister in Christ, Barbara Sanders, passed away (it seemed) suddenly. She was the wife of Pastor George Sanders, who is the Pastor for Babcock Community Church. They also were co-workers in the Addictions Victorious ministry. I will always remember her for having and showing the fruits of the Spirit during some of the toughest A.V. meetings that went on at their church. The meetings that went in that church drew quite a crowd. They were making sure everyone that came there understood that Jesus wanted to adopt them into His family. I called it the “Happiest Church in Mays Landing, NJ.” And after the meetings stopped and the church had to close its doors (for a season), I had found that I had formed friendships with some mighty people of God.

As I sat in the back of Shore Fellowship Church (Egg Harbor Township, NJ), where her Celebration service was, I couldn’t help to notice how the family of Christ rejoiced. Everyone there knew how this worship service was going to go. Barbara was an excellent worship leader (able to play the piano and violin) and the first half hour of her service was just plain singing. That got louder and louder as the songs she loved were being sung by the praise and worship band, her immediate family and us, the extended family of Christ that were privileged to be blessed in knowing her. As Pastor Ray Shannon (Good News Family Worship Center in Barrington, NJ) and his wife, Carol, shared a message with us a new phrase came up. Carol had called Barbara a “Bulldog in the Spirit”. And I thought to myself what a neat thing to be remembered for. Then I wondered, “Why Not?! Why not be remembered for being a “Bulldog in the Spirit” in these troubled times. Why not?!”

You know, it isn’t in the way we perform, in a church, in front of our family, during those kind of services that are meant to just bury the dead. It is in the rejoicing of Him who holds this all together during these kinds of services and how He allowed those who passed to leave their positive imprint in our lives. I hope that my Aunt Patricia knew Jesus before she left this earth. She was the “Wal-mart” of family memories and happenings. I know that Barbara Sanders did just by the way God’s family worshipped Him as we prayed that she was leaning over His balcony to listen to all of us sing,

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty.
Who was, and is, and is to come.
With all creation I sing,
Praise to the King of Kings.
You are my everything.
And I will adore you!!”
     ---The Revelation Song sung by Kari Jobe---
Yep…Bulldogs in the Spirit. Thanking God for you, Pastor Ray and Carol Shannon, for giving me a new catch phrase.

Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder
At the mention of your name
Jesus your name is power
Breath, and living water
Such a marvelous mystery
Yeah...”– Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular contributor to Freedom Fighter
An interesting follow-up to Chris’ story today. Ray and Carol Shannon are related to my family. Carol is one of 19 kids and is a second cousin. God brought our paths together several years ago, and we praise God that they are serving together in ministry. (BW)
GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Samuel 13-14; Psalm 93; Proverbs 11
Compass Pointers: As the self is cleansed of its false attachments, the Holy Spirit will set up shop. We will lose our old ways, but gain something new - the fruits of the Spirit such as joy, peace and patience. God will have begun to do serious work through us. Glen Argan
Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 15:1; Level 2: Proverbs 15:29-33
Anchored to the Rock: Neglect prayer. Neglect God. – O. Hallesby

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