Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tools for Your Quiet Time (Part 1)

Tools for Your Quiet Time (Part 1)

“Teach me, Lord, the meaning of Your statutes, and I will always keep them. Help me understand Your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all of my heart. Help me stay on the path of Your commands, for I take pleasure in it.” Psalm 119:33-35

I am often asked about what I do when I have my personal quiet time with the Lord. I want to share today and tomorrow some of the tools that I have used and will be using in 2011 when I get together with the Lord each morning.

Daily Light on the Daily Path – I have been using this powerful little tool since 1999. It is the one tool that I use most consistently. Each day there are morning and evening readings. I read both since they are very short. For each day all you have is Scripture – no commentary. I have been amazed at how many times the verses are right on for what I need for that particular day. I put dates and even some comments in the margins, and it is fun to see how year after year certain events, situations, people issues have surfaced at just the same time. Some of my struggles/temptations I have found are cyclical. This tool is available in KJV/NKJV/NASB/ESV. The link I gave you is for the leather bound version from Amazon.

Checque Book of the Bank of Faith – I ordered this one and already have started it. It is a simple devotional written by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, writings taken from his work, God’s Checkbook. I love it. It is also in leather and fits in your pocket or brief case.

His Battle – God’s Plan for Victory – is a undated devotional that has been such a blessing in my life this past year. Each day you have a verse, and then a prayer written on a topic related to walking in victory. I have been amazed at how timely each day has been for me.

The Pursuit of God – The Pursuit of Man – Devotional Readings – This book is currently out-of-stock from Amazon, and I didn’t check CBD. It is a collection of devotionals written by A. W. Tozer. My copy is so marked up. This also is a pocket leather-bound book, and worth every penny.

Morning and Evening  is written by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Very practical and insightful. I read both morning and evening at once. Great stuff.

My Utmost for His Highest – I have been using this tool since 1996. I have often joked that I have a love-hate relationship with Mr. Chambers. He is so right on some days I want to scream! God has used this devotional so many times to whack me on the side of the head.

I will share this again tomorrow, but I also take a few minutes at the end of my quiet time to journal what God has been teaching me. Some days I write a paragraph. Some days I write more – and those are the thots you get from  me for Freedom Fighters.

I trust you will make it a determined goal in 2011 to spend time with the Lord each day. Not because you HAVE to, but because you WANT to. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: The incarnation was a necessary means to an end, and the end was putting away of the sin of the world by offing of the body of Christ. – Thomas Hewitt

Determined Digging: Level 1: Acts 1:8; Level 2: John 1:1-7

Determined Praying: God may turn his ears from prattling prayers, or preaching prayers, but never from penitent prayers. – William S. Plumer

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