Friday, December 24, 2010

Tools For Your Quiet Time (Part 2)

Tools for Your Quiet Time (Part 2)

“I will meditate on Your precepts and think about Your ways. I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.” Psalm 119:15-16

Do you struggle with having a consistent time alone with the Lord each day? Are you ever late for work? Do you ever miss a dental or doctor appointment? Are you ever late or miss a scheduled racquet ball or golf game?

There is an old saying, “We do want we want to do.” And that is so true if we are really honest with ourselves. If you really want to have a daily time with God, you have to treat it with importance.

Dr. Ron Blue, professor at Dallas Seminary and popular Keswick speaker, says we should put our appointment with God in our Daytimer and then treat it like any other appointment that we cannot miss! Good advice. Has worked for me for years!

It’s not to late to get started. Here are some additional tools I can recommend to you:

Daily with the King – Glynn Evans – I started using this before I ever had My Utmost for His Highest. My copy is so marked up with highlights and notes. Dr. Evans was a teacher at Wheaton, and a classmate of Pastor Bill Raws. Very practical and powerful insights for daily Christian living.

Holiness – Jerry Bridges – Powerful devotional thoughts on how to live holy in an unholy world. Jerry Bridges served with the Navigators for many years. I have really enjoyed using his devotional this year.

Streams in the Desert – L. B. Cowman – I have been using this devotional since I was a kid. My mom would read out of this devotional before my brother and I went to school each day. It has become a valuable treasure in my devotional life. Make sure you get the updated version by Jim Reimann.

The J. I. Packer Classic Collection – I just received this several weeks ago and I love it. J. I. Packer is the author of KNOWING GOD, and his insights are really powerful. I know I am going to enjoy this tool in 2011.

Voices From the Past – Puritan Devotional Readings – I purchased this in June and has become a cherished volume in my devotional library. This is a must use tool. It has really spoken to my heart. I highly recommend this devotional.

Now if you order from Amazon today, you might even get your books right after Christmas. Tip: Don’t wait until January 1 to get started. Start right now. Today. And I would love to hear what tools you use in your daily time with the Lord. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty founder was a child himself. Charles Dickens

Determined Digging: Level 1: Acts 1:8; Level 2: John 1:1-7

Determined Praying: A saint is to put forth his faith in prayer, and after-wards follow his prayer with faith. – Vavasor Powell

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