Sunday, November 07, 2010

O Let You Soul Now Be Filled With Gladness

O Let Your Soul Now Be Filled With Gladness

"Therefore God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness ..." Hebrews 1:9

Today many churches will celebrate the Lord's Table and remember again all that Christ did for us on the Cross. I read the words of this amazing hymn and share it with you as a way to prepare your hearts for celebrating together:

O let your soul now be filled with gladness,
Your hear redeemed, rejoice indeed!
O may the thought banish all your sadness

That in His blood you have been freed,
That God's unfailing love is yours,
That you the only Son were given,
That by His death He has opened heaven,
That you are ransomed as you are.

If you seem empty of any feeling,
Rejoice you are His ransomed bride!

If those you cherish seem not to love you,
And dark assails from every side,
Still yours the promise, come what may,
In loss and triumph, in laughter, crying,
In want and riches, in living, dying,
That you are purchased as you are!

It is a good, every good transcending,
That Christ died for you and me!
It is a gladness that has not ending
Therefore in God's wondrous love to see!
Praise be to Him, the spotless Lamb,
Who through the desert my soul is leading
To that fair city exceeding,
For which He brought me as I am.

As you gather together to celebrate the Lord's Table, I pray that your soul will be filled with gladness, brothers! You are redeemed! Hallelujah, praise the Lamb! -- Bill Welte is President of America's Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 7; Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrews 4

Dig This Quote: When I think of those who have influenced my life the most, I think not of the great but of the good. John Knox 

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: He prays well who is so absorbed with God that he does not know he us praying. Francois de Sales

MEN'S FELLOWSHIP NIGHT: Hey guys -- why not join me this week for our November Men's Fellowship Night with Pastor Tim Shorey. Pastor Tim is the Senior Pastor at Trinity Sovereign Grace, Toms River. Thursday, November 11th. Dinner starts at 6:15 PM followed by a time of worship, testimony and fun in the Activity Center. Come and bring a friend. Call today for reservations: 732-350-1187

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