Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Faces We Wear

Don't forget to turn back your clocks tonight!!!

The Faces We Wear

"Thus says the Lord, 'Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man  boast of his riches.'" Jeremiah 9:23

I have often joked that for some of us, our face communicates more than our words. Leading worship and speaking for years is an interesting thing. When you look out at some folks during their times of worshiping the Lord, their faces sure don't communicate their love for the Lord or the joy that He has place in their hearts. I realize that we judge from the outward appearance and God sees the heart -- but listen to what devotional writer, Glynn Evans shares today for Daily with the King (Moody Press):

Lord, what kind of face am I wearing right now? Help me to realize that whatever kind it is, that's what You are reflecting back to me. Teach me carefully what David meant when he said, "With the merciful, merciful, You are merciful, With the perfect, You are perfect, With the pure, you are pure, and with the stubborn, You are stubborn. (Psalm 18:25-26 -- the author's translation).

My face determines You, Lord, just as a child's face determines the mother or father. When the child has hurt himself and turns a piteous face toward his mother, instant pity is the result. But when the child grows sullen and rebellious and throws a surly look toward his mother, look out! I see now what C. S. Lewis meant when he was trying to be reconciled to God through Christ and God said to him, "Wipe that look off your face!" God will not be reconciled to surly birds.

How do I see my own face? How do I know what mood I am wearing? I must look continually into the Word of God, the "mirror" that reminds me of what kind of man I am. I am the greatest of fools if I lose contact with my face, if I imagine myself to be one thing while the mirror tells me I am something else.

Lord, not only You, but my friends and neighbors are constantly scanning my face to see what news there is in my heart. Does my face tell them of a Christ who is abundantly able, or do they see a Christ still lying in the tomb? How thrilling it is to realize that Christ's face can be seen in me (2 Corinthians 4:6).

If He is alive in my heart, my face will be alive with His glory; if He rules me inwardly, He will shine from me outwardly. Jesus Christ is my spiritual cosmetic.

My brothers -- what is YOUR face communicating to those around you? What kind of face are you wearing? Maybe its time for a spiritual face lift! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 6; Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrews 3

Dig This Quote: Some people think God does not like to be troubled with our constant asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all. Dwight L Moody

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 11:25-26; Level 2: Matthew 5:1-9

Determined Praying: He who wants anything from God must approach Him with empty hands. -- Robert Cunningham

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