Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Calvary's Anthem

Calvary's Anthem

For the next several days, I want to share a few prayers and hymns to help prepare our hearts for Good Friday.

Here is a powerful prayer written by one of the Puritans and published in THE VALLEY OF VISION (Banner of Truth).

Think through the words as you reflect on what Christ did for YOU on the cross:

Heavenly Father,
You have led me singing to the cross where I fling down all my burdens and see them vanish,
where my mountains of guilt are leveled to a plain,
where my sin disappears, though they are the greatest that exist,
and are more in number than the grains of fine sand.

For there is power in the blood of Calvary
to destroy sins more than can be counted
even by one from the choir of heaven.

You have given me a hill-side spring that washes clear and white,
and I go as a sinner to its waters,
bathing without hindrance is its crystal streams.

At the Cross there is free forgiveness for poor and meek ones,
and ample blessings that last forever;
The blood of the Lamb is like a great river of infinite grace
with never any diminishing of its fullness
as thirsty ones without number drink of it.

O Lord, for ever will Your free forgiveness live
that was gained on the mount of blood;
In the midst of a world of pain
it is a subject for praise in every place,
a song on earth, an anthem in heaven,
its love and virtue knowing no end.

I have a longing for the world above
where multitudes sing the great song,
for my soul was never created to love the dust of the earth.
Though here my spiritual state is frail and poor,
I shall go on singing Calvary's anthem.
May I always know that a clean heart full of goodness

is more beautiful than the lily,
that only a clean heart can sing by night and day,
that such a heart is mine when I abide at Calvary.


Take some time today to meditate on this prayer. Thank HIM for what He did for you at Calvary! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 31; Judges 11-12; Luke 6:1-26

Dig This Quote: He is always thinking about us. We are before His eyes. The Lord’s eye never sleeps, but is always watching out for our welfare. We are continually on his heart. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 91:1; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:1-4

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