Thursday, April 01, 2010

Consider Yourself Dead to Sin

Join us Saturday evening for our Celebration Choir Concert: Known By the Scars. 100-voice choir and congregational praise. 7:00 PM -- Activity Center. Come bring a friend. If you can't join us live, you can watch the concert from our website:

Consider Yourself Dead to Sin

"Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God." Romans 6:11

Tomorrow we remember what Christ did for us on the cross. With that in mind, I thought that the reading from VOICES FROM THE PAST --Puritan Devotional Readings (Banner of Truth) was so appropriate and timely. It was written by the great preacher Thomas Brooks:

We do not stand in our own righteousness, but in the perfect, spotless, and matchless righteousness of the Lord Jesus. Weak hearts are apt to be troubled and discouraged when the look upon the sin that is in them, and the imperfections that attend their best service. Yet in Christ we have all.
Your sins shall never provoke Christ to give you a bill of divorce. They may provoke Him to frown upon you, chide you, correct you, but they will never provoke Christ to give you a bill of divorce. This is a great support that sin shall never separate us from God. It is slain judicially, and it is under the sentence of condemnation. It has been sentenced though not fully put to death. The power of it is much abated, and its dominion and tyranny are overpowered.

The Lord has stripped sin of all its ruling, reigning, domineering, and tyrannizing power. O, Christian, look upon sin as DEAD! It is not to be obeyed, and not to be acknowledged. The Lord Jesus has given sin a mortal wound by His death and Spirit, and by the communication of grace to the soul. Thus sin shall NEVER recover its strength and shall die a lingering death in the souls of the saints. It is like a tree cut at the root with a serious gash, and must die soon. Though for a time it may flourish, it may have leaves and fruit, yet it secretly dies, and will shortly wither and perish.

Christ did not die all at once upon the cross, so the slaying of sin is gradual in the souls of the saints. Christ has given sin such a mortal blow, it will NEVER recover. We may truly say that it is slain. Therefore, cheer up O weak souls, for certainly sin that is thus slain can never provoke Jesus to give you a bill of divorce!
Amen, brothers? As your heart and mind meditate on what Christ suffered on the cross, remember this -- HE DID IT FOR YOU! And He died for our sins! Hallelujah! Consider yourself dead to sin today and alive to God! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Dig This Quote: I can get more out of God by believing Him for one minute than by shouting at Him all night. Smith Wigglesworth
Determined Digging -- Level 1 -- Psalm 91:1; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:1-4

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