Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Inescapable Pattern

An Inescapable Pattern

"The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." -- Psalm 33:10-11

The news these days is really troubling. The economy still remains a major issues, the recent disasters: earthquakes, tsunami's, floods, and then there is the growing concerns with intensified trouble in the Middle East and the fear that either Israel or Iran could push us into a major world war.

I recently read this devotional in HOW GREAT THOU ART (Multnomah) which was a great reminder and brought peace to my heart ...

World events take on a new dimension when viewed in the light of the Person who controls. Out of the confusion and blunders of men emerges an inescapable pattern of divine direction.

First, EVERYTHING FITS INTO A DESIGN. Looking upward and forward, we may say, "For what purpose was this? What good will come from this that will completely justify our present disappointment and grief?" Viewed negatively and judged by our limited insight, the answer is never satisfactory. Viewed positively, however, things tend to fall into place and reveal a marvelous long-range plan.

Second, GOD SEES WHAT MEN DO NOT SEE. Astronauts on a space journey are confined to cramped quarters. Even when they can look out through tiny windows, what they see tells them little about where they are going. They depend upon their instruments and their contact with Mission Control. Only God knows history from the beginning to end. The only logical attitude is to trust His judgment and let Him lead.

Third, GOD GUIDES HIS PEOPLE, NOT ONLY BY THE SPIRIT AND THE WRITTEN WORD, BUT ALSO THROUGH WHAT GOES ON AROUND THEM. Instead of making the best of unfortunate circumstances, He actually CONTROLS circumstances and brings VICTORY out of what men might have intended as defeat.

Fourth, THE LORD IS ALWAYS PRESENT WITH HIS PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY WITH THOSE WHO VENTURE OUT IN OBEDIENCE TO THE GREAT COMMISSION. Following His command, "Go," He says, "I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

God is still in command. He has no need to consult the news media to see what is good news or bad, important or trivial. For Him there are no accidents, no tragedies -- ALL THINGS are under the control of HIS sovereign hand.

That is a good reminder and helps us to interpret what is going on around us. We do not have to fear, fret or worry -- HE IS IN CONTROL! Praise the Lord. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 30; Judges 9-10; Luke 5:17-39

Dig This Quote: When God measures the greatness of an individual, He puts the tape measure around the heart, not the head. – Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 91:1; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:1-4

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