Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Are You Afraid Of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

It seems lately that there are more and more people struggling with fear and anxiety. Many Christians are struggling right now with crippling fears -- fears that are overwhelming. And so many people who are struggling have said, "I am afraid that God no longer loves me because I ___________________.

Well if you are struggling today with the love of God, these words are for YOU. They were written by Brennan Manning in a powerful devotional book, HOW GREAT THOU ART (Multnomah):

The question which the gospel of grace puts to us is simply this: Who shall separate you from the love of Christ? What are YOU afraid of?

Are you afraid that your weakness could separate you from the love of Christ? IT CAN'T!

Are you afraid that you inadequacies could separate you from the love of Christ? THEY CAN'T!

Are you afraid that your inner poverty could separate you from the love of Christ? IT CAN'T.

Difficult marriage, loneliness, anxiety over the children's future? THEY CAN'T.

Negative self image? IT CAN'T!

Economic hardship, racial hatred, street crime, terrorism? THEY CAN'T.

Rejection by loved ones or the suffering of loved ones? THEY CAN'T.

Persecution by authorities, going to jail? THEY CAN'T.

Nuclear war? IT CAN'T!


You must be convinced of this, trust it, and never forget to remember. Everything else will pass away, but the love of Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Faith will become vision, hope will become possession, but the love of Jesus Christ that is stronger than death endures forever! In the end, it is the one thing you can hang onto!

My guess is that some brother needs to be reminded of this truth today! Is it you? I trust God will burn this truth into your heart and life today! HE LOVES YOU! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 27; Numbers 15-16; Mark 6:1-29

Dig This Quote: The enemy’s goal is to make us fail to counteract faith destroyers. He wants to keep us from escaping slavery and plundering him! He creates apathy and passivity, making us dull, unfeeling, barren or inactive. He tempts us to be lazy or fall into indolence, and then he controls us with poverty. He longs to develop in is a mind of exultation that leads is into being conceited and complacent. Our pride then makes is think we know it all (Job 32:13). His ultimate goal is to block heaven, block our spirits and block our creative thinking … We then become anxious, and our thoughts reflect our anxiety. – Chuck D. Pierce

Determined Digging: Are you memorizing God's Word with us? If you would like the full lists, respond to today's Freedom Fighter and I will send you the complete list.

(Level 1) Psalm 28:7 (Level 2) Psalm 37:3-11

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