Friday, February 26, 2010

Never Again Remembered


"I will not remember your sins." Isaiah 43:25

I get accused of having the memory of an elephant -- I remember stuff that people have long forgotten. I can recall funny stories or things that people have done, and years later when I see them, I will remind them of an event or funny thing in their life. They will often remark --"He never forgets."

While most of us are terrified at becoming forgetful ... Let me remind you that God is a forgetter! We tend to remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember.

But when it comes to our sin, because of what Jesus did in paying for our sins with HIS blood, those sins are forgiven and HE REMEMBERS THEM NO MORE!

Listen to Bible teacher Jerry Bridges: Not only has God blotted out our sins, He has further promised never to remember our sins, never to bring them to His mind again.

What an overwhelming thought! What joy this should bring to our hearts. Think of one of your more recent sins, of which you're now ashamed. It may have been an unkind word, a resentful attitude, or a lustful thought. Whatever it might be, God says He has put it out of His mind. HE REMEMBERS IT NO MORE!

To remember no more is God's way of expressing absolute forgiveness. In Hebrews 8:12, God said, "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more! (NIV) And again in Hebrews 10:17-18, He said, "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.' and where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin." (NIV) Note that in both passages "remembering no more" is equated with forgiveness.
Psalm 130:3-4 states that the same truth in a somewhat different way: "If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with You is forgiveness, that you may be feared." Here the Psalmist considered the prospect that God does remember our sins, that He does keep a record of them. If it were true, it would be a terrifying thought. The psalmist said, "Who could stand?" Its a rhetorical question. None of us could successfully stand before God's bar of judgment. But then the psalmist went on to exclaim, "But with You there is forgiveness!"

God does not keep a record of our sins. Instead He forgives. This, of course, anticipates the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, for "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." (Hebrews 9:22) -- from HOLINESS DAY BY DAY -- Transformation Thoughts for Your Spiritual Journey (Navpress)

Some of us end up getting stuck in our Christian walk because we hold onto the sins that are buried, paid for, and remembered no more! Is that true in your life today, my brother? If so -- praise God -- He remembers them no more! No give yourself permission to forget them as well. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 26; Numbers 12-14; Mark 5:21-43

Dig This Quote: The mind, heart, emotions and well-being of the soul are intricately connected. Usually, the enemy’s goal in persecution is not to see us burned at the stake. To persecute actually means to wear down the mind and remove the strength. This disables a person from having the rightly connected thought process for success and prosperity in days of turmoil. One of the ways the enemy wears us down, then, is by causing the complexities of life to overcome our thoughts and emotions. – Chuck D. Pierce

Determined Digging: (Level 1) -- Psalm 28:7; (Level 2) Psalm 37:3-11

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