Thursday, November 19, 2009

Victorious Christian Weaponry Part 2


“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:16-17)

After taking up the whole armor, Paul adds three other weapons.

1. The Shield of Faith. This is the ancient Roman shield that protects the whole body. It has several qualities.

a. It has an unobstructed view of the enemy. It sees clearly the problem. It has no place for denial as to the enemy’s power.

b. It extinguishes the poison in the darts of the enemy.

c. It does not stop the darts from striking us:

i. We can be hurt by what people say and do to us.

ii. We can use the pain to teach and to strengthen.

iii. The poison is when we keep the pain and refuse to forgive.

2. The Helmet of Salvation is worn on the head of God’s Champions

a. It protects the part of the body that controls the body.

i. It is the center of all actions. The helmet controls what we do.

ii. It is the center of all thoughts. We need to “think on these things.”

iii. It is the reservoir of collected thoughts – memory. Memorize Scripture.

3. The Sword of the Spirit is to the only part of the armor for offence.

a. Some use a sword for decoration, they carry a Bible.

b. Some use a sword for identification (rank), they use only one version.

c. Some use a sword only to hurt people, quoting scripture to inflict pain.

d. We should not so use the word of God

i. Swords hack the way through the jungle of ideas.

ii. Swords drive away the enemy.

iii. Swords give comfort to the user and those defended by it.

We need the WHOLE armor of God and we need to use it wisely – for our good and God’s glory.

Here are three weapons we need to use.
May we practice them and not abuse.
To protect us from attack and harm,
Give us Faith to fight fear’s alarm.

The Helmet we need for the unexpected blows,
Not just for attention but so that everyone knows
How safe we are in God’s salvation,
Feeding on God’s daily ration.

The Sword of the Spirit is given for us to use
To help us when our way we loose.
To bring us through each treacherous way,
To keep us safe until life’s final day.

Rev. George Van Sandt is a friend of the ministry.

God's Word for You and Me: Proverbs 19; Ezekiel 11-13; James 1

Great Quote: It is startling to discover how many people there are who heartily dislike and despise Christianity without having the faintest notion what it is. If you tell them, they cannot believe...that anything so interesting, so exciting and so dramatic can be the orthodox creed of the Church. Dorothy Sayer

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