Friday, November 20, 2009

Victorious Christian Weaponry Part 3


“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)
When we have weapons we must know how to use them. When to use them and where to use the. Armies spend many hours in practice for conflict and so should we. Practice on the drill field called PRAYER.

We are to pray:

1. In the Spirit. That means not just in our minds but from deep within
a. Lists are good for organizing but let the Holy Spirit also guide you.
b. Every occasion needs our prayers
2. There are various kinds of prayer
a. Paul separates prayers from request.
b. Here prayer is communion with the Father.
c. Prayer is part of family functions.
3. Prayer as requesting.
a. Direction when needed.
b. Aid when needed.
c. Supplies when needed, etc.
4. Prayer need not be selfish
a. Stay alert. The enemy is near but God is nearer.
b. Include all the saints.
i. Who may not be able to pray.
ii. Who may have needs that we know not.
iii. We all are in the “same boat” and need our Captain’s word.
Here we have not only weapons but also instruction in their use. Every military has a special book that all enlisted personnel must study and memorize. God’s army is no exception.

Oh Captain, each day we report for duty – we do it when we pray.
Help us to always find (when we meet) the strength we need each day.
May we use the time alone to include the needs of others.
Cause us to pray for Your family, our sisters and our brothers.

May we reach beyond our own to those that You do love
To mingle our prayers here below with those from heaven above.
And may we find when all of our praying is done
That our hearts are changed to be more like Your dear Son.

Rev. George Van Sandt is a contributor to Freedom Fighter's and REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE
God's WORD FOR YOU AND ME: Proverbs 20; Ezekiel 14-15; James 2
Great Quote: Life will bring us questions without answers; To live is to encounter silent seasons of the soul, When every prayer will seem to go unanswered - As we face events beyond our understanding or control. Yet in the quiet darkness, Christ is working. His silence in the shadows doesn't mean he doesn't care; A part of faith is trusting without reason, Believing, when he can't be seen or heard, that he's still there...So when answers fail to come, don't be discouraged. Keep leaning on his steadfast love and trusting in his will, For knowing "why" won't really make a difference - But growing close and knowing Jesus will. B. J. Hoff

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