Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Victorious Christian Weaponry Part 1


Today starts a three four part series from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE, our daily devotional. It is written by Pastor George Van Sandt, who was my pastor growing up, and remains a dear friend and adopted Dad.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:13)

Paul’s admonition for the warfare is “Put on the whole armor of God.” Here is what we can learn:

1. If we are to put it on then we must, at least from time to time, have taken it off. One need not wear the armor day and night but we must wear it when the enemy is engaged.

2. The first item he mentions is the belt of truth. The flowing garments need to be tucked in so that the legs are free to move.

a. Notice we are to tighten it. Truth should always be a part of our lives.

b. It will enable us to feel secure if our words are always true.

c. Without this belt of truth, the “breastplate of righteousness” will be inadequate.

3. The next item is the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate covers all of the vulnerable parts of our body: the lungs, intestines and heart.

a. Every breath we breathe should be filled with the right.

b. All that we take into our bodies should be right.

c. And above all our hearts need to be centered in righteousness.

4. The third item is our feet. He does not mention where we walk but what we wear—shod with peace. To seek as much as possible to live in peace (not stir up trouble). To have peace protecting us enabling us to walk unharmed. To leave our footprints of peace in the lives of others.

This is the beginning of victory. It comes from being prepared!

God, give to us the wisdom and power
To live each day, moment and hour
With truth surrounding all we do.
May our words be always true.

Let not the enemy find some spot
In our live where truth is not,
And may our armor be complete
With shoes of peace upon our feet.

And protect our hearts from sin’s seduction,
Our Breastplate keep us from earth’s reduction.
May we ingest that which will build us up
Until the war we win and the Victor’s Cup.

Rev. George Van Sandt

God's WORD for YOU and ME: Proverbs 18; Ezekiel 8-10; Hebrews 13

Great Quote: “Luther was right: the root behind all other manifestations of sin is compulsive unbelief—our voluntary darkness concerning God, ourselves, his relationship to the fallen world and his redemption purpose… If the fall occurred through embracing lies, the recovery process of salvation must center on faith in truth, reversing this condition.” Richard Lovelace, Renewal as a Way of Life

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